This is not exactly what the Catholic Church teaches. The once saved, always saved belief is a fairly recent invention by Calvin. As Catholics we understand our salvation can be lost by our own actions. God will not take our salvation away, but if we turn away from God and turn to the evil one and do not repent before death it is possible to go to hell. One other thing we as Catholics never do is make the determination of another’s destination at the time of death. Only God knows and only he makes the judgement.God gives his grace freely to all who have admitted their sin, believed, and confessed him as Lord. I do believe that this is the only requirement to salvation. If you are saved, you are a part of that body of Christ. A non catholic or a Catholic believer receives the Holy Spirit and is promised eternal life.
We are offered eternal life, but we must cooperate with God’s grace to receive it. It is not a one time deal, the cooperation goes on throughout our earthly life.
The body of Christ has splintered. The Catholic Church remains true and whole, when the Protestant churches decide to return to the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church, the splintered will be gone. We can not change what Jesus Christ gave as the deposit of faith for His Church to suit any church invented by man. The Catholic Church has 2000 years of history and an unbroken line of succession from the 12 Apostles to prove it’s truth.The body of Christ is not as it should be . It is broken and divided as is. I know that this may be contrary to what some or even most Catholics believe. However, this I believe is the truth.
Considering the bible was complied and made canon by the Catholic Church in the 4th century, using it as the sole source of what Jesus taught doesn’t make sense. Read John 21:25.I am open minded to seeking truth but I have closed my mind around this fact because I believe it is what Jesus taught and makes sense of biblical teaching.
For the very early years there wasn’t a “bible” to use to teach the people to be Christian. There was only oral tradition. The idea that the bible is the sole source of Christian teaching falls apart when the concept is looked at critically. Even the bible states it is not to be the only source of teaching the faith.