Just reaching out to be honest

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Switched off the miseducation of Cameron post. Movie on Netflix about a girl sent to gay conversion camp. I don’t agree with any of that but just really got bogged down in the fact that this is on some level what people see me as- a bigot who is deluding herself. I get that on some level every day . I’m in the uk. People of any faith are in the minority here. It just made me feel horrible.
We are not all bigots and yet people who don’t work with me (Catholic school) or go to my church think I am. Even close friends think I’m deluding myself. It’s hard to be the only catholic amongst family and close friends
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If you know you’re not deluding yourself, then that’s all that matters.
It’s honestly nobody else’s business but yours, and it’s not affecting other people, so if they’re getting bothered about it, I’d wonder why it was bothering them.

Anyway you have lots of brothers and sisters worldwide, and probably more in the UK than you’re seeing on a daily basis. People who know you also know you’re not a bigot just like they know I’m not a bigot and lots of clergy aren’t bigots. And it’s not like there aren’t agnostic and atheist bigots out there - I meet them every day.
It’s discouraging to feel like the outcast, isn’t it? I think those of us in the US have it easier because there are more people of faith here. Keep your eyes on the prize (heaven!) and maybe you will be a good example and help influence people positively! 😃
It’s hard to be the only catholic amongst family and close friends
Don’t let people make you think you’re the lone crackpot out there who believes in Catholicism (there are a billion of us worldwide), or who believes in traditional Christian morality.
A lot of people are scared to speak up about what they really think.
Also, we saw this same tactic by the media when they were pushing abortion—to make it sound like supporting it was the default position of “everyone”, making disagreers begin to doubt themselves…

It’s just a cheap trick
Persevere in faith and in good works and you will see your reward in heaven. Your friends and family, on the other hand…pray for them.
Thank you all. My mother was the only other family member who had faith and even she was Methodist not catholic. SIL is catholic but non practicing not been to mass in years etc etc. Got some Christian friends but not enough of them and certainly none that I socialise with. It’s nice to work in a catholic school as feel like ahhh this is how it SHOULD be. Hence why I love my job so much.
On one level, if you are Catholic in the US you still need to be very careful not to come across as a bigot or not sane. When you are not among family or friends, you need to be careful. In the wrong settings, it can bring a complete silence to a room. For example, somebody will ask you at a bar what you did today…I got up, went to mass, worked out, and now I’m here trying to have a drink, eat dinner and relax. However, the bar went dead silent, and heads turned and are staring at you at the “I went to mass” part. This stuff makes me pretty upset.

If I really like a place, I try to lay the groundwork that I’m not a bigot and I’m sane before even mentioning something about mass or my faith. Maybe I shouldn’t have to. I don’t know.

Like others have said, it is easier to be Catholic in the US. You go to mass, and you will see your friends, and co-workers. I converted, but much of my family is Catholic.
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Maybe it’s worth socializing a bit more with your Christian friends?
However, the bar went dead silent, and heads turned and are staring at you at the “I went to mass” part.
I grew up in a really Catholic area and nobody in the bars I frequent would bat an eye. Some of them would probably pull me aside and ask me to pray for them, it’s already happened.
They either live too far away or are too busy with their own lives. My only close Christian friend has two young kids and we see each other for a cuppa every couple months but that’s about it. I have never and will never socialise with colleagues because sadly you can never completely trust them
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Don’t let people make you feel you are deluding yourself or a bigot. My family thinks I am crazy because I want too become Catholic. All that matters is that you know you are not deluding yourself.
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