Just wanted to rant

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Here are a few screen shots of two really close friends’ responses after I posted something. Does anyone else deal with this? I live in a hugely secular society but dang 😦 gets me down at times. I have Christian friends but I also have to deal with comments and opinions like this. Am I being sensitive or are they being rude ? (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.) (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
Right ? I straight up told them I can’t do anything without Jesus and they’re like … no…
I guess you could tell her that she can’t say anything since she doesn’t know how it was, but that might be snarky.
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I can tell them this is the best thing they ever happened to me and they just would dismiss it and go ‘oh well that works for you , great ‘ and how do you go ‘look, you need this too’ without seeming preachy. Clearly my example as a friend isn’t enough. One of them is a Wiccan
You need to tell them their arguing this with you is not helpful or appreciated and if they don’t like your Jesus post they can scroll past it or hide it without saying anything, or unfriend you, but either way the issue is not up for discussion. If they persist in doing this after you’ve told them to stop, block 'em.

I am fortunate that my friends are tactful enough to just keep their anti-religious thoughts to themselves and/or post on their own social media and not barge onto mine with negatives. Such things aren’t well received by me. For my part, I try to limit my Jesus postings or make them humorous in some way so people don’t feel pushed.

Interestingly, I did discover a little cadre of Jesus believers on my Facebook when I started posting the occasional Jesus thing. Some of them were people I would have never thought fell in that category.
One of them is a Wiccan
Ask this person how they would feel if you went on their social media and trashed Wicca.
I straight up told them I can’t do anything without Jesus and they’re like … no…
LOL yeah, I told the same thing to an unbeliever after my hubs died and I was just waiting to see what they would do…I think it was kind of a “Back away slowly” moment because obviously they didn’t want to seem unsupportive. I could be wrong. But non-believers don’t understand about giving it all to Jesus. That’s okay, maybe one day they will. I just go on some pet groups and pray for people’s sick cats or dogs, everyone is always so happy to get a prayer there.
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I literally only post about Him overtly like this at Easter, Christmas and when times are tough. I SHOULD say that to her shouldn’t I. I’ve even wished her a happy Yule etc.
If people are rude to you, I guess you have to figure out how you want to respond. I think we are all accustomed to a lot of rudeness nowadays, but sometimes I think it helps to just acknowledge it for what it is.
How would you handle a friend being rude in person, I guess is the answer I would give you!
I think they get a charge out of being rude to you - - in front of other people!
Maybe just ask them “Why are you being rude to me?”, or you could say “please don’t be rude to me”, or even “it hurts my feelings when my friends are rude to me”.
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My first thought is that Jesus made people uncomfortable on earth and He still does as is proof here. This is proof that He’s real as people have actual fear at the name of Jesus this is proof. It may show itself as ‘really?’ Or ‘Jesus isn’t real’ or ‘ I did this myself’ or ‘you’ve been brainwashed’
Really close friends, as you describe them, SHOULD respect your beliefs and values even if they somewhat differ from their own.
I think they probably do but have a funny way of showing it. That way irritates me
OK then, so long as you don’t get too upset by their reactions.
Reading the responses, shows that they really do not have a full understanding of who Jesus is and what he means to us. Some cannot grasp the concept on how fully we trust in Our Lord in everything we do. They do not have the strong relationship with Our Lord Jesus like we do.

What I do see is recommendations to ‘pat’ yourself on your back (secular) for being such a strong person (the ego) rather than the belief that it is Our Lord who has been instrumental in keeping us strong.

I don’t feel that they are being rude, they just don’t know.

This is a strong and good prayer:
Lord Jesus! You, Who in the most bitter moments of Your passion showed an ardent thirst for souls, grant that we may share in this thirst. Give us the light to grow in the knowledge of Your word and grant us strength so that, by collaborating in preaching this word at every moment of our lives, we may bring to You, through Your holy Church, and the intercession of Your holy Mother, innumerable souls who live far from the truth.

Grant this so that with You, through You and in You, they may be reconciled to the Eternal Father, in union with whom, together with the Holy Spirit, You live and reign forever and ever.

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Well, I don’t try to hide my faith, but perhaps I am not as direct as you are as to what my faith means to me. Perhaps that is because I think each person finds significant meaning in different parts of scripture. It is not all the same for every person. What may have profound meaning to me, may not resonate with another person. That’s fine. I do try to listen to others. When I talk about faith, especially when friends or family bring it up who are not Christian, I try to target what I say so it will have the most impact. I’ve also found that gently challenging people can do more to convince others and goes much farther than simply stating what I believe and hoping others will be supportive.

Sometimes I get moments like this too :crazy_face:…
“Back away slowly” moment
Americans are a bit more used to their really religious fellow Americans…it might be harder in other parts of the world…
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are they being rude ?
No. They are just baffled because your post didn’t explain but just said “Jesus.” So much is implied by the name of Jesus and it went right over their heads.


To you the name of Jesus means so many things, and to them it is what? Maybe a statue, or something a preacher said, or a childhood story they feel they’ve outgrown. Be patient with your friends. They might get it someday.
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I’m American as apple pie and so are 90 percent of my friends. Believe me, they are not “used to it” and have plenty to complain about on their own blogs. They try to be nice to the handful of us friends of theirs they know are Jesus People mostly because we do nice things for them sometimes or in my case because I was widowed and had other deaths recently, and they figure “oh this Jesus fantasy is how she gets by.” But they personally think religion is as bad as Trump and that all religious people are bigots or anti-woman. I do have American friends who regularly blow their stack on their own blogs about the amount of God postings they have to read on Facebook, and one who posted Richard Dawkins pretty incessantly for years, fortunately the person switched over to hating on Trump instead.
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