Just wanted to rant

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Unfortunately, I do tend to sometimes be in that boat. I have friends that come from different backgrounds, Catholic, non-catholic Christians, secular and one Jewish friend (kinda, we don’t talk much, but I still consider him a friend.) But it is usually my secular friends that tend to challenge Christianity and the beliefs.

I also understand some of my secular friends have been hurt by their religion in the past, it has kinda pushed them away from their faith, so knowing this, it helps me think of proper ways to evangelize without causing any more rifts. Kinda broke my heart when my secular friend told me if he knew Christians like me growing up, he probably still be one today. So, I pray for them when I can and be that example.
Yeah, I have had some atheist friends from the Bible Belt whose experience of religion was basically parents or grands or aunts/uncles telling them they were going to go to Hell if they didn’t go to church and accept Jesus. Not real constructive. They don’t understand Catholic culture in heavily Catholic areas, how all the neighborhood kids went to the same church or school and we generally weren’t lectured about Hell. They didn’t grow up with any Catholics around, much less a neighborhood full of them, and all they know about the Church comes from news reports on molesting priests. Talking to these people is like talking to space aliens.
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I actually feel you nailed it here. A lot of secular people do not understand the Christian perspective. Even though it sounds like they are being disrespectful to Jesus, what I think they are actually doing is trying to give you props for overcoming your struggles. They really aren’t saying it the way it sounds to you. Secular people think that the credit for overcoming problems is the person themselves and fail to understand that you think differently…

I have a problem with someone crediting Jesus every time I hear a Christian doing so…why can’t someone take credit for overcoming their own problems. It took me a while to understand. You could try a general post about how and why you credit your faith rather than yourself and some of them may understand…some probably never will. All you can do is continue giving thanks where you feel it should go and try to be understanding that some just don’t get it.
The responses sound like a back-handed compliment and also a slight to Jesus at the same time. These people sound unchurched, and not able to reply in a genuine, kind, caring way, although I think they are trying.

Sometimes you have to drop certain friends and keep the good ones. Also, I’m sorry you lost your dad recently. And your mom at some point. I get the sense that you are too young to be without parents.
Hugs dear.
Just remember that people are on a different wavelength than you, and at a different place in their spiritual journey.

Could you live without FB? If I were you, I would certainly try it. It’s got your internals tied up in knots.

For what?
I was pondering this same thing, being surrounded by secular people some Christian Catholic or nones…its difficult. then I came upon your post. I will share something written by Fr Gerald, a Cistercian monk . here is truth.
Wow- they are being rude. I would ignore and limit your contact with those people or try to be an example to them. It looks like it is only 1 or 2 people right? I follow one girl who will make posts about her relationship with Jesus or thank Him when an audition goes well and people (usually rare) but do sometimes comment negatively and she responds tastefully and stands true to her convictions. Some people are just so lost, but do not let that discourage you- that is the enemy. You are in the right.
I don’t think they are being rude. They are saying you’re a strong person and giving you a compliment.

If they see you go through difficult things and remain a strong person, that is evangelization in itself.

If you want to post anything of your faith in Jesus, be prepared for a lot worse than this. This is no where near being harassed or ridiculed. I see this as very polite even though they have a different outlook on life.

When a person thinks that Jesus is like a lucky rabbit’s foot, or that special baseball hat that when I wear it, we win a game, understand where they are. For yourself, you are like the one in the gospel, throwing out seeds. Some land on hard soil, some in the weeds, some on good soil. Make a decision to continue to throw the seeds and don’t worry about the soil that is their heart. God is looking out for them and using you in this little part of their journey.
For yourself, you are like the one in the gospel, throwing out seeds. Some land on hard soil, some in the weeds, some on good soil. Make a decision to continue to throw the seeds and don’t worry about the soil that is their heart. God is looking out for them and using you in this little part of their journey.
Awesome insights there!
These sorts of memes present the “prosperity gospel” or the “health and wealth gospel”. This is a dangerous teaching that if you have enough of the right kind of faith, if you love Jesus enough, you will be healthy and wealthy.

The flip side is that those who cannot cope, who have maybe an emotional or mental breakdown, that they are not loving Jesus right, do not have the right faith, maybe Jesus does not like them. I was raised around this teaching, had I stayed there, I would have been a raging atheist today.

So, think about the undertone, read between the lines before posting memes. They can harm our witness to people.
Wow- they are being rude.
giving you a compliment
This happens a lot in life. 2 people looking at the same thing.
Imagine the red and white rays coming from the heart of Jesus and put those irritating things there and move on. I know when someone says something, I can think on it over and over. Don’t do that. When you realize that’s going on in your brain, remember Jesus, and offer it to him, and move along. It sounds like though you’ve been through a lot and know how Jesus is holding your hand through it all. God bless.
It seems like a subtle attempt to deconvert you using compliments. That’s the essential difference between the secular and Christian worldview: one is self-centered, the other is Christ-centered. I like the meme you posted (and agree with it), but I think their reactions should be taken to you in person. If they are good friends I would say, “Let’s talk about this and I can tell you what I mean,” something like that. The Wiccan may be more difficult to discuss this with than your typical agnostic or atheist, though, but no one is beyond the reach of grace.

It’s not either us alone or Christ — it’s a team effort. Although we could say because Christ is God and God made us then all our gratitude should return to the source.
Had I thought that’s how come it came across I would not have posted it. I wanted to let people know that the reason I am coping is Jesus and hopefully they might think that is something which is available for them in their hour of need
To me Christianity gives peace. It doesn’t necessarily give happiness, wealth, health, etc. It seems like that is what you were saying (i.e. that Christianity gives you peace), but like @TheLittleLady said many people who are Christian preach something else.
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There is this non Dom church in my town and my previously non believing friend has started going and they had what I am pretty sure was a prosperity gospel type speaker there. She loves going but I largely think it offers her a chance to socialise that as a single mum she doesn’t normally have. I keep telling her just concentrate on Jesus and the Bible and take the other stuff with a pinch of salt.
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I know, but, to others it may come across differently. This is why “memes” are not always a good tool for evangelization.
Oh well it is too late now. I just hope God uses it for His glory. I am going to take it down as I think that will cause more questions for the folk who posted
You might find a quote from St Pope John Paul II about the beauty of suffering to post 🙂 That is the remedy to prosperity gospel.
I meant I felt for the man who started the post because it seems his “friends” whom he was disappointed in were casting judgement on him for expressing his faith. I was trying to comfort him. Sorry you took that in a different way. I was trying to express support I guess my simple post was not interpreted in that way. Not about my own situation I was responding to the main post. I have not experienced this.
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