Why and when recourse to war is permissible.
This comes from the Challenge of Peace issued by the US Bishops in 1983.It raises a number of questions. For example does invading a country which permits UN weapons inspectors to do their work constitute exhausting al peaceful alternatives.
Irrelevantly I should point out that properly speaking you can only ever have one alternative- thats a grammitical point not a theological one
a) Just Cause: War is permissible only to confront "a real and certain danger," i.e., to protect innocent life, to preserve conditions necessary for decent human existence, and to basic human rights. . . .
b) Competent Authority: In the Catholic tradition the right to use force has always been joined to the common good; war must be declared by those with responsibility for public order, not by private groups or individuals. . . .
c) Comparative Justice: . . . .he question in its most basic form is this: do the rights and values involved justify killing?. . .
d) Right Intention: Right intention is related to just cause - war can be legitimately intended only for the reasons set forth above as a just cause. . . .
e) Last Resort. For resort to war to be justified, all peaceful alternatives must have been exhausted. . . .
f) Probability of Success. This criterion to apply, but its purpose is to prevent irrational resort to force or hopeless resistance when the outcome of either will clearly be disproportionate or futile. The determination includes a recognition that at times defense of key values, even against great odds, may be a "proportionate" witness. . . .
g) Proportionality: In terms of the "jus ad bellum" criteria, proportionality means that the damage to be inflicted and the costs incurred by war must be proportionate to the good expected by taking up arms. . . .
[The Challenge of Peace](http://www.osjspm.org/cst/cp.htm), #85 - 99
Irrelevantly I should point out that properly speaking you can only ever have one alternative- thats a grammitical point not a theological one