Kanye West Poses as Jesus for Rolling Stone Magazine

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Just curious, is it any more offensive than the Shakira advertisement running right next to the article…?
In no way do I mean to defend him, because I too think it is offensive. However, I think I understand why Rolling Stone chose to make a reference to Jesus with the photo of Kanye West …

It is because Kanye West himself sings (raps) about Him (Jesus) … and in quite a positive way.

West’s most popular/powerful song is called “Jesus Walks” and is about how he refuses to go the way of so many “gansta rappers.” How instead, he prays to Jesus for the strength to be better than that. Here are some of the lyrics (the song is quite powerful):

To the hustlers, killers, murderers, drug dealers even the strippers
(Jesus walks with them)
To the victims of welfare feel we living in hell here, hell yea
(Jesus walks with them)
Now hear Ye hear Ye wanna see Thee more clearly
I know He hear me when my feet get weary
Cause we’re the almost nearly extinct
We rappers are role models we rap we don’t think
I ain’t here to argue about his facial features
Or here to convert atheists into believers
I’m just tryin to say the way school need teachers
The way Kathy Lee needed Regis that’s the way I need Jesus
So here go my single dawg radio needs this
They said you can rap about anything except for Jesus
That means guns, sex, lies, video tape
But if I talk about God my record won’t get played huh
Well if this take away from my spins
Which will probably take away from my ends
Then I hope it take away from sins
And bring the day that I’m dreamin about:
Next time I’m in the club everybody screamin out

(Jesus Walks)
God show me the way because the devil try to break me down
(Jesus Walks with me)
The only thing that I pray is that my feet don’t fail me now
(Jesus Walks)
And I don’t think there’s nothing I can do to right my wrong

Again, I’m not trying to defend the photo. But in this context, I understand why they did it. I think Kanye West could be one of those rare pop stars brave enough to make an example of himself by drawing a line in the sand, and saying “Hey, listen, I’m a Christian and I refuse to hide it. I’m gonna shout it from the rooftops. Follow me in doing so.”

Anyway, that’s just my 1-1/2 cents is all. God bless.
Incidentally, I also will not defend the awful line “like Kathy Lee need Regis, that’s the way I need Jesus” … that’s just bad poetry. But really, how many words rhyme with “Jesus”?

… jus’ sayin’.
In no way do I mean to defend him, because I too think it is offensive. However, I think I understand why Rolling Stone chose to make a reference to Jesus with the photo of Kanye West …

It is because Kanye West himself sings (raps) about Him (Jesus) … and in quite a positive way.

West’s most popular/powerful song is called “Jesus Walks” and is about how he refuses to go the way of so many “gansta rappers.” How instead, he prays to Jesus for the strength to be better than that. Here are some of the lyrics (the song is quite powerful):

To the hustlers, killers, murderers, drug dealers even the strippers
(Jesus walks with them)
To the victims of welfare feel we living in hell here, hell yea
(Jesus walks with them)
Now hear Ye hear Ye wanna see Thee more clearly
I know He hear me when my feet get weary
Cause we’re the almost nearly extinct
We rappers are role models we rap we don’t think
I ain’t here to argue about his facial features
Or here to convert atheists into believers
I’m just tryin to say the way school need teachers
The way Kathy Lee needed Regis that’s the way I need Jesus
So here go my single dawg radio needs this
They said you can rap about anything except for Jesus
That means guns, sex, lies, video tape
But if I talk about God my record won’t get played huh
Well if this take away from my spins
Which will probably take away from my ends
Then I hope it take away from sins
And bring the day that I’m dreamin about:
Next time I’m in the club everybody screamin out

(Jesus Walks)
God show me the way because the devil try to break me down
(Jesus Walks with me)
The only thing that I pray is that my feet don’t fail me now
(Jesus Walks)
And I don’t think there’s nothing I can do to right my wrong

Again, I’m not trying to defend the photo. But in this context, I understand why they did it. I think Kanye West could be one of those rare pop stars brave enough to make an example of himself by drawing a line in the sand, and saying “Hey, listen, I’m a Christian and I refuse to hide it. I’m gonna shout it from the rooftops. Follow me in doing so.”

Anyway, that’s just my 1-1/2 cents is all. God bless.
“The way Kathy Lee needed Regis, That’s they way I need Jesus.” AAAlrighty.
:confused: :whistle: :rolleyes:
just curious why is it so offensive? how does it differ from the guy who played Christ in “the passion?”

is there more to it than just the picture? I don’t understand why its offensive?

is it always offensive when someone portrays Jesus? If so than okay, I can understand where you are coming from, but is it because its Kanye West?
Jim Caviezel is a good christian man, with high morals. He spoke at our church back in may, so I know this for a fact.
For someone like Kanye West to pose as Jesus is very offensive. I’m not sure if you reaf the whole artible, but it says towards the end that in the interview he states that he is addicted to pornography. And that isn’t offensive? Also, can he be any more in love with himself?
Yes, there is a big difference between Jim Caviezel playing Jesus in ‘The Passion’ (and doing a beautiful job), and a porn addicted rapper posing as him.

It seems to me that we all have certain vices or addictions we wish to free ourselves from. Pornography is merely one of the many that millions of people (many of them Christians) find themselves addicted to.

As your monicker suggests, surely you have claimed yourself a child of God. I am right there with you. For I too believe myself a child of God. But I also say Mr. West is a child of God. His addiction to pornography doesn’t change that. Just as my own sinfulness will never change that. So long as I have a repentant heart. And I am not willing to believe that Kanye West doesn’t also have a repentant heart. But supposing he doesn’t, wouldn’t we all be better off praying for the man rather than judging him?

I hope you see my point. Rather than be offended by a photoshoot he was involved in (honestly, he was most likely art-directed by somebody with the magazine … for I’m willing to bet responsibility for the photo is more on the shoulders of the Rolling Stone photographer than it is on Kanye West), we should be open to the possibility that his declaration of faith has affected the lives of youth (and even adults) who otherwise might not have found the strength to believe.
No matter what the lyrics say, this is just disgusting. I hope that Catholic League gets on this soon…
I know my sins, and am very sorry for them. But from what I was reading, he does not seem to repent of his addiction. Immoraltiy is still a sin, and lust falls under the category of immorality.
He has my prayers 100%, just like Lindsay Lohan had my prayers when she posed half naked wearing a rosary. But I still feel that it is wrong for someone like Kanye West who doesn’t seem sorry for having a porn addiction to pose as our savior.
And I also don’t think that someone like Kanye West would let a photographer tell him he has to pose as Jesus.
just curious why is it so offensive? how does it differ from the guy who played Christ in “the passion?”
I think it is because EVERYONE knows that Jesus was not black.

A white guy in a movie… oh yeah that’s ok.
I really don’t see this a s a racial issue. I love Bono, but if he went out an posed as Jesus I would be livid.
I just don’t see th point of anyone posing as Jesus for a magazine, that just does not seem to be respectful.
Jim Caviezel really put his soul into playing Jesus in the passion. He showed nothing but respect for the one he was portraying.
I just think that posing as Jesus for a magazine cover is just a cry for attention. And to me it doesn’t matter if the person is black or white, it just seems wrong either way.
I think it is because EVERYONE knows that Jesus was not black.

A white guy in a movie… oh yeah that’s ok.
What does race have to do with this? I cannot believe someone would believe I posted this because I had a problem with Jesus being portrayed by a Black man. If you think his portrayal of Jesus is okay, then fine but don’t PLEASE don’t make it a race issue.
I found it offensive for the same reasons Child of God stated.
I found it offensive that Wilhelm Defoe portrayed our Lord in the Last Temptation of Christ.
I think there is a profound difference between “representing” Jesus by playing the part of Jesus in a movie (especially an authentic movie like the Passion), and presenting *yourself * as Jesus.

We all have crosses to bear for sure, but it is pretty prideful to equate ourselves with Jesus. And that’s what I see in this photo. I just don’t think it’s very respectful. But what do we really expect from *Rolling Stone * magazine?
Who knows, maybe sales were falling. There are so many music mags out there now (and RS is no longer one of the most respected), maybe they wanted to shake things up a bit.

You gotta figure Rolling Stone knew this would cause controversy and welcomed it with open arms. Next month they’ll probably go back to images of half-naked women.
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