Kanye West Poses as Jesus for Rolling Stone Magazine

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I think it is because EVERYONE knows that Jesus was not black.

A white guy in a movie… oh yeah that’s ok.
I believe that child_of_God85 expressed the reasons this is offensive the best. Why is Kanye West, a sinner like us just posing in a photo for a magazine cover as our Lord who was without sin? Jim Cavizel, as already posted, respectfully portrayed our Lord in a movie to portray his life, NOT to compare himself in any way TO OUR LORD . It appears to me that Kanye West is trying to make a comparison to Our Lord and himself. That is what the problem is. It’s quite obvious to me. And may I add that those that just throw around the Race Card are usually devoid of any intelligent thoughts on a subject, that is why Race is brought into it.:nope: Race has nothing to do with this topic.
I think it is because EVERYONE knows that Jesus was not black.

A white guy in a movie… oh yeah that’s ok.
could you scream racism ANY louder. and Jesus was NOT white either. so thats a misrepresentation too. and second of all its not okay. in your opinion maybe. but I really wish that sometimes non-blacks would sometimes thing of the things they say when it pertains to race. very offensive for the comment that you made. i know that when i have children i would rather have them identify with a black jesus than have them look at a blue eyed blonde haired Christ. no more than do you want to show your child a BLACK Jesus do i want to show mine a WHITE Jesus. period. so for you to say what you just said, seems to racist IMHO. it just does. yes he was a Jew, but his skin color we do not know. so for one to have a Black Jesus vs. a White one…well thats preference. it doesnt’ make it right or wrong. doesn’t matter what he looked like anyways. but for some sarcasm for you…EVERYONE doesn’t know. and to me, you just don’t want him to be, becuse it would be so hard to bow down to a BLACK man in this country. but he wasn’t white either.

It seems to me that we all have certain vices or addictions we wish to free ourselves from. Pornography is merely one of the many that millions of people (many of them Christians) find themselves addicted to.

Granted a lot of people suffer the horrors of various addictions but IMO porn isn’t one of them. An affinity for porn is not an addiction, rather, it is a character flaw. It is the inability to reign in and subdue the lustful and carnal desires of our fallen human state. It is a character flaw that can be healed and repaired by the blood of Christ- I know, I have been there.

Bella’s comment was out of line, yes. But how is what you say:

“no more than do you want to show your child a BLACK Jesus do i want to show mine a WHITE Jesus. period.”

any less offensive … any less malicious than Bella’s post?

Please … let us all try to ACT a little more like Jesus than let the color of His skin become a divisive topic among faithful believers. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ … not in color. Let His spirit steady your soul.

Bella’s comment was out of line, yes. But how is what you say:

“no more than do you want to show your child a BLACK Jesus do i want to show mine a WHITE Jesus. period.”

any less offensive … any less malicious than Bella’s post?

Please … let us all try to ACT a little more like Jesus than let the color of His skin become a divisive topic among faithful believers. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ … not in color. Let His spirit steady your soul.
my point was to show that blacks view and whites view on Christ is different but neither wrong nor right. but no one wants to be forced or pushed to have Jesus portrayed anything than what he was Jewish. but we get so tied up, and I can include myself in this, that Jesus was this color or this color, but to say he wasn’t Black, what? We all are God’s children, decended from Adam and Eve, so we share something in common, so he’s just as much black as he would be white. and one day, just as the depict Christ as white, why can he not be depicted as Black too? If Mel GIbson had picked a Black man, even one of “fair” skin, there would have been outrage. Why not so with a man who clearly isn’t Jewish? It’s acceptable because’s he’s white? As a Black woman I think not.
could you scream racism ANY louder. and Jesus was NOT white either. so thats a misrepresentation too. and second of all its not okay. in your opinion maybe. but I really wish that sometimes non-blacks would sometimes thing of the things they say when it pertains to race. very offensive for the comment that you made. i know that when i have children i would rather have them identify with a black jesus than have them look at a blue eyed blonde haired Christ. no more than do you want to show your child a BLACK Jesus do i want to show mine a WHITE Jesus. period. so for you to say what you just said, seems to racist IMHO. it just does. yes he was a Jew, but his skin color we do not know. so for one to have a Black Jesus vs. a White one…well thats preference. it doesnt’ make it right or wrong. doesn’t matter what he looked like anyways. but for some sarcasm for you…EVERYONE doesn’t know. and to me, you just don’t want him to be, becuse it would be so hard to bow down to a BLACK man in this country. but he wasn’t white either.
I was going to respond to this at length, but have decided to hold my tongue. Suffice it to say ReflectHim that you should do some more history studies. And, I will go one better than the second to last sentance in your post- If Connie Rice runs for prez, she has this white man’s vote! There ya go, a white man voting for a black woman to be the prez of the most powerful nation in the world. 🙂
Ok, sorry, couldn’t leave it alone. Just had to point out that some Jews are in fact blonde haired and blue eyed. Also, Christ was Galilean Jew or a Nazarene- most likely not blonde haired and blue eyed but with more Caucsoid features than Negroid features- from a forensic standpoint. The shroud of Turin lends credibility to this as do the historical paintings and depictions. Granted, modern paintings depict a much different looking Christ. Just as one gets a better view of what the Church looked like right after Christ’s death by reading the early fathers, one would get a truer sense of what Christ actually looked like by looking at the earliest depictions.

If I could figure out how to attach a picture I would attach an example. Someone let me know how to do this. Thanks!
This whole Idea of JESUS being a black man is a recent fad…since the time of the apostles he has been painted with brown straight hair and a beard.He’s Jewish…not african…not Scottish…not German…he’s Jewish.Take a look at thirty year old Jewish men in Israel and he would look similar to them,He most likely had all the semetic features… bigger nose and all.Also while Jim C was acting as JESUS he said he wanted to be “Squeeky clean” he went to confession and received the Eucharist on a daily basis…He was humble and showed reverence.
And if anyone see’s race involved in this…Whites are Gentiles they are not Jews…Jews i guess are considered caucasion in todays society but In the bible there is a definate distinction between Jews and gentiles.The only group that can legitimately say that he is from them is the Jews…He definately didn’t look like Kanye West that is for sure, at least Jim C tried to look Jewish.
Goodness people, it was a PICTURE. I don’t even like Kanye West.

Where was the outrage when the white Jesus appeared on “Book of Daniel” with the ugly fake beard?

Why is ok for a good looking white guy to play the part of Jesus in the Mel Gibson film?

Race is an issue when it’s ok for one and not the other.
Goodness people, it was a PICTURE. I don’t even like Kanye West.

Where was the outrage when the white Jesus appeared on “Book of Daniel” with the ugly fake beard?

Why is ok for a good looking white guy to play the part of Jesus in the Mel Gibson film?

Race is an issue when it’s ok for one and not the other.
Excuse me??? There was a HUGE uproar about the character of Jesus in the Book of Daniel.

Folks, I can’t believe the poor arguments for the outrageous claim of racism I’m reading here. This has absolutely nothing to do with race. It’s a big deal ANYTIME someone poses as Jesus with questionable intentions. It wouldn’t matter one iota if Kanye were lily white.
sea oat:
Excuse me??? There was a HUGE uproar about the character of Jesus in the Book of Daniel.

Folks, I can’t believe the poor arguments for the outrageous claim of racism I’m reading here. This has absolutely nothing to do with race. It’s a big deal ANYTIME someone poses as Jesus with questionable intentions. It wouldn’t matter one iota if Kanye were lily white.
Amen Amen! If Eminem posed as Christ on the same cover, I would be just as turned off…
Goodness people, it was a PICTURE. I don’t even like Kanye West.

Where was the outrage when the white Jesus appeared on “Book of Daniel” with the ugly fake beard?

Why is ok for a good looking white guy to play the part of Jesus in the Mel Gibson film?

Race is an issue when it’s ok for one and not the other.
Goodness! You making it such a BIG deal when it’s not!

Mel tried to do his film as REALISTIC as possible and that includes the character Jesus. True that we don’t know how Jesus looked like but LIKELY he looked Jewish than any other race if the Bible is anything to go by. And you can’t just pick any actor to play Jesus. He has to have some kind of credentials to begin with. Can you think of a better person to play Jesus than Jim? We all like Jim as a person. You know any actor who is devout a Christian as Jim? And Jim did make a good Jesus, in look and character don’t you think?

You make is sound like Mel is racist and your criticism is unfounded! :tsktsk:
Since we’ve somehow got on the subject of racism :confused: … isn’t Kanye West the guy who went off during the Katrina Relief Pledge show saying that “President Bush doesn’t care about black people?”

Talk about a racist.
Goodness! You making it such a BIG deal when it’s not!

Mel tried to do his film as REALISTIC as possible and that includes the character Jesus. True that we don’t know how Jesus looked like but LIKELY he looked Jewish than any other race if the Bible is anything to go by. And you can’t just pick any actor to play Jesus. He has to have some kind of credentials to begin with. Can you think of a better person to play Jesus than Jim? We all like Jim as a person. You know any actor who is devout a Christian as Jim? And Jim did make a good Jesus, in look and character don’t you think?

You make is sound like Mel is racist and your criticism is unfounded! :tsktsk:
I don’t like Mel Gibson either, but something tells me if he posed the same way in Rolling Stone, there would be a lot of happy Catholics…BTW… when did I say Mel is a racist. I never listen to what he has to say…

Lighten up folks… it’s just a picture. If you don’t like it don’t buy it…It certainly didn’t make me want to rush out and buy Kanye’s records. If it had been Mel Gibson, I still would not rush to his movies… In my book they are the same. And Caviezel is just an actor who said he was devout to get the part. If he showed up an any churches it was part of a press junket. I think Adrian Brody would have been a better Jesus.
carol marie:
Since we’ve somehow got on the subject of racism :confused: … isn’t Kanye West the guy who went off during the Katrina Relief Pledge show saying that “President Bush doesn’t care about black people?”

Talk about a racist.
The cynic in me thinks this is the real reason for the “Kanye as Jesus” cover. Kanye received a lot of heat for that comment, and NBC even dropped the comment from their west coast airing, much to the chagrin of a lot of people who agreed with West: “Here is one of the most intelligent young black men in music today, and people want to hear what he has to say! There are some very important, very insightful things that only someone like Kanye can say about Mr. Bush, and NBC censored him!!” (Note: this is taken word-for-word from a middle-aged African-American woman I saw interviewed on TV about the whole affair)

So now we have Kanye West, a Man with a Message (like Jesus), who has important things to tell us (like Jesus), and is being “crucified” (like Jesus) by the current leadership of his country for “speaking truth to power”. Of course, ignore the fact that President Bush hasn’t even given West’s remarks the dignity of a response. But if anyone picks up a microphone to defend President Bush and criticise Kanye West then, why, that’s evidence of a “larger truth” that the people in power consider West a threat.

Oh, and Karl Rove called me late last night and told me to make this post. 😉

[ranting off]
When Jim Caviezel spoke at my church it was not for the press, or to promote the passion. It was for the celebration of the eucharist.
I do not believe even for a second that he only said he was a devout Catholic to get the part. As it is, the part was offered to him. I heard him speak in person, and those were the words of a truely devout Catholic.
And I would be greatly upset to see Mel Gibson pose as Jesus. Like someone else said, posing as Jesus on the cover of a magazine is basically comparing ones self to Jesus.
joey(name removed by moderator):
Does anyone else find this as offensive as I do?
The difference is that Jesus took on suffering for the good of humanity. Kanye West’s suffering “if you can call it that” is for his own personal benefit.

Christ was guilty of nothing. Kanye West is guilty of offending about 58% of the American population. (the other 42% either don’t know or don’t care, sadly).
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