Keep Carter Out of Lebanon

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Mr. See-No-Evil, Hear-No-Evil and Speak-No-Evil – at least when it comes to totalitarian police states.

Carter has personally placed his seal of approval as an “impartial,” international election monitor on the following elections:
  • The first Palestinian vote of 1996, in which Yasser Arafat claimed 88 percent of the vote running against an unknown woman. He was joined there by election observers from pillars of self-government such as China, Egypt and Jordan. Carter certified Arafat as the legitimate winner of the election and declared on the basis of his omniscience that the will of the people had been expressed.
  • In 2003, Carter was in Nigeria to observe the re-election of President Olusegun Obasanjo. By sheer coincidence, Carter’s good friend Andrew Young, a former Cabinet member in his administration, happened to be on the payroll of Obasanjo. Young profited immensely and personally from the relationship, including taking commissions from the purchase of the president’s executive jet. Young was known as Obasanjo’s gatekeeper. Nigerians seeking political appointments were forced to travel to Atlanta to court Young’s approval. Carter himself was a personal friend of Obasanjo.
  • More recently, Carter oversaw the Venezuelan national elections won by Fidel Castro wannabee Hugo Chavez, a supporter of Iran and international terrorism. Even though there were widespread claims of irregularities in the vote, Carter put his blessing on it.
"…I raise all this history about Carter and election monitoring because this phony – this morally bankrupt, international fixer – is being sought by the Syrian-backed regime in Lebanon to “observe” the important national elections in May.

In fact, Premier-Designate Omar Karami reversed Lebanon’s official rejection of international observers to monitor the parliamentary elections in the spring once he and his Syrian friends learned Carter was available for the job.

Likewise, Syria knows it has nothing to worry about with Carter on the job.

Carter, the man who pulled the rug out from under the shah of Iran and paved the way for Tehran’s mullah regime, is getting ready to put the fix in again for the Syrian-backed and mullah-backed puppets in Lebanon.

The Lebanese people must reject Carter as an international observer. He is not a sincere voice for free and fair elections. He is a political operative with an agenda of his own.

In 1980, facing election defeat at the hands of Ronald Reagan, documents found in the Soviet archives show a desperate Carter sought the Kremlin’s help in securing his second term…"
In 1980, facing election defeat at the hands of Ronald Reagan, documents found in the Soviet archives show a desperate Carter sought the Kremlin’s help in securing his second term…"
Can you tell me what these documents were and where I can find them now?

On the Chavez vote the US ambassador to the OAS said this
The results of that referendum, which allowed Chavez to remain in office, “speak for themselves,” as do the conclusions set forth in the OAS and the Carter Center evaluation of the results, said Maisto. The OAS and the Atlanta-based Carter Center (headed by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter) served as impartial observers of the referendum.
On the 1996 elections in occupied Palestine the Institute for the Study of Modern Israel
What kinds of conclusions can be reached about the conduct of these elections? Overall, it would be fair to say that as a transitional election, its technical preparation was excellent and its conduct was very good. Civic education projects undertaken in the months prior to the election by many non-governmental organizations, such as the National Democratic Institute, paid off with high voter interest, knowledge about the democratic process, and political participation. Procedures for carrying out the election were most often executed with great precision. On the other side of the ledger, council candidates, like Hanan Ashrawi, who had been the spokesperson for the Palestinian delegation to the 1991 Madrid Middle East peace conference, complained impassionedly that those candidates who were associated with Arafat and the pre-existing Palestinian Authority had an upper-hand as “incumbents” in access to the media, press coverage, and in using their perks of office. There were irregularities in the tabulation of results, but they apparently Were not systematic, deliberate, or officially-sanctioned; rather, they had to do with the lack of experience or knowledge about how to transmit election results or how to do so in a timely fashion to District and Central Election offices. It appears that in less than 5 percent of the Council races did the tabulation of results have a direct impact upon who was to be seated in the Council. No comparisons could be made to the violence exhibited in the first round of the Egyptian national elections held last November, where more than 20 civilians died and dozens more were injured.
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