i’ve read the numerous posts about keeping ones maiden name…i’m in the same situation…i wanted to keep my maiden name, but my fiance really didn’t like the idea…he feels as though it creates a separation between us or we’re not united as one…but i’d like to keep it for professional reasons (i’m an attorney). so our agreement was that i’d make my maiden name (i.e. smith) my middle name since i don’t have a maiden name and take his last name (i.e. jones) so then i’d become Jane Smith Jones or Jane S. Jones. I wouldn’t really write out smith too often or only when asked. Now, for those that have made their maiden names their middle names, how do you sign your name? what consequences does this pose or anything else you can offer as advice? I presented this compromise to my family and they went through the roof!!! they were not pleased at all…i know i’m creating a life w/ my fiance and we should do what is best for the two of us, but its difficult when your family plays such an important role in your life. They feel as though since I was a Smith while going through law school, I should keep smith jones in the professional world, but how many people sign their names using their middle name??? (i.e jane smith jones)
any advice/(name removed by moderator)ut would be greatly appreciated!!!
any advice/(name removed by moderator)ut would be greatly appreciated!!!