Kent Hovind vs. the Catholic Church

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It is important to note that this is not the same meaning as the Mormonic meaning, and is an Apostolic teaching as I just found out.

The Church means, not that we will become God, but we will become gods, in the sense that we will partake in divine nature, not ever will we be equal to God. I suggest you read the Catehchism itself, before listening to others.
But weren’t we created gods already? I mean, we are said to be created in his image…
I think maybe you mean that we become gods who are made (through Christ) to be more God-like (objectively, rather than subjectively speaking…) ?
I most certainly do not believe in the Catechism, but Kent Hovind said that the Catechism says that we will become God. I thought Mormons only believed in that. Of course, I do not believe this, but here is the claim.

It is on 5:55 - 6:15 on the video.
Have u read the catechism & if so, exactly what is it that you disagree with?
You must not be Catholic…
The catechism does not say we become God - if it does, i certainly haven’t seen anything remotely like it & i’ve read most of it…
People misinterpret the Catechism just like they misinterpret the Bible & a lot of other things…
Have u read the catechism & if so, exactly what is it that you disagree with?
You must not be Catholic…
The catechism does not say we become God - if it does, i certainly haven’t seen anything remotely like it & i’ve read most of it…
People misinterpret the Catechism just like they misinterpret the Bible & a lot of other things…
In this thread, I expressed skepticism of Hovind’s interpretation of the Catechism. I know better than to trust “Dr.” Kent Hovind on scientific matters, and I most certainly do not trust his interpretation of Catholic doctrine.

Yes, your intuition is indeed correct as I do not accept the tenets of Catholicism. I follow the same religion as Ash Ketchum.
I most certainly do not believe in the Catechism, but Kent Hovind said that the Catechism says that we will become God. I thought Mormons only believed in that. Of course, I do not believe this, but here is the claim.

It is on 5:55 - 6:15 on the video.
Who is this guy you say you believe in? I/’;ve never heard of him.
<< What was that supposed to mean? Since he knows little about evolution, he knows less about the Catholic Church? >>

You got it. I repeat: Kent Hovind knows WAY MORE about geology, biology, astronomy and physics than he does Catholic doctrine. 😃

The “man become God” quote in the Catechism (from St. Athanasius and others) is standard Catholic doctrine called "divinization" or Theosis
in the east. But Kent Hovind does not know that because he knows way more about evolution. :rolleyes:

Phil PBut he knows diddly about rendering to Caesar what is Caesar’s. News article.

Google search results.
BTW…that video referencing the “become God” propaganda is total bunk! Go back and look at the quote that he uses. Right at the bottom of it look at who he cites as his source and thanks… Jack Chick:bigyikes: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :whacky:

An n-C guy I knew talked me into watching it and barely 5 minutes into it he’s bashing us and saying we are like the Mormons in that we (supposedly) share that belief. I said, “Hold it!” and paused the tape and checked his CCC reference because I knew for a fact that he was dead wrong.

The great thing is that if the person has God-given brain cell one they’ll get out the CCC and do like I did. Look up the quoted passage and read the context. Put into context, his whole allegation falls apart and makes him look like the biased anti-Catholic that he is.

Yeah, he’s probably going to federal prison and possibly with his wife. I don’t understand how people can give credence to guys like this. Just because he’s a preacher with an agenda doesn’t mean that he knows what he’s talking about. (And some a-Cs allege that we Catholics don’t think for ourselves…:rolleyes: )
Shame on me for being almost ten years late here, on the eve of a new trial for Kent Hovind where he faces more disproportionate jail time for ridiculous alleged bad use of the jail mail system (!!).
But the fact is that I only heard about him some days ago.
For the question about “man becoming God”, I understand this could be difficult for a non catholic to accept, and it would be interesting to strengthen the biblical argumentation to help them believe.

As for Kent Hovind himself, though he’s got some wrong views on Catholicism, I think on Creation he’s simply right and powerful, and perfectly catholic. I think Catholics should back him and use him against evolution.
That’s why I want to say to those who rejoiced of his sentencing: Are you crazy sons of Israel ? Should we condemn a son of Israel without thoroughly investigate the case ?

I believe Kent Hovind’s literal interpretation of Genesis is nothing else than the true Catholic interpretation, and I am so grateful to God for this kind of courageous men who defend the truth in spite of so many lukewarm people who make the play of evolutionism and other ungodly theories by shamefully scorning God’s Word, even among Catholics, even at the highest level.
That’s why I will fast and pray the rosary tonight and tomorrow for both his release and conversion. Please every catholic with a heart out there who love God’s Word join me in prayer. We know this can be powerful. We all should be in the street for a man like that against such infamous injustice. So if we aren’t, at least let’s pray for him. God bless.
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