Kerry Keeps His Options Open

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Sounding as much a future presidential candidate as a past one, John Kerry inveighed against George Bush’s policies on Iraq, tax cuts and social security reform yesterday and refused to rule out a second run for the White House in 2008.

In his first major television interview since his narrow ldefeat in last November’s election, the Massachusetts senator told NBC’s Meet the Press programme that the war in Iraq had made America not more safe, but less safe.

Mr Kerry took issue with the call by his Massachusetts colleague, Edward Kennedy, for an immediate start to a withdrawal of US troops, arguing that an American presence would be needed until enough Iraqi forces had been trained to replace them. But he professed himself “appalled at the level of training thus far”.

Mr Kerry recently toured the region, meeting key American allies including President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt.
Oh,no:mad: If I have to listen to that man say he is Catholic in one breath and promise to keep the legal killing of the unborn legal again:banghead:
Sounding as much a future presidential candidate as a past one, John Kerry inveighed against George Bush’s policies on Iraq, tax cuts and social security reform yesterday and refused to rule out a second run for the White House in 2008.

In his first major television interview since his narrow ldefeat in last November’s election, the Massachusetts senator told NBC’s Meet the Press programme that the war in Iraq had made America not more safe, but less safe.

Mr Kerry took issue with the call by his Massachusetts colleague, Edward Kennedy, for an immediate start to a withdrawal of US troops, arguing that an American presence would be needed until enough Iraqi forces had been trained to replace them. But he professed himself “appalled at the level of training thus far”.

Mr Kerry recently toured the region, meeting key American allies including President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt.
He also siad we are safer with Saddam Hussein gone. A classic Kerry “Flip-Flop”. You can’t have it both ways.
Michael C:
He also siad we are safer with Saddam Hussein gone. A classic Kerry “Flip-Flop”. You can’t have it both ways.
Well the beat goes on:

"…Democrats should welcome more pro-life candidates into their party and embrace the language of “life” used by opponents of abortion, said the defeated Democratic presidential candidate, Senator Kerry.

Mr. Kerry yesterday praised a recent speech by Senator Clinton in which she described abortion as “tragic” and called for people on both sides of the abortion debate to find “common ground.”

“Many of us have talked about this for a long period of time,” Mr. Kerry said, adding that traditionally conservative themes of adoption and abstinence “are worth talking about.”

Both Mr. Kerry and Mrs. Clinton are considered to be potential Democratic presidential hopefuls in 2008, though neither has declared a desire to run. Their comments come as the party grapples with the perception that it lost support among voters who say they care about moral values.

Noting that the minority leader in the Senate, Harry Reid, opposes abortion, Mr. Kerry said Democrats should not exclude pro-life candidates.

“You can’t be doctrinarian negative against somebody simply because they have that position,” Mr. Kerry said in a lengthy interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Mrs. Clinton’s speech last week to a group of pro-abortion rights advocates in Albany raised concern among some pro-choice and family planning groups that she was softening her pro-choice position - a suggestion the senator has denied.

Opponents of abortion appear to continue to view Mrs. Clinton as a staunch supporter of abortion rights. Two Catholic groups recently pulled their sponsorship of an event at a Catholic college in Buffalo after learning that Mrs. Clinton would be speaking. The groups cited the senator’s support for abortion rights as the reason, the Buffalo News reported.

Mr. Kerry, a Catholic, said he is personally opposed to abortion, but he said the party need not change its position defending the right to abortion. “I don’t believe that I have a right to take what is an article of faith to me and legislate it to other people,” he said.

Nonetheless, he said Democrats should learn to speak the language of “life,” made popular by the opponents of abortion, euthanasia, and the use of human stem cells for medical research.

“The discussion is not about being pro-abortion. The discussion is about how you truly value life. Valuing life is also valuing choice. Valuing life is the exception for the life of a mother or rape or incest,” he said.

The Massachusetts senator said he favors laws that would require parents to be notified if their teenage daughter sought an abortion, a position that differs from Mrs. Clinton’s…"
Never were the words more true:

“A statesman thinks of the next generation; a politician, of the next election.”
I think Kerry is finished. Massachusetts may continue to reelect him as Senator, but I don’t think he’ll get the presidential nomination again.
How can you trust a man or party for that matter, who is willing to change his/it’s ideals at the drop of a hat in order to gain votes?

I am not bashing Democrats but if I were you, I would take a long, long look at the party you are a member of and what you stand for.

The outgoing president of Planned Parenthood, Gloria Feldt, commended her anti-abortion adversaries Tuesday for their political skills and criticized ally John Kerry for an ineffective defense of abortion rights during his losing presidential campaign.

“I have great respect for John Kerry, but there’s no question he did not articulate these issues well,” Feldt said in an interview. “He seemed equivocal. He ceded the moral high ground to the other side.”
The outgoing president of Planned Parenthood, Gloria Feldt, commended her anti-abortion adversaries Tuesday for their political skills and criticized ally John Kerry for an ineffective defense of abortion rights during his losing presidential campaign.

“I have great respect for John Kerry, but there’s no question he did not articulate these issues well,” Feldt said in an interview. “He seemed equivocal. He ceded the moral high ground to the other side.”
IMO Too little too late…

"…Three months after he lost his presidential bid, Sen. John Kerry has finally agreed to a full release of his military records, after being cornered on the issue Sunday by “Meet the Press” host Tim Russert.

Appearing on the same show last April, Kerry insisted that all his military records were already in the public domain, telling Russert, “I’ve shown them - they’re available to you to come and look at.”

But in August the Washington Post reported:

"Although Kerry campaign officials insist that they have published Kerry’s full military records on their Web site (with the exception of medical records shown briefly to reporters earlier this year), they have not permitted independent access to his original Navy records.

“A Freedom of Information Act request by The Post for Kerry’s records produced six pages of information. A spokesman for the Navy Personnel Command, Mike McClellan, said he was not authorized to release the full file, which consists of at least a hundred pages.”

On Sunday Kerry attempted to explain the discrepancy, telling Russert, “We put all the records out that I had been sent by the military.”

“Then at the last moment, they sent some more stuff, which had some things that weren’t even relevant to the record. So when we get - I’m going to sit down with them and make sure that they are clear and I am clear as to what is in the record and what isn’t in the record and we’ll put it out. I have no problem with that.”

When Russert pressed Kerry, “Would you sign Form 180?” authorizing the Pentagon to release of his full file, Kerry at first tried to dodge the question.

But after he was asked about Form 180 for the third time, the top Democrat finally relented, telling the “Meet the Press” host, “Yes, I will…”
The outgoing president of Planned Parenthood, Gloria Feldt, commended her anti-abortion adversaries Tuesday for their political skills and criticized ally John Kerry for an ineffective defense of abortion rights during his losing presidential campaign.

“I have great respect for John Kerry, but there’s no question he did not articulate these issues well,” Feldt said in an interview. “He seemed equivocal. He ceded the moral high ground to the other side.”
Let her commend us when abortion is illegal and hearts are changed including hers.God Bless
Let her commend us when abortion is illegal and hearts are changed including hers.God Bless
I was somewhat at a loss to understand what she meant by “he ceded the moral high ground” - what moral high ground could there be in defending abortion? :confused:
In his first major television interview since his narrow ldefeat in last November’s election, the Massachusetts senator told NBC’s Meet the Press programme that the war in Iraq had made America not more safe, but less safe.
Safe for who John ? the unborn wouldn’t be any safer under your leadership.

Flip-Flop–Flip- Flop- Flip-Flop-Flip-Flop :rolleyes: an empty vessel makes the loudest noise.
I was somewhat at a loss to understand what she meant by “he ceded the moral high ground” - what moral high ground could there be in defending abortion? :confused:
I think she meant that he said he personally though life begins at conception and that abortion was not good. She would never conceed that abortion was wrong or that she personallly would disagree with it.
If Kerry presents another time in the future, well but he have to change his wiews about abortion of being no catholic.
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