I have to laugh, because I think that comment is really over the top (even more that PJ’s King Kong). But I’ll bite. Just for arguments sake: In Kong’s world I think it’s safe to assume he’s never seen a white woman before. His curiosity is piqued and so he wants to investigate before killing her. He “gets to know her” and eventually becomes her defender. He kills other people (and blondes) in defending her. He’s got the brain of a primate, for crying out out. I don’t think there are any subliminal racial themes, if that’s what you’re implying. Also remember that this is a remake (homage) of a 1933 movie, the first REAL horror movie, made for depression era United States, so IF there are any subliminal racial themes, you can blame Meriam Cooper. But enough of such political correctness…Now to really out the cat among the pigeons think about the scene where Kong takes her to the ledge where he has killed all the Native woman sacrificed to him. He falls, however, for this WHITE woman. Is there a message there?
The movie was too long. They could have completely edited out the dinosaur stampede and I wouldn’t have blinked. Also, shorten the insect fight, and tighten up the first hour by not leading us down blind alleys of character development that end up nowhere. (what happened to the stowaway?..).
With that said, IMHO, the dinosaur battle with Kong and the New York sequences are cinematic magic and by themselves are worth the price of admission (but not the $4.00 Coke and $5.00 popcorn).
And, I admit it, I got teary eyed over Kong and Ann’s “relationship”. It far exceeds, in depth, that between Fay Wray and the original Kong. You must be really jaded to not feel anything when watching this move.
It’s not a masterpiece by any stretch, but it’s a fun, engaging, exciting adventure movie that needs some editing.
Remember, Peter Jackson made this movie because he loved watching the first Kong at age 9. You’re supposed to have escapist FUN watching it. I watched all the production video diaries over the past year, and never once did the goal surpass the objective of, “hey, would it be cool to redo Kong with newer technology.” Not one bit of metaphysical discussion occurred.
Go see it!