Kings College, UWO, Notre Dame scandal: I can't do this alone

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Pms with some of you have indicated that most of us are very very tired from the Terri struggle, from JPII’s illness, death and funeral, from waiting for a new Pope, from the e-bay host scandal, and from the constant Pope bashing from the msm.

By the same token, Kings College at UWO and Notre Dame down in the U.S. are teetering on the precipace of scandal. Kings wants to give Rev Edward A Malloy (President of Notre Dame) the same award being offered to Dr Henry Morgentaler, a renowned abortionist. At the same convocation. Killan, the Principal of Kings, is trying to wriggle out of accountability but the UWO Senate approved both awards.

Furthermore the Principal of Kings, Dr Gerald Killan, invited New Democratic Party Leader Jack Layton to give a speech last February 11. The NDP platform includes providing abortions for women.

The Morgentaler side of the campaign has good momentum. The Malloy/Killan side of the campaign hasn’t had a chance to get off the ground. My mentor is dying and I really don’t have the time or the emotional energy to give this effort what it is due.

Meanwhile the abortions continue. This case is an ENORMOUS window of opportunity for the pro-life movement. Letting it slip by will only embolden the pro-abortion movement.

Can someone step up to the plate and lead this thing? All the information you need is here:

Mainly the American press and the Notre Dame alumni need to be animated.

PM me. Thank you, Ani.

PS: I can still do some work on it, but I can’t lead it.
ANI and whoever else takes this over:

This is the Current RESOURCE list to the best of my ability. As I’ve said before, please feel free to ADD any NAMES, E-Mails, Phone Numbers, etc. that you believe will be useful:

President Bush -
Vice President Cheney -
White House Web Mail System -
Michael Medved’s is behind subscription, except for one that takes every short notes -

Dennis Prager -
Hugh Hewitt -
Sean Hannity -
Alan Colmes -
Geraldo Rivera -
Rabbi Smulley Boteach (I’m using an icon in my e-mail)

Michael Savage -
(Warning the e-mail fills up fast - so be quick and keep it short!)
Priests for Life
Laura Ingraham: (may no longer work)…Bx3dN5ApwaQdA** (Keep very Short - Call into her show!)
Naomi Ragen (Israeli Commentator)

Please also include for any prolonged struggles:

The Most Reverend Gabriele Montalvo,
Apostolic Nuncio to the United States
Embassy of The Holy See
3339 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20008
fax 202-337-4036

Vatican information will go below:

I would recommend saving this for quick recall so that we don’t get caught flat-footed in the future.

Again, please feel free to add to this list Post and then PM me, I’ll make sure that it gets saved and reposted, esp. when we have a push.

And these adds are from LISA4CATHOLICS:
This is the Catholic action League e-mail
Joe Scarborough on MSNBC, I do not know if he is Catholic, but he spoke highly of the Pope and supported Terri, keep it in mind when you e-mail him.

Please let me know if there’s a problem with ANY of the e-mail addresses.

And, If anyone has CONTACT INFO on CANADIAN Broadcasters…

Blessed are they who act to spare God’s Little Ones, Michael

I posted the information in the post above so that those of you who CARE about this can start to e-mail some people who can make a difference on this!

As most of you know, I’m still very much involved with the Campaign to end the UNGODLY, UNCONSCIONABLE & UNCONSTITUTIONAL FILIBUSTERS against PRO-LIFE NOMINEES to the APPEALS BENCH!

So, please take the information and start writing some e-mails using the INFORMATION supplied by Ani:

Then pick a job (if you have the time or the contacts and get to work) and post what you’re doing on this thread:

*Someone to set up a petition webpage to get Malloy to decline the doctorate.

Someone to liaise with the Catholic media.

Someone to liaise with the media in general.

Someone to liaise with Catholic govt reps.

Someone to liaise with the bishops, clergy, religious, and Fr Pavone at Priests for Life.

Someone to organize the email campaign to the Papal Nuncio and to the Vatican.

Someone to find orthodox Catholic contacts at Notre Dame to organize a prayer march.

Someone to organize the email campaign to Notre Dame and to Rev Malloy there.*

MY post above has the e-mail addresses NOT contained in this post.

Please, Please, be firm and be POLITE! I do not want to ANYONE to send ANYTHING that ANY reasonable person could mistake for hate mail! OK?

I’ll write some tomorrow and post them as samples, in case all else fails.OK?

Now, I’ve got to get to bed, or I won’t be any good to any one…

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones, Michael
Bless you, bless you, bless you. Thank you Traditional Ang for stepping forward into leadership. I will continue to do as much as I have time and emotional energy for; I just can’t lead this because of the illness of my good friend.

Last night, I emailed most of the priests in the large Canadian dioceses. Yes, this does help the Canadian campaign which centres around withdrawing the honorary degree from Dr Morgentaler. But it also helps the American campaign because the American campaign is quintessentially Catholic by virtue of the involvement of the University of Notre Dame.

Yesterday I consulted William at Uwoprotest and my priest about a letter I sent out this morning to Dr Killan of Kings with copies to Rev McGratton of St Peters Seminary, Dr Topic of Brescia (all Catholic institutions at UWO), Bishop Fabbro, Bishop D’Arcy, and Rev Malloy.

William and I are discussing uploading his letter to Killan along with mine to the website and creating a special box for Americans with links to the letters and to email addresses. As soon as we reach agreement, I will post links to our letters.

Here are the email addresses of the main players in the American Catholic side of this struggle:

The Most Reverend John M D’Arcy
Bishop of Fort Wayne / South BendIndianaUSA

Rev Edward A Malloy, CSC
President, University of Notre Dame

Dr Gerald Killan
Principal, King’s College
University of WesternOntario

The Most Reverend
Ronald Peter Fabbro, CSB

Bishop of LondonOntarioCanada

Rev William T McGrattan
Rector, St Peters Seminary UWO

Dr Teresa L Topic
Principal, Brescia College UWO

Mr William VanDoodewaard
Media relations officer,Western Alumni Against Honouring Morgentaler

In addition, Americans may be very interested to read the bold open letter sent by Bishop Fabbro to President Davenport of UWO. Here is the link:

As for the email addresses you have centralized for us here, Trad, I am passing them along to William with a request to upload them to the American section of the protest site. Thank you for these. Ani.
The latest development is that Dr Killan has been asked to accept an “Alternative Catholic Solution,” a compromise.

The position he finds himself in is lamentable. It is understandable that he is reluctant to withdraw the offer of the honorary Doctor of Laws from Rev Malloy who is retiring this year.

It is also understandable that he is reluctant to cancel the whole convocation, notwithstanding that students have – in droves – openly declared that they will be boycotting their own graduation ceremony and alumni have withdrawn millions of dollars of financial support. These millions are then doubled because of the match-back agreement with the Federal Government.

The “Alternative Catholic Solution” offers him a way to save face while respecting the needs of the pro-life movement and of the Catholic Church. Those emailing any of the principal players, may refer to the “Alternative Catholic Solution” by name and give the following conditions which Dr Killan has been asked to meet:

"3.1 If the Convocation were to be held completely off-campus;

3.2 If from this time until Convocation Day, both you and Rev Malloy were to take advantage of media interest by issuing weekly press releases on the Church’s teaching concerning abortion, on alternative treatment plans for pregnant women, and on legislative change;

3.3.If you were to replace the offer of a Doctor of Laws to Rev Malloy with an offer of a more prestigious award;

3.4 If your introduction and Rev Malloy’s acceptance speech were to include bold and thorough words for the Culture of Life;

3.5 If Bishop Fabbro were to speak about the Culture of Life at the Kings Convocation; and

3.6 If the mainstream media were present, taking notes."
Fabulous news for the American campaign! When the petition signatures reach 7000 from Canadians which should be some time today, then Americans will be invited to sign.

Originally, the webpage wanted to have a preponderence of Canadian signatures on the first bit of the petition to make a case before UWO financiers that the Canadian constituency has been represented by the petition.

The Killan letters and the American email contacts will be also be uploaded as soon as the website techie can get to it.

So we’re looking at having at least a rudimentary webpage for the American side of this push by tomorrow. Yay! :bounce:
Here is some news coverage of this story:

Morgentaler history:

Malloy history:

St Peters Seminary (another Catholic institution at UWO) protests:

Statement from the Catholic Civil Rights League Canada:

Bishop Fabbro appalled:

UWO Alumni withdraw millions of dollars:

Kings College heterdox?
I’m a Notre Dame student and I just don’t get this issue. What is Fr. Malloy doing wrong?

There is no sin in accepting an award from someone who is pro choice. Didn’t Clinton appoint an abortion performing doctor as Surgeon General? Does that mean that no Catholic could accept an award from President Clinton or serve in the government?

I trust Fr. Malloy’s judgment on this matter. You aren’t going to change the world by closing yourself off from it.
Hi Dorsey. Rev Malloy has done nothing wrong. I do not know very much about Rev Malloy, personally but, from what I have read he seems to have contributed enormously to the community, to Catholic life, and to Notre Dame. I very much appreciate you defending your President, because he seems to have led a life which has been exemplary to Catholic, particularly Catholic students.

Rev Malloy is retiring this year. He is being honoured in a climate of immense conflict. A conflict which cannot be disengaged unless Dr Killan of Kings College UWO compromises. It is not fair to Rev Malloy first of all to be honoured under these conditions and in this climate. Second, the honour itself is tainted for the following reason:

It sends a post-modernist message to those watching this situation that human persons may be honoured legitimately and on an equal basis for careers which diverge widely in moral example. As thinking Catholics we are obliged to challenge that pluralism. The honour being offered to Rev Malloy is, in this case, no honour at all.

The Alternative Catholic Solution offered to Dr Killan of Kings College UWO is to offer Rev Malloy a more prestigious award so that no equation whatsoever can be made between Rev Malloy’s achievements and Dr Morgentaler’s achievements.

You are quite right to say that the world cannot be changed through isolationism. However, we are talking about Catholic life here. We are obliged by our faith to seek holiness, sanctification. To some extent, then, we are always going to be ‘different’ from the blokes who are bopping around with their moral relativism.

The moral relativists and the mainstream media have made of abortion one big mass of grey areas. No no no. This is wrong. This is exactly what the Church teaches us not to do. The harm to the mother may be proportionate. The harm to the unborn infant is absolute. There are no grey areas in killing an unborn infant.

Moreover by engaging ourselves in promoting the ‘Alternative Catholic Solution’ we are not being isolationist. We are being good neighbours, fully present for each other, for pregnant women who find themselves in difficult straits, and for unborn infants who need our advocacy.

Part of this work of faith in which we are engaged requires that we send absolutely unequivocal messages to the moral relativists that their teaching is not acceptable to us. Jack Layton and his NDP are pro-abortion. Jack Layton should not have spoken at Kings when there were many others who could have spoken about demilitarization of space – many others who are pro-life.

In the same vein, Rev Malloy should not have to accept his tainted doctorate at the same convocation from the same Senate as Dr Morgentaler. I hope you can see both our concern for Rev Malloy and our concern for protecting the Culture of Life.

The award should never have been offered to Dr Morgentaler in the first place. But it’s done now. Therefore we need to think very carefully about how we are going to salvage this situation in an honourable way without capitulating to those who would normalize the plucking of the unborn from their mother’s wombs.

The students of Kings themselves have vowed to boycott their own graduation in protest against this public relations nightmare. The alumni of Kings have withdrawn millions of dollars of donations, matched 1 to 1 by the Federal Government who are now also obliged to withdraw their donations.

Hopefully, Dorsey, I have explained this adequately and you no longer believe that we are trying to disrespect Rev Malloy. It is our respect for Rev Malloy which in part motivates us to make some changes in this June’s Convocation. Please read the ‘Alternative Catholic Solution’ posted previously on this thread. Then, is there anything you can do to persuade students at Notre Dame to lend their solidarity to Kings students by backing the Alternative Catholic Solution? Thank you for reading this, Dorsey. Ani.
I’ve just been advised that the Alternative Catholic Solution letter has been uploaded to the internet. Here is the link:

There is a link there to email addresses and websites so that you can network and express your point of view for the Culture of Life.
I’m a Notre Dame student and I just don’t get this issue. What is Fr. Malloy doing wrong?

There is no sin in accepting an award from someone who is pro choice. Didn’t Clinton appoint an abortion performing doctor as Surgeon General? Does that mean that no Catholic could accept an award from President Clinton or serve in the government?

I trust Fr. Malloy’s judgment on this matter. You aren’t going to change the world by closing yourself off from it.

So far, Fr. Malloy has been outstanding, and I want you to support him in this.

The Church very clearly teaches that Abortion is the DELIBERATE Killing of an INNOCENT HUMAN BEING. This has been the Teaching of the Church since the time of Christ, and was the teaching of Jewish Sages before Him (It’s in the Babylonian Talmud - Ask StillSmallVoice - The Board’s resident Jewish Scholar).

One of the people being awarded an honorary doctorate that day is a man (Morgantaler) who has made his living running ABORTION MILLS - Places where Woman who are “With-Child” (Pregnant) come in to have those children killed and disposed of. His ABORTION MILLS are responsible for the deaths of 1,000’s of Pre-Born Babies.

I understand that you might not have been well taught, but every one those was a full human being, and should have had the same legal protections as you or I, and one of those is the RIGHT TO LIFE. It’s just the screwed up nature of our society that they don’t have those protections.

It’s one thing to work in a government that has IMMORAL LAWS where you responsibilities DO NOT INVOLVE THOSE LAWS! It’s quite another to take actions which would glorify, legitimize or lend credibility to actiona and activities that you know o be IMMORAL.

Accepting an award and sharing a stage with a man who’s made his fortune slaughtering BABIES would most definitely LEGITIMIZE AND GLORIFY the slaughter of Babies.

Let’s put it this way - You would NEVER think of sharing a stage or accepting an award with Slobodon Milosovich or Pol Pot. Would you?

You would NEVER think of sharing a stage or accepting an award with any of Hitler’s henchmen or with Mussolini. Would you?

So, why should Fr. Malloy share a stage and accept an award with a man who’s gotten rich by slaughtering BABIES?

Blessed are they who act to spare God’s Little Ones, Michael
Ani Ibi:
I’ve just been advised that the Alternative Catholic Solution letter has been uploaded to the internet. Here is the link:

There is a link there to email addresses and websites so that you can network and express your point of view for the Culture of Life.

Great work!

You’ve managed to lay down an incredible load of INFORMATION! I’m still trying to get my mind around it.

I can tell that between this and the Senate, sleep will be in short supply.

Keep me in your prayers.

Meanwhile, I’ll see what I can do about the detractors. I had a name on another board that I’ll imitate here when dealing with the worst of them. Hopefully, that will at least keep their heads down.

Ani, Is this all you’ve been dealing with? If so I can just copy-paste to a Word document and figure out what I need to say to the Talk Show Hosts - This afternoon after 4-2/1 hours of sleep (and the Training Program).

The Senate will just have to wait… I just hope I’ve done enough today on that project…

Blessed are they who act to spare God’s Little Ones, Michael
Traditional Ang:
Let’s put it this way - You would NEVER think of sharing a stage or accepting an award with Slobodon Milosovich or Pol Pot. Would you?

You would NEVER think of sharing a stage or accepting an award with any of Hitler’s henchmen or with Mussolini. Would you?

So, why should Fr. Malloy share a stage and accept an award with a man who’s gotten rich by slaughtering BABIES?

Blessed are they who act to spare God’s Little Ones, Michael
Michael: Very well explained. Thank you.

Dorsey: Yes, I agree with Michael. Your Rev Malloy seems to me to have been an awesome man and still is. Our point is that he deserves more than to be awarded an honorary doctorate tainted by association with an abortionist; this in a small Catholic college in a small town in Canada. The other honorary doctorates are all going to Canadians for Canadian achievements.

Rev Malloy’s award should be an international award, and an award which specifically recognizes his achievement in Catholic education and in Catholic works of charity. Something like the Gaudium et Spes Award which has only been awarded five times in recent history. Recipients were Mother Teresa, John Cardinal O’Connor, James Cardinal Hickey, and William Cardinal Baum. Details:

Maybe the Militia of Mary Immaculata, founded by Maximilian Kolbe who died in a concentration camp (brilliant in my books!) has an international award from.

Here are some notes from Rev Malloy’s astonishing career:

Vanderbilt honored him in 1998 with the establishment of a chair in Catholic studies in his name. He also has been awarded 16 honorary degrees.

Father Malloy also has played a leadership role in efforts to promote community service and combat substance abuse:
Campus Compact, member of the advisory board of the AmeriCorps and National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC), a founding director of the Points of Light Foundation, member of the board of governors of the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, and a member of the State of Indiana Community Service and Volunteer Committee and the Indiana Commission on Community Service (Indiana AmeriCorps). As a Points of Light director, he was a key player in the 1997 President’s Service Summit in Philadelphia.

Father Malloy has served the Catholic Church on the Vatican Secretariat for Non-Believers, the Ex Corde Ecclesiae and Bishops-Presidents committees of the U.S. Catholic Conference, the World Congress of Catholic Educators, and the Sister Thea Bowman Black Catholic Educational Foundation.

Notre Dame growth:

Father Malloy has led Notre Dame at a time of rapid growth in its reputation, faculty, and resources. The University’s endowment totals more than $3 billion (18th largest among U.S. private colleges and universities). The “Generations” capital campaign raised $1.1 billion, far exceeding its goal of $767 million. The total raised was the largest in the history of Catholic higher education.

Please read the rest. It is astounding what this man has done!
Traditional Ang:
Ani: Great work!
Thank you. You too!
Traditional Ang:
You’ve managed to lay down an incredible load of INFORMATION! I’m still trying to get my mind around it.
Fair enough. In a nutshell, this excerpt from the Alternative Catholic Solution letter:

To “honour” Rev Malloy at the same convocation as Dr Morgentaler under current circumstances is no honour at all: it sends a post-modernist message to those watching this situation that human persons may be honoured legitimately for careers which diverge widely in moral example. As thinking Catholics we are obliged to challenge that pluralism.
Traditional Ang:
Keep me in your prayers.
Will do.
Traditional Ang:
Ani, Is this all you’ve been dealing with?
No I have had to deal with my own blubbering over my friend’s illness and also work.
Traditional Ang:
If so I can just copy-paste to a Word document and figure out what I need to say to the Talk Show Hosts.
Give a brief description of the situation and then ask two questions for commentary: This might help:

This question is about Rev Edward Malloy, the President of Notre Dame who is retiring this year. Apparently a Canadian university is giving an honorary Doctor of Laws to Dr Henry Morgentaler – the abortion activitist – and at the same time this university is trying to give Rev Malloy the same award through their catholic college at the June Convocation.

My question is:

How can the Catholic community condone the idea that these two men can be honoured on an equal basis for careers which diverge widely in moral example? And why have we heard nothing about this from the American Catholic media?

He may then ask you for details.

University: Western Ontario
College: Kings; (Brescia and St Peters Seminary are also at Western) All three are Catholic.
  1. There is an open letter called the Alternative Catholic Solution which proposes an honourable compromise instead of going ahead with the Kings Convocation and pretending that Morgentaler isn’t there. The award should be an international award since Rev Malloy is the only non-Canadian being honoured for non-Canadian work. The Gaudium et Spes Award for example which has been given only five times. [if he asks about GES Award then say to Mother Teresa, Cardinals O’Connor, Hickey and Baum, and to Archbishop Sabbah. And if he asks then see the end notes.][If he asks about the open letter about the Alternative Catholic Solution then say this is basically about making sure that the Malloy’s award is different from Morgentalers award, that Bishop Fabbro give the award, that the Kings Convocation is held in outside Western, and that both Kings and Notre give statements of their opposition to abortion.
    [*]Bishop Fabbro of London Diocese has condemned the Morgentaler award in an open letter online as has the Principal of Brescia and the Rector of St Peters.
    [*]The Principal of Kings College (Dr Gerald Killan) is standing his ground, hoping that everyone will ignore Dr Morgentaler.
    [*]Kings students are boycotting their graduation ceremony and Kings alumni have withdrawn millions of dollars in donations which is now being matched by the Federal Government. There is also a petition at uwoprotestdotcom.

Then there might be a discussion. I think a good position for you to take is to shed light on Rev Malloy’s accomplishments [see previous post for hilights] and underline that the honour being offered to Rev Malloy doesn’t seem to you be an honour at all. And that it doesn’t seem like a good way to thank him on his retirement. And that you support the open letter on the Alternative Catholic Solution.
I asked William at why on earth Western had chosen Rev Malloy to honour at Kings. All the other recipients are Canadian and their secular-humanist Canadian achievements are being honoured. It just seems weird to me to have Rev Malloy be the only international recipient whose achievements are head and shoulders above the rest. Here is what William said:

I wonder if the Malloy thing was simply to appease the Catholic colleges, to buy their silence in the situation? Judging from their response so far it appears it is certainly having that effect.

So American Catholics: do you feel appeased?
Ani,are getting any help on the board?:nope: Attention fellow forum members we need to get busy:ehh:
We think we have come up with another alternative which will work:

Instead of awarding Dr Malloy the same Doctor of Laws that is being awarded to Dr Morgentaler, announce the creation of this:

The Reverend Edward A Malloy Centre for Studies in the Culture of Life.

So far, it looks like a new Chair, an interdisciplinary graduate program toward a Masters in the Culture of Life, Research, international conferences, and a JPII Prize

What do people think? Thoughts?
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