Kings College, UWO, Notre Dame scandal: I can't do this alone

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Ani Ibi:
Dorsey: Yes, I agree with Michael. Your Rev Malloy seems to me to have been an awesome man and still is…

Rev Malloy’s award should be an international award, and an award which specifically recognizes his achievement in Catholic education and in Catholic works of charity. Something like the Gaudium et Spes Award which has only been awarded five times in recent history. Recipients were Mother Teresa…

It is astounding what this man has done!
Although this is not related specifically to the dilemma at Kings College, I feel obliged to set the record straight. You may not be aware of all of Father Malloy’s “accomplishments.”
As a Notre Dame alum, it has been disheartening to me to see what has been happening at Our Lady’s University. During recent years, Father Malloy did nothing to discourage the vulgar, pornographic play “The Vagina Monologues” from being shown on campus as well as allowing the QFF, Queer Film Festival, to take place. And when he continues to allow the likes of Fr. McBrien (a vocal heretic) to teach, it’s difficult for me to view him at the same level as Mother Teresa. I realize he has other fine achievements, but he has departed from orthodox church teaching and led Notre Dame and her students down the wrong road.
Read the article “Our Lady Weeps…”
it’s difficult for me to view him at the same level as Mother Teresa.
Thanks for this. We are aware. At present we are focussing on keeping this current battle to only one front. We are also focussing on avoiding personalities but specifying that the enemy is abortion not people.

If those in authority continue to sit on the fence then some of us may have to stand aside and let them accept the consequences of their previous errors. For the time being, the stance seems to be: clarity and charity.

That may change by the end of this week. Ani.
This just in:

**10 May 2005: Pro-Life Action League, Chicago IL **

Thank you for alerting us to this protest. We at the Pro-Life Action League are heartened by your efforts to fight for a pro-life Canada.

Yours for Life,
John Hansen,
Pro-Life Action League

There is a wealth of material to digest and I have just read it three times over, and will read it again before I am through.

One thing I could suggest if the suggestions to those at UWO don’t work is to form a picket of protest outside the convocation centre. A local Pro Life group may be able to help with signs and banners criticizing Morgentaler. I don’t know, it is just an idea and I don’t live in the area.
Ani I have tried to figure out if Americans can sign the petition yet. Please advise.

Congrats on all the work you have done. Great effort and I know you are making a difference.
Ani I have tried to figure out if Americans can sign the petition yet. Please advise.

Congrats on all the work you have done. Great effort and I know you are making a difference.
Thank you Fitz. Yes Americans can sign the petition. So please put the word out. The more the merrier. People from all over the world can sign the petition now.

Here is the latest news.

******16 May 2005 Star: 250 protest Morgentaler award ******

16 May 2005 LFP: Students want Davenport to resign; Malloy declines C4L proposal

15 May 2005 Metronews: Eisner wants Order of Canada for Morgentaler
Signed the petition!
I received this back from the University of Western Ontario:

*Thank you for sharing your views with The University of Western Ontariowith respect to the awarding of an honorary degree to Dr. Henry Morgentaler. As a large post-secondary institution we value the expression of diverse opinion and we appreciate the time that you have taken to share your thoughts on this matter.

It may interest you to know that Dr. Morgentaler was selected for this honour by a Senate Committee of the University that includes members of our faculty, students, alumni and staff. Honorees are chosen on the basis of their academic achievements, publications, research and public service. The Honorary Degrees Committee reviews each candidate nominated on the basis of the above criteria and announces the selected recipients prior to spring and fall convocation ceremonies.

Freedom of thought and freedom of expression are fundamental values at Western and are at the core of a democratic society. Thank you again for taking the time to share your thoughts with us.

Ted Garrard, Vice-President (External)
The University of Western Ontario
Rm 108a, Stevenson-Lawson Building
London, ON N6A 5B8*

I didn’t leave out my name. HE DID.

I guess you can do that if you’re defending the CULTURE OF DEATH against the ASAULTS of the CULTURE OF LIFE. Either that, or he’s received so many letters that he’s hoping this lying dungheap of a form letter calms down the storm.


May God richly bless thos who act to save His Little Ones,
I believe all “BEDBUG” of Form letters should receive appropriate replies. Here’s mine to the one above:

*Dear Vice President Gerrard:

Freedom of thought and expression may well be at the basis of a democratic society, but that’s absolutely meaningless without respect for HUMAN LIFE and its value.

Please understand that Dr. Morgantaler’s primary contribution to society has been to build ABORTION MILLS which slaughter BABIES and demonstrate NO respect for the lives of those BABIES or for their mothers, whose lives are more often than not more ADVERSELY IMPACTED by the act of getting the ABORTIONS than they would have been by HAVING THE BABIES. V.P. Gerrard, the ONLY winner in ABORTION is the man collecting the money.

I can’t see how that’s a contribution to society.

Regarding Diversity - What are you saying to those students and their families who are faithful CATHOLICS, ORTHODOX, EVANGELICAL PROTESTANTANTS, ORTHODOX JEWS or MUSLIMS who will NOT be able to attand the GRADUATION and CONVOCATION because of the fact that you chose to HONOR A SLAUGHTERER OF BABIES at that ceremony?!?

Vice President Gerrard, what about them? or, In your worship of the Great God Diversity, do they not count? Are they somehow not diverse enough for the Great God Diversity that you worship rather than Jesus Christ, and His Father who said, “Before all else came into being, I am?”

Regarding diversity - Sir, UWO respresents the Catholic Church and its people and opinions! If you and the faculty and administrators of UWO are that adament about taking a position as contrary to the Teachings of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church as you are now, you should have the decency and honesty to divest your institution of the term “CATHOLIC” and admit that there is NOTHING to distinguish UWO from ANY SECULAR Institution.

V.P. Gerard, since neither your Catholicism nor that of UWO mean anything to you, why do you still keep the title in your name and insult the Church by doing things like this?

Name and address in original*

Please let everyone here know what you received and what you wrote back.

May God bless those who act to save His Little Ones.

Catholics for Life news coverage on Lifesite:

If people could send this link to your local Catholic newspapers – especially in the U.S. – it would really help us have these awards rescinded and prevent the award of the Order of Canada to Morgentaler.
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