Kisling Trumpets "Compassionate" Abortions

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This favorite of the MSM is one messed-up piece of work–

Why would pro-choice proponents support a bill that offers preganant women about to undergo an abortion the option of anesthesia for the fetus? If they think that the fetus is just a mass of cells, then why would the fetus need a pain killer? And if it does feel pain, how can they justify aborting it?
Kissling, of Catholics for a Free Choice, says the legislation provides abortion-rights supporters with a chance to show they do value fetal life. She objects to the federal bill, saying it requires doctors to follow a script that is insensitive to women, but she supports the concept of offering fetal anesthesia in appropriate circumstances.

``Abortion should be a humane and compassionate procedure,’’ she wrote in the latest edition of her organization’s journal.
Excuse me while I hurl…

Funny I was driving by what we all know is an abortion mill although it’s called a “Surgi-Center” The place was overrun with people in fluorescent orange vests that said “Pro Choice Escort.” I wonder if they thought there would be some violent protests due to the anniversary of Roe? The vests should have said “Pro Death Escorts” IMO.

Lisa N
This favorite of the MSM is one messed-up piece of work–

Why would pro-choice proponents support a bill that offers preganant women about to undergo an abortion the option of anesthesia for the fetus? If they think that the fetus is just a mass of cells, then why would the fetus need a pain killer? And if it does feel pain, how can they justify aborting it?
Kissling, of Catholics for a Free Choice, says the legislation provides abortion-rights supporters with a chance to show they do value fetal life. She objects to the federal bill, saying it requires doctors to follow a script that is insensitive to women, but she supports the concept of offering fetal anesthesia in appropriate circumstances.

``Abortion should be a humane and compassionate procedure,’’ she wrote in the latest edition of her organization’s journal.
She says this would be a chance for the pro-aborts to show they do value fetal life?Move over LisaN I need to hurl too:mad: They are sick and demented.May God have mercy on their soul.Don’t even get me started with the Catholics for a Free Choice:banghead:
Just so everyone is clear on my stance considering my comments on another recent thread, anyone who is “pro-choice” yet who feels the need to give anesthesia to the fetus is NOT one of those “honestly mistaken” people that I was referring to in the other thread. In my view if you are worried about giving your baby anesthesia then you know what you are doing is terribly wrong.
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