Kneeling before receiving eucharist

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When I watch the Mass on EWTN, I notice that everyone is either genuflecting or bowing before receiving the Eucharist…is this something new? :confused: I’ve never seen it before, and no parish priest I’ve met has ever instructed the congregation to do this.
In the Arch-diocese of Chicago, we have received directions to bow as a sign of reverence prior to receiving the eucharist.

One of the reasons given, presented by the pastor at all masses one weekend, was for unity. As opposed to one person kneeling, one bowing, one genuflecting, or whatever else.

My understanding is that this is for all of the church, but the bishop of the diocese is to determine when it is implemented.

I used to make the sign of the cross prior to receiving the eucharist myself. Now, I really like the bow. It helps me in humility - to understand where I stand before God.
Check your diocesean web page to see when the new rules were implemented in your diocese.
In the Arch-diocese of Chicago, we have received directions to bow as a sign of reverence prior to receiving the eucharist.

One of the reasons given, presented by the pastor at all masses one weekend, was for unity. As opposed to one person kneeling, one bowing, one genuflecting, or whatever else.

My understanding is that this is for all of the church, but the bishop of the diocese is to determine when it is implemented.

I used to make the sign of the cross prior to receiving the eucharist myself. Now, I really like the bow. It helps me in humility - to understand where I stand before God.
I like it too. I can understand the uniformity issue. It can look like a free for all when everyone is doing their own thing. The only statement that makes is confusion and that they must not know the Rubrics for their diocese. Or more to the point they don’t care…they want to run their own Rubrics and show boat. Respect and obedience is a very reverent part of the Catholic Faith. Dis-uniformity is not a great statement of faith to anyone. I don’t think God finds it all that reverent either.
When I watch the Mass on EWTN, I notice that everyone is either genuflecting or bowing before receiving the Eucharist…is this something new? :confused: I’ve never seen it before, and no parish priest I’ve met has ever instructed the congregation to do this.
The new GIRM says to bow.

I myself Genufllect like those in EWTN (not kneeling, kneeling would be receiving the host while kneeling).

The situation is complex

Here’s a thread discussing about the correct gesture.
The situation would be less complex if one followed the rules of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal. It says that we are to bow our head before receiving the Sacred Species (I.E. before the Host and the Cup). It also speaks about not drawing attention to oneself.
This goes somewhat along the line that the posture to receive Communion is standing. Those who kneel are not to be denied Communion, but are to be privately counseled.
In other words, to do other than to follow the norm is to be disobedient. But those who are disobedient are not to be punished by withholding Communion.
The situation would be less complex if one followed the rules of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal. It says that we are to bow our head before receiving the Sacred Species (I.E. before the Host and the Cup). It also speaks about not drawing attention to oneself.
This goes somewhat along the line that the posture to receive Communion is standing. Those who kneel are not to be denied Communion, but are to be privately counseled.
In other words, to do other than to follow the norm is to be disobedient. But those who are disobedient are not to be punished by withholding Communion.
That is very true. The reason is that the Church does try to treat her children as adults capable of obedience without coercion and that is why the private caution council is included. Unfortunately some people are long on showing their independence and doing things that they think is more reverent than the church calls for. I know they are sincerely trying to be pleasing to God, but it is a mess trying to get everyone on the same page. They seem to read a book on the Catholic Religion, watch an old film of how the mass was said and Eucharist received before the latest changes and latch onto it. Problem is, the mass has always been evolving while never changing. Originally people stood to receive communion. They did that for the first 1500 years. Kneeling was by history’s standard a late comer to the scene. It is hard for some people to accept changes I suppose. I know I did NOT like the changes when I had been raised in the old tradition of communion rails and kneeling. With time and maturity I came to see that I was wrong. I like the new way now but it was not easy for me to get to that point. I could go back to altar rails and kneeling in a heartbeat if Mother Church so decreed we should. Meantime, I have no problem if some kneel and some genuflect or whatever. Eventually, it will come together and be normal for all to be on the same page. Probably not my life time though. I’ll just follow along an try not to trip over them when they make their sudden stops to kneel or genuflect, as best that I can. God loves em and so do I. Groan! even when they cause some of us who cannot jump out of the way to trip and fall. It’s ok! I offer it up for my own prideful ways of which I have way too many.
The situation would be less complex if one followed the rules of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal. It says that we are to bow our head before receiving the Sacred Species (I.E. before the Host and the Cup). It also speaks about not drawing attention to oneself.
This goes somewhat along the line that the posture to receive Communion is standing. Those who kneel are not to be denied Communion, but are to be privately counseled.
In other words, to do other than to follow the norm is to be disobedient. But those who are disobedient are not to be punished by withholding Communion.
Arinze of CDW said it’s OK to receive kneeling.

No where does it say that the one receive kneeling should be counseled.
Arinze of CDW said it’s OK to receive kneeling.

No where does it say that the one receive kneeling should be counseled.
For those who understand a bit more about how the church works being, it is there. I assume you are fairly new to the faith so I salute your stand for what you think it says. The newest document is not the full picture. It is a clarification of the original. That is where you will find the reference to this.

Holy Mother church is not an ogre. And the council is part of the given the authority of the Bishops for their dioceses. The problem for those new to the faith or those who have little knowledge of history or councils etc, is they do not understand that it is that it is a clarification of the original documents. People who do not know what that is in the first place think it states the remedies as a whole new document. It is not a re-write but a clarification.

The new GIRM says to bow.

I myself Genufllect like those in EWTN (not kneeling, kneeling would be receiving the host while kneeling).

The situation is complex

Here’s a thread discussing about the correct gesture.
I used to Genuflect and sometimes still do because of who is before me, but have changed to a bow because it is a matter of displine and our Bishop has said bow and that is in accord with the GIRM
I used to Genuflect and sometimes still do because of who is before me, but have changed to a bow because it is a matter of displine and our Bishop has said bow and that is in accord with the GIRM
That is a very good point srbdk. I also used to genuflect but as the GIRM has changed to bow, I now bow. It is not for me to set the norm’s but to follow them. I like the Altar Rails and kneeling to receive on the tongue. It is not the norm now so I follow Holy Mother church’s teaching, not my own. It does not means I don’t miss the ways of (old/but not the oldest) It means I am a Catholic who trust’s God’s church for my salvation to lead me correctly. If the church fails to do that we might as well hang it up and do our own thing…which is a sure recipe for disaster of the soul everytime.Discipline is a key ingredient in obedience to God and true reverence toward His presence. It is a very important part of what it is to be Catholic to me at least. For others perhaps it is not, but I believe it is a step on the ladder towards doing God’s will on earth, even when I don’t care for it as a personal preference.
For those who understand a bit more about how the church works being, it is there. I assume you are fairly new to the faith so I salute your stand for what you think it says. The newest document is not the full picture. It is a clarification of the original. That is where you will find the reference to this.

Holy Mother church is not an ogre. And the council is part of the given the authority of the Bishops for their dioceses. The problem for those new to the faith or those who have little knowledge of history or councils etc, is they do not understand that it is that it is a clarification of the original documents. People who do not know what that is in the first place think it states the remedies as a whole new document. It is not a re-write but a clarification.


I’m not entirely sure those that genuflect, kneel (or do nothing at all) require “counseling.” Catechesis certainly, but not “counseling.” That sounds extremely negative.

I can’t imagine anyone suggesting that those who do not make a sign of reverence are in need of “counseling.” To apply that to those that genuflect or kneel shows some skewed thinking.
Crusader said:

I’m not entirely sure those that genuflect, kneel (or do nothing at all) require “counseling.” Catechesis certainly, but not “counseling.” That sounds extremely negative.

I can’t imagine anyone suggesting that those who do not make a sign of reverence are in need of “counseling.” To apply that to those that genuflect or kneel shows some skewed thinking.

The term is “pastoral counseling”, not a shrink type for heaven sakes. 😃 There is a considerable difference.
The term is “pastoral counseling”, not a shrink type for heaven sakes. 😃 There is a considerable difference.
Still, I have never heard anyone suggest that those that make no act of reverence need “counseling.”

I CAN however see a “liturgist” making that comment about someone who genuflects or kneels.
Still, I have never heard anyone suggest that those that make no act of reverence need “counseling.”

I CAN however see a “liturgist” making that comment about someone who genuflects or kneels.
That counseling for the most part gets done in the pulpit around here. Not a preachy sermon but a reminder of what the Norms call for. That should cover the subject. It usualy does.

As to the term Pastoral Counseling which you find so offensive, I have no such problem with it. To suggest a person needs catecheses suggest they know nothing. Pastoral Counseling is more to address one small item and certainly not a bad phrase. A priest is called to counsel those who are in ignorance of things as are we all in some degree. It is part of the vocation description, and the Bishops are in charge of the terminology so I am not going to argue that one either. It’s a matter of trusting them and not questioning and ridiculing every thing they write. That is divisive, and not uniting.

Perhaps your parish have liturgists who think they are in charge. Our parish and diocese does not. Father dots every i and crosses every t. That could be the difference we have on terms etc. We have a trust worthy priest as well as Bishop so there is a lot of things we probably don’t have in “common speak” regarding these problems. I would guess that may be where your coming from. I wish you well in your parish. May Peace of Christ reign.
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