Knowing Jesus vs. knowing ABOUT Jesus

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What do you believe is the difference between KNOWING Jesus and knowing ABOUT Jesus?

I wonder sometimes if some Christians put more emphasis on knowing ABOUT Jesus than actually knowing Him. What do you think?

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
Any Catholic who receives the Sacraments with reverence KNOWS Jesus.
What do you believe is the difference between KNOWING Jesus and knowing ABOUT Jesus?

I wonder sometimes if some Christians put more emphasis on knowing ABOUT Jesus than actually knowing Him. What do you think?

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
I was reading a selection in The Philokalia this evening and was read struck by a few sentences that explain, in a way, my understanding of the difference.
  1. To try to discover the meaning of the commandments though study and reading without actually living in accordance with them is like mistaking the shadow of something for its reality. It is only by participating the the truth that you can share in the meaning of truth.
St. Gregory of Sinai “On Commandments and Doctrines”​

I can study and learn and know “about” Jesus. It is only when I participate with Him, follow in his foot steps, pick up my cross and follow Him will I truly "know Him.
What do you believe is the difference between KNOWING Jesus and knowing ABOUT Jesus?

I wonder sometimes if some Christians put more emphasis on knowing ABOUT Jesus than actually knowing Him. What do you think?

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
Knowing **about **Jesus is an intellectual knowing, just like believing that God exists, and believing in God. Intellectual knowing tends to be superficial, devoid of any form of feeling, love or devotion. Knowing Jesus on the other hand involves not just the mind but the heart and soul as well, a deeper, more profound, more heartfelt recognition of Jesus as your friend and saviour, the kind of sincere faith the small innocent child has.

However, knowing about Jesus may precede knowing Him, and there are those who came to the faith in this manner. But then, an intellectual knowing is a poor, in fact is never a substitute for true knowing.

Gerry 🙂
*Any Catholic who receives the Sacraments with reverence KNOWS Jesus. *
Peace be with you!

How this? 👋

For instance, did you meet a baby who received the Baptism with REVERENCE?

In Love,
I think Della’s point was that the person who **does receive the Sacraments with reverence **realizes Jesus is present and his reverence for His Presence and the Person of Jesus indicates that the encounter is experiential.

I think Della’s point was that the person who **does receive the Sacraments with reverence **realizes Jesus is present and his reverence for His Presence and the Person of Jesus indicates that the encounter is experiential.

How did you get both of the “originally posted by” boxes in your post?


Nancy 🙂
This is the point where I need real faith.
My problem is taking what I know in my head and wanting to place it all in my heart.
I do believe that Christ is in the Eucharist and that is Faith.
But, I want to convey all that I know in my head and want to express it with love in my heart. Especially when faith without works is dead.

Any thoughts, suggestions?

go with God!
Originally Posted by YAQUBOS
Peace be with you!
How this?
For instance, did you meet a baby who received the Baptism with REVERENCE?
In Love,
I think Della’s point was that the person who **does receive the Sacraments with reverence **realizes Jesus is present and his reverence for His Presence and the Person of Jesus indicates that the encounter is experiential.


Thank you, Joanna, that was my point in part. I also meant to dispel the idea that one must have an emotional response to Christ and/or the sacraments in order to KNOW him. Our emotions are not reliable gages of our faith, our knowledge, or our devotion.

And in answer to YAQUBOS’s fallacious question–it is the faith and reverence of the parents that brought the baby to the sacrament of baptism. And once the baptism has been done, that child is indelibly marked with the sign of God’s grace on his soul. As he participates in the sacraments of the Church and learns what they are and what they do, he too will receive them with reverence, which is love for God based in KNOWING who he is and what we are in relation to him. This is the knowledge that saves, not how we feel about it.
Good Morning Church

The Catholic Church calls it Personal Conversion or Heart Conversion or Spiritual Conversion. The Protestants sometimes call it being Saved.

It is a true and life changing Spiritual Experience.

I received Communion for many years, knowing that Jesus was truly present. I had not come to a real personal experience with him yet. When I did, I knew it. My Spiritual Directors all have said it is like this.

Many folks who are not Christian know about Jesus. Anyone can learn about him. They may even believe in him and love him. That is not the same as KNOWING HIM.
This is the point where I need real faith.
My problem is taking what I know in my head and wanting to place it all in my heart.
I do believe that Christ is in the Eucharist and that is Faith.
But, I want to convey all that I know in my head and want to express it with love in my heart. Especially when faith without works is dead.

Any thoughts, suggestions?
go with God!
I think you might be hoping to feel something emotionally as a sign that your knowing Jesus has gone from your head to your heart. However, it is not “Faith without feelings is dead”. “Works” is something we do, not necessarily accompanied by emotion (feelings.) You can act in a loving manner, such as being obedient to what you know Jesus wants you to do just because you believe He asks it of you, without feeling loving.

I think Della said it.
I also meant to dispel the idea that one must have an emotional response to Christ and/or the sacraments in order to KNOW him. Our emotions are not reliable gages of our faith, our knowledge, or our devotion.
This is the point where I need real faith.
My problem is taking what I know in my head and wanting to place it all in my heart.
I do believe that Christ is in the Eucharist and that is Faith.
But, I want to convey all that I know in my head and want to express it with love in my heart. Especially when faith without works is dead.

Any thoughts, suggestions?

go with God!
Edwin, why must head and heart be set in opposition to one another? We all have both and must all come to God with our entire being: Head, heart, body, spirit and soul. Sounds like you’re doing fine.

“None of those who cry out, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of God but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. When that day comes, many will plead with me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ have we not prophesied in your name? have we not exorcized demons by its power? Did we not do many miracles in your name as well? Then I will declare to them solemnly, I never knew you. Out of my sight, you evildoers!”
"Anyone who hears my words and puts them into practice is like the wise man who built his house on rock. When the rainy season set in, the torrents came and the winds blew and buffeted his house, It did not collapse; it had been solidly set on rock. Anyone who hears my words but does not put them into practice is like the foolish man who built his house on sandy ground. The rains fell, the torrents came, the winds blew and lashed against his house. It collapsed under all this and was completely ruined."NAB LUKE 6:43

“A good tree does not produce decayed fruit any more than a decayed tree produces good fruit. Each tree is known by its yield. Figs are not taken from thornbushes, nor grapes picked from brambles. A good man produces goodness from the good in his heart; an evil man produces evil out of his store of evil. Each man speaks from his heart’s abundance. Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord’ and not put into practice what I teach you?” NAB 1 JOHN 2:3

The way we can be sure of our knowledge of him is to keep his commandments, The man who claims, “I have known him,” without keeping his commandments, is a liar, in such a one there is no truth.

Peace in Christ,
Steven Merten
The question was : Do you Know Jesus OR do you KNOW ABOUT Jesus?

Satan Knows all about Jesus. Hindus who can read can KNOW ABOUT Jesus.
We can Know Jesus in the “head” but not in the “heart”.

That was a good question. It is a difficult task to know someone you have never seen, but you can know about an unseen one. To FOLLOW an unseen entity is more than intellectual,it’s called FAITH.
This thread is an important one. Many of our fellow Christians, both Catholic and non-Catholic, have not been completely evangelized. We can know something but not surrender ourselves to it.

As Catholics we need to know, love, and serve the Lord. We need to raise the white flag of surrender and make the decision to turn everything over to God. We need to make the decision to love God with our whole heart, mind, soul and strength. This does not require an emotional event or experience. Sometimes feelings and emotions come into play along our Christian walk, but they are not necessary indicators of our relationship. God gives us the gifts of faith, hope, and love. We can internalize them and let God’s grace take us over, or we can let them sit there unused. Ultimately, this is a “choice” we make.

When you see someone that is on fire for their faith it is a powerful and beautiful thing to behold. Loving God with that personal surrender and commitment is the greatest experience in human existence. Many Catholics have received Jesus precious body and blood in the Eucharist but have not met and received Him into their hearts. This is where evangelization is essential.
What do you believe is the difference between KNOWING Jesus and knowing ABOUT Jesus?

I wonder sometimes if some Christians put more emphasis on knowing ABOUT Jesus than actually knowing Him. What do you think?
To know Him is to love Him…to love Him is to want to know more about Him… Annunciata:)
To know Him is to love Him…to love Him is to want to know more about Him… Annunciata:)
Thanks for everyone’s (name removed by moderator)ut on my perceptions.
I guess to goes back to the 1958 pop song by the Teddy Bears…“To know, know, know him is to love, love love him.” (In our case the Him is capitalized).
I guess, Satan is trying to wrestle with my faith state in this matter. Thanks for putting things Back into perspective.

go with God!
To know Him is to love Him…to love Him is to want to know more about Him… Annunciata:)
Oooooooooooo!!! Well said!!! :clapping:

I think you’ve pretty much summed it up!!

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
Peace be with you!
And in answer to YAQUBOS’s fallacious question–it is the faith and reverence of the parents that brought the baby to the sacrament of baptism. And once the baptism has been done, that child is indelibly marked with the sign of God’s grace on his soul. As he participates in the sacraments of the Church and learns what they are and what they do, he too will receive them with reverence, which is love for God based in KNOWING who he is and what we are in relation to him. This is the knowledge that saves, not how we feel about it.
Another “fallacious” question: Was Hitler baptized with reverence? Did he know JESUS persionally and NOT just about Jesus?

N.B.: My questions are not fallacious, but they intend to show the Truth of the Word of God.

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