Kofi & Son

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Diplomats at the United Nations, caught by surprise at the broad assault on the organization and Annan, are alarmed at evidence that a campaign they felt was confined to conservative Republicans angry over UN opposition to the Bush administration invasion of Iraq is spreading so rapidly.
“The danger now is that a group of people who want to destroy or paralyze the UN are beginning to pick up support from some of those whose goal is to reform it,” said Richard Holbrooke, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under President Bill Clinton, and an Annan booster…"

“…The calls for him to step aside come at a time when a report he commissioned from an international panel of politicians and statesmen has just been published laying out a path for sweeping reforms at the United Nations - the mission he adopted and pursued on coming into office in 1997 and one he had hoped would be his legacy on his scheduled departure at the end of 2006.
A Ghanaian educated in the United States, Annan came to office in 1997 as an American-backed champion of reform, succeeding Boutros Boutros-Ghali of Egypt, whom the United States had effectively barred from a second term because of his tone-deafness to Washington’s demands for administrative and financial change…”

“…There is no provision in the UN Charter for removal of a secretary general, who is chosen by the General Assembly at the recommendation of the Security Council countries. Five Council members, Russia, Chile, Britain, Germany and Spain, and a number of other countries made public declarations backing him Thursday, and the 54 African member states sent a letter of support…”

"…John Ruggie, an assistant secretary general for strategic affairs from 1997 to 2001 and now a professor of international affairs at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, said, “I don’t know of another institution that is as inept at getting its story out than the UN The training and multicultural background of the people at the UN does not prepare anybody for being in the media bubble of New York and Washington.”
Wirth said he did not believe Annan was thinking of retiring and also did not think the United States Congress had the power to drive him from office. “Kofi’s constituency is 190 other countries, where he is largely applauded,” he said.

"…Ruggie said that if Annan were somehow forced out, “there would be a deep sense of betrayal and disappointment on the part of many governments and inside the UN itself. I think among a large number of people, the feeling would be that Kofi Annan is being scapegoated for shortcomings to which he himself may have contributed but for which he is not the source.”
Wirth, a former Democratic Senator from Colorado, said he had been in his home state last weekend and was struck by how much attention the oil for food program was attracting in the local press and how damaged Annan’s reputation was by revelations last week that his son Kojo had received payments from his former employer, Cotecna Inspection Services, a Swiss company involved in the oil for food program, long after the United Nations claimed he had severed all ties.
“It’s not the oil for food program alone that generated all of this,” he said. “It’s the involvement of the son, Kojo.”

To conservatives who have long warned of a U.N. threat to national sovereignty may now be added a Jewish community enraged at the United Nations’ hostility toward Israel, Middle America’s belief the General Assembly is little more than an anti-American mob – a view uncontradicted by its voting record – and a White House that sees the Security Council as a barrier to Bush wars to disarm rogue regimes and democratize the world.

Not in my lifetime has the United Nations had fewer public champions. U.N.-bashing, once as outre as cock-fighting, is now a popular pastime of the TV talking heads. …"

"…They should be deposited in the round file and forgotten. For the United Nations is not an institution to be reformed and newly empowered. It is a failed institution that ought to be downgraded or abandoned.

The fly in the ointment of any U.N. recognition of a national right of pre-emptive war is that the Security Council must first sanction it. Whether Bush was right or wrong to go into Iraq, the United States cannot give up its inherent right of self-defense. …"

"…For the hidden agenda of the United Nations, the International Criminal Court, the WTO and the Kyoto Protocol is to curtail America’s freedom to act in its own interests and to midwife a world government erected on a one-man, one-nation, one-vote principle.

Under a global democracy, India and China, with 2.5 billion people, would be the dominant powers, and peoples of color, five-sixths of all mankind, would enter a claim for a more equitable distribution of the world’s wealth now held by that shrinking one-sixth of all mankind that is of European descent. Global democracy is the death of the West.

With the idea of global governance out of the closet, with the European Union the model – with the United Nations the embryo – the real threat to America comes into view: a loss of sovereignty and eventually the loss of independence.

The enemy is not Kofi, who will become a Third World martyr if forced out in the absence of proof of personal corruption. Let him stay seated atop his compost heap until the aroma grows so great Americans demand it all be bulldozed into the East River as a public nuisance…"

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