Korn member converts!

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In my local paper they had a small caption about Brian “Head” Welch, former member of the band Korn, in northern Israel where he was baptized. The picture spoke a thousand words (at least). There was peace on his face. Anyone else see this or have more info? Did he turn Catholic or just Christian?

This article shows that God works!
A born again evangelical no doubt…
A born again evangelical no doubt…
Even though I feel the way I do about Protestantism, having Head convert to it is [sorta] better than him not converting at all, in my opinion. I mean, at least now he believes in God and Christ…now if only he could become Catholic…
Wow thats great. I am happy that he is christian. The rock music industry could use some more christianity.
While I am glad to hear of his conversion some things trouble me hear first of all he describes himself rightly as a baby christian/ THen why does his pastor allow him to preach in front of 10,000 people at his church. I think the pastor is using this guys fame for his own devices.
Look at this quote

**When he returns from Israel, Welch plans to launch a solo career, with music about his experiences as a new Christian, and then give the money to charities and to Valley Bible Fellowship’s plan to build “rock and roll churches” across America.
So he’g going to give his money to this pastor to build rock n roll churches? How well does he know this pastor anyway?
I don’t want this guy to get hurt and be giving his riches to some huckster pastor building his rock n roll church.
When baby christians get hurt they never come back lumping all of christiantiy with the people that hurt them.
I feel this pastor is using him big time he is preaching about the christian faith weeks after being saved before his baptism no less.

I remeber when Rich Mullins the most popeular christian pop artist at the time died in a car accident it was revealed he was to be confirmed a catholic within 2 weeks at easter vigil. It was amazing that is wasn’t publicized sooner but his priest thought it was private and shouldn’t be publicized at this stage of his catholic christian journey it was only revealed somewhat reluctantly after his death that he was going to be catholic.
I think this priest had the best interest of Rich Mullins in his heart I don’t think Mr Rock N Roll pastor has this young christians best interest at heart. Color me skeptical.

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