Ladies--Does your husband/boyfriend scream at the tv?

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Spinning off from my post in the ‘argument over the tv’ thread…I just have to ask the question…does your husband/boyfriend yell at the tv, while watching sports?:whacky:
Yep, especially during football games!
I’m the yeller, but only during college football season. I actually had to give up watching the games when I was pregnant because I got so emotionally involved and I thought the stress might be bad for the baby.

Having my three year old by my side definitely helps me keep my perspective. No more swearing at the ref’s.

😃 GO CU!!! 😃

Spinning off from my post in the ‘argument over the tv’ thread…I just have to ask the question…does your husband/boyfriend yell at the tv, while watching sports?:whacky:
Are you kidding me??? We** BOTH **do. :eek:

This house is a major sports zone.
ROFL! This thread has made me laaaaaugh so hard! my husband, too…!😃
I read the post to DH. He said that in life, it goes #1 Sports, #2 Breathing!

The thing that irks me is when his brother comes over to watch games. First, they have to talk loud over the TV. Then, they can’t hear the TV, so they turn it up. THEN, they have to talk louder to hear over the TV… sensing a trend here?

And there is something about how when guys are talking about sports, they have to yell about it. Not angry yelling, just regular conversation in a much louder voice.

Personally, I’m not much into sports. Except hockey. I love my Sharkies!
Yep, I am a tv yeller too. And yeah, the horror thing. Like when a soon to be stupid victim goes in a dark basement alone, after hearing noises…armed with only a candle because the lights went out, calling… “Mr. Fluffy? Is that you?” or when a monster is out lurking and a scared group of people decide to split up maybe one will bring help quicker…I yell…YOU STUPID DUMB #%$!!! U DESERVE TO BE NEXT!!! Like they can really hear me! LOL
You got it right! Those horror movies are my weakness. lol.
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