Laity Needs to Lead

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Deal Hudson’s article mentions something I’ve heard elsewhere – that the biggest loser in the just held election were the Catholic bishops -

"…Most evident is the growing split between the John Paul II Catholics and those who fashion themselves as the true heirs of Vatican II and the papacy of John XXIII. Although informed Catholics realize that neither Vatican II nor the pope who called for it would justify the kind of open dissent from Church teaching that pours out of mainstream Catholic institutions.

In the coming years these institutions will be openly challenged by the same legion of Catholics who threw their support to the pro-life president. Just as pro-abortion candidates are undergoing closer scrutiny and even defeat—think Senator Daschle—the parishes, colleges, hospitals, and chanceries preaching dissent will be increasingly challenged.

This has already started in small- and medium-sized dioceses where access to power structures are more readily available to Catholic activists. The urban dioceses are so entrenched and buried in bureaucracy they’ll need to be overhauled from above. And a generation of bishops is coming along who won’t be afraid to clean the stables.

Along with the challenge to Church institutions itself, this generation of lay Catholics who have been inspired by the present pope will not be intimidated by the demonization of religious belief so widespread during the campaign and in the aftermath of Bush’s election. The name-calling and labeling of Catholics and Evangelicals by the media elite has done nothing but create a formidable backlash.

Very quickly the force of that backlash was felt again in the outrage over the comments of Senator Arlen Specter regarding a litmus test for future federal and Supreme Court judges.

Some have said that the bishops are the big losers in this election—that in the failure of many of them to delineate clearly the difference between an issue like fetal stem cells and arctic drilling, they abdicated their responsibility. I respectfully disagree. The winner in this election—from a Catholic perspective—is the Catholic laity. Their unprecedented level of participation and their commitment to protecting life and marriage—as expressed through their vote—suggests that the bishops may have been doing a better job than previously thought.

crisis Magazine has always argued that the duty of evangelizing the culture is the job of the laity. Since I came to crisis over ten years ago, I’ve sounded that theme over and over again. Not only have I written about it and encouraged others to do it, but I’ve participated in the battle on the ground. What the laity is called to do cannot be accomplished from an armchair, even if it happens to be surrounded by the greatest books ever written. Informed Catholics must take the field, and indeed they have.

Nothing scares the old guard more than an informed and faithful Catholic laity unwilling to be intimidated into inaction by worn-out slogans and mantras. If I have learned anything over the past decade it is that information is power, and if it is widely and effectively disseminated, faithful people will be jarred to action. This is what I’ve hoped to accomplish for our country and our Church.
God bless our Pope!!! And thank you Holy Father for replacing Atlanta Archbishop Donoahue with Bishop Gregory. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! John Paul 2, we love U!!👍
Nothing scares the old guard more than an informed and faithful Catholic laity unwilling to be intimidated into inaction by worn-out slogans and mantras. If I have learned anything over the past decade it is that information is power, and if it is widely and effectively disseminated, faithful people will be jarred to action. This is what I’ve hoped to accomplish for our country and our Church.
Got that right. Not only does it scare them, it makes them write nasty letters to you that call you all kinds of names in a pathetic effort to intimidate you. No refutation of facts - just attacks on character. This shows the true colors of dissenting priests - faith in Christ shall overcome all doubters that base their theories on first-grade scholarship and then pull out the dictionary to use 4-syllable words to obfuscate the faithful. The young, secular culture was supposed to buy into this preposterous endless traffic-circle discussions on dialogue and energy collecting yoga sessions for health and vibrance - but they AREN’T. They want the Truth of Jesus Christ. The time for dissenters is coming to a crashing end - oh, they won’t leave without kicking, screaming, and doing more damage to the Church in the press - but God won’t be mocked.

We voted the Rock and now we’ll continue to rock on - Here come the Christ’s disciples to reform His holy Church to what Vatican II really intended.
in my opinion… Laity needs to learn how to serve, and leave the leading to Rome! 👍
space ghost:
in my opinion… Laity needs to learn how to serve, and leave the leading to Rome! 👍
There comes times in Christian history when the rocks need to cry out. There have been more than a few saints that have gotten Bishops and even the Pope on track.

When Priests and Bishops reject the leadership of Rome, the laity must become more active in reform.
There comes times in Christian history when the rocks need to cry out. There have been more than a few saints that have gotten Bishops and even the Pope on track.

When Priests and Bishops reject the leadership of Rome, the laity must become more active in reform.

Our Archbishop here in Oregon is a politician. Nice man. Not perfect. He tries. He’s wants to please this very very liberal diocese.

And then he wrote a pastoral letter this past summer and was interviewed by the local paper re abortion, communion, politicians, etc. ALL HE DID WAS RESTATE CATHOLIC DOCTRINE: (Paraphrasing) Go to the alter rail after examining your conscience, being a Faithful Catholic before receiving our Lord. The implication being, abortion or suppporting abortion activists is not Catholic.

He got creamed for it. Very anger letters and phone calls from liberals who called him all sorts of names, accused him of the usual things liberals accuse conservatives of.

I have a freind would works for the diocese. He said the Archbishop was taken aback. Shocked. Not because people disagreed, but the vehemence!!

Both conservatives (and now) liberals here have criticisms of Vlasney, but as a conservative, I was happy he spoke up at least. Not many other bishops did this last election season.
When Priests and Bishops reject the leadership of Rome, the laity must become more active in reform.
I agree. But the leadership in Rome has shown us what they want in Atlanta. Go John Paul 2 👍
I agree. But the leadership in Rome has shown us what they want in Atlanta. Go John Paul 2 👍
I’m not arguing with their decision in Atlanta. I am sorry to see the previous Bishop go - also appointed by Rome.
There comes times in Christian history when the rocks need to cry out. There have been more than a few saints that have gotten Bishops and even the Pope on track.

When Priests and Bishops reject the leadership of Rome, the laity must become more active in reform.
couldn’t agree with you more my friend… but reserving the right to b- - - - , and leading are two different things…

service is the key… cardinals entering conclave hoping to be pope usually exit as cardinals… 👍
I sincerely believe that there is leadership coming from Rome by a Pope who will one day be a saint. The problem that I see is that Catholics in the US are getting a watered-down version. Hopefully we will eventually get a strong “visible” and concrete statement from our bishops on the moral and ethical issues that we face in America.
space ghost:
couldn’t agree with you more my friend… but reserving the right to b- - - - , and leading are two different things…

service is the key… cardinals entering conclave hoping to be pope usually exit as cardinals… 👍
Yes - I know what it is like - getting your head chopped off and being threatened is pretty humbling but when it quiets a dissenting priest that mocks the Catholic faith, it’s well worth the glory of uniting to Christ.
Bob Baran:
I sincerely believe that there is leadership coming from Rome by a Pope who will one day be a saint. The problem that I see is that Catholics in the US are getting a watered-down version. Hopefully we will eventually get a strong “visible” and concrete statement from our bishops on the moral and ethical issues that we face in America.
You are correct in the Pope. As far as the Bishops, it may be 15-20 years or so. We’ll probably have a bunch of strong Bishops residing over a smaller local church and plenty of secular persecution at our door. What a time for future saints!
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