The words necessary for transubstantiation to take place, per the 1955 source I cited are, “This is my body,” “This is my blood.” I feel that the Bishop who citied it’s Imprimatur has greater authority than you, and I choose to believe him rather than you. The source is not in error because Nihil Obstat and Imprimatured writings contain no errors because The Church says so.
It’s not a Bishop… it is a Bishop vs. the infallible Church teaching from Florence. Moreover, Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur mean that the one who approves it says it is without error. That doesn’t mean the CHURCH says it is without error. There are a lot of Bishops who don’t teach what the Church teaches… esp. today. Some of the most obvious occurences: pro-abortion, Bibled erred, pro-homosexual, pro-feminist, etc.
My source is correct, and therefore, the only conclusion to make is that Transubstantiation is still effected in the Novus Ordo Missae.
My source isn’t correct, then? (That is, you believe the Bishop trumps the infallible declaration of Florence?)
I think it’s really sad that you’d go into schism over synonyms and syllables. You people remind me of the Pharisees.
I’m not in schism. I simply stated the Church’s teaching at Florence (unless you claim all the Fathers of Florence were schismatics, too…)
Actually, “for the many” and “for all” and the “mystery of faith” and the word “cup” replaced for “chalice” are all distractive arguments, for these words have nothing to do with transubtantiation.
According to what? You? The Council of Florence says the WORDS OF CHRIST (
which are the words of the Canon) ARE THE FORM. The translation of cup is not the problem. The others are problematic.
If a priest has the Real Presence in his hands and offers it up to God in sacrifice for the remission of sins, and God accepts the sacrifice, which I presume with great probablility that He does in the Novus Ordo Missae, then it is a Mass.
Of course, but the debate is in whether or not the new conscration fulfills the form of the Sacrament.
There isn’t anything you can say to me to convince me you’re right because I have a 1955 Dogma book in my hand with an Imprimatur that says YOU are wrong. I think that some of you ultra-traditionalist are so filled with hate for everything Novus Ordo that you would go so far as to make up your own dogma just to seduce us Novus Ordo Catholics into joining your rebellion.
I am sorry, but this is just laughable.
You probably think we don’t know our dogma. You probably think we don’t know the history of the Church or the Mass. You probably think we don’t read the writings of the Saints or say the Rosary anymore. This may be true with many Catholics. But for the few faithful who remain, despite attacks from both modernists and traditionalists, we still perservere in all of these things and are showered with blessings and graces that you will, unfortunately, probably never know.
Typical… you judge what I “probably” think, based upon absolutely no evidence whatsoever to show that in any way.
I’ve been there, done that. The only fruit I saw of SSPX was complaining, complaining, complaining. SSPX had no bible studies, prayer groups, or groups studying the Saints! The only literature in their bookstore was anti-Novus Ordo literature, anti-Semitic literature, and literature, basically, focused on complaining about Rome. There were no prayer books or books on the Saints for sale there. It was a very negative, repressive atmosphere, and I’m glad I left.
I am not SSPX, but it is simply a lie that they don’t have books on the Saints, on prayer, etc. Do you know what Angelus Press is? That is the SSPX printing company. They have many, many. many good books on Saints, prayer, the Mass, devotions, etc. As far as “bible studies”… we aren’t protestants, and we don’t personally interpret the Bible. It’s not the layman’s place to study the Bible.
BOTH the ultra-traditionalists and the ultra-modernists are BOTH ravenous sharks that take great pleasure in nibbing away at what’s left of the true faithful. YOU are just as much culpable for hurting The Church as your modernist counterpart.
Again with the judging… you determine that I am culpable for the problems in the Church. You don’t know me. You have read a few posts I have made on a forum… and you think the “traditionalists” are the ones that are judgmental? Please…
[see next post]