This is really interesting to me, we’re expecting out first, and I’m sure at some point we’ll have to get a bigger car for me…so I’ve been thinking a lot about this particular subject…
Just a couple of years ago we had to replace his suburban (which we loved…that truck was awesome, and held up like a tank) It had been his parents truck before he bought it from them…when he got stationed out in CA it transported ALL of his belongings all the way across the country. It got used several times to help other people move as well, and up until right before we got rid of it, had had very few problems and only needed basic maintenance (new tires, oil changes, etc.) by the time we got rid of it I think it had at least 200,000 miles on it, hard miles too…I still miss that silly truck…I felt so bad that we couldn’t repair it and keep it, because that truck was a workhorse and we drove it until it died…so we went car shopping, knowing we wanted another SUV, as we were a military family, and we knew we were going to be PCSing soon…so we wanted something that could haul us, our stuff and possibly even my car on a trailer…and we also looked into our future, we were hoping to have kids and get a dog (we got the dog shortly after our PCS, and the new truck did indeed haul us, our stuff, and my car, and our first child is arriving this May) so we knew we wanted something to do all those things, we got them in our Tahoe…which has also been an awesome vehicle for us and I am pretty sure it will continue to be…we got it used, and its a 99, but it makes my husband happy, and it even had an aftermarket custom job done so he thinks he looks cool…but to me, its his truck and our family vacation mode of transport (who wants to ride 12 hours to see our families with a laborador in a Saturn Sedan…that would be miserable).
We’re planning to drive my Saturn until it dies too, we’ll have it paid off in a couple of months (I bought it used about 5 years ago when I was just getting ready to get out of college) or we may only keep it until it is too small for us to use…but right now we’re just waiting until I have the first baby before we start thinking too far ahead…we’ve learned that my car may be small, but we can pack a lot into her and still get good mileage…
I think you get more out of a car that you maintain well, and run until its ready to give out…my car and DH’s old truck aren’t(weren’t) much to look at but they have been workhorses for us…granted I don’t haul tons of stuff in my car, not like we did with the suburban or what we do with the tahoe when we need to, but that car gets its job done and does its own fair share of the work for our family…from hauling the dog to the vet to getting the groceries…I’ll be sad when we have to get me a newer car…because I’m just so used to this one…
Good luck in whichever route you choose! (Personally, I recommend suburbans if you can find an older one in good condition that someone wants to part with and is a decent price…but I may be a bit partial)