Largest class in 12 years ordained this morning in Philadelphia

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Please pray for all these men being ordained this morning. Pray especially that they persevere in the priesthood and keep their vows. I will be at the first Mass of one of them tomorrow.

Praise to You Lord Jesus for giving these men the strength, devotion, and courage to serve us as You did for mankind.
Went to one of the first Masses of one of these new young priests today. There was a very moving homily quoting St. Jean Vianney on how being a priest is the greatest thing there is because you call upon God and he responds, how without priests God would not be present to us in the form of the Real Presence.
And also on the importance of priestly celibacy in order to better emulate Jesus’ life and how God gives men the strength to persevere in that.
I do hope the new priests, and the priests who have been around for a few years (the Mass I was at yesterday was the fifth anniversary for another priest, who talked about how he was called to be a priest) all persevere in their vocations. I pray very hard for them.
Congrats to those new priests and the entire Archdiocese of Philadelphia. St. Charles has a wonderful reputation as a first-rate seminary. Many of the priests in my diocese studied there; I visited there many years ago was very impressed.

May all 12 priests have many many years of fruitful service in the Lord’s vineyard. And may there be many more classes like this!
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