Retribution for suggesting excommunication of our faithless Prime Minister…
Excellent post. Then the citizens could also tie up the courts with law suits against the government for double tasing. We should not be tax exempt. We should just not have to pay double taxes."So if the Pope wants to play hardball, fine. We can play hardball too. How about he can excommunicate our Prime Minister and we can get rid of the tax exemption on Catholic Church property?"
Make my day. It should have been done a long time ago. Then we could hear what the Church really teaches instead of milk toast.
Brad said:"What a windfall that would be. Millions. Millions upon millions. Mega-millions if we make it retroactive . . "
- Millions to the state? You’ve done such a poor job with the millions you already pilfer from all the citizens, what makes you think you’d do any better with these millions you’d receive from double-taxing the faithful?
Below is the reply from the Toronto Star concerning the article by Mr.Slinger. I hope the league is planning to oppose this cheap shot. There was nothing remotely funny about it. Before the Jews were hauled off to concentration camps the Nazi propaganda machine ridiculed them as sub-human. The threat about removing tax exemptions is not an idle one: witness the numerous letters to the editor suggesting just that during the ssm debate; the comments posted at Rabble-Rouser during the Morgentaler fiasco; and Revenue Canada’s agency interference with Bishop Henry during the last federal election. Removing tax status most certainly is on the agenda of enemies of the Church. This suggestion did not limit itself to attacking church leaders. To the contrary, the media elite surreptitiously seek to circumscribe the religious freedoms of all people of faith by depriving them of their houses of worship. This not too subtle threat is tantamount to a bullying intimidation tactic.
I’m sorry that you found Mr. Slinger’s column to be offensive. Columnists are given wide latitude to express controversial opinions. Mr. Slinger was not inciting hatred and persecution against Roman Catholics, he was being critical of church leaders. He is a satirist and used an aggressive tone to mimic the aggressive tone that he believes the Pope is taking on this matter. When someone takes a strong position on a religious matter, many people will disagree. I would defend your right to disagree with Mr. Slinger as strongly as I would defend his right to express his opinion.
As a Catholic I am dismayed with the Toronto Star’s abuse of its’ power to promote anti-Catholic bigotry in the form of undisguised threats to expropriate church property. The church has a long history of governments doing just that: the 16th.c.English Reformation, the 1789 French revolution and the 1917 Russian revolution to name just a few. I remind you of these precedents and their collective failure to destroy the Catholic Church; circumscribe, impoverish, yes; diminish, destroy, never.
Our nation, impeded by historical amnesia and led by increasingly aggressive, intolerant secularists, cannot survive as a healthy democracy. Why? Organized without God a state will organize itself against man. Ultramodern humanism can only attack and undermine democracy: it cannot sustain or defend it.
The very fact that Joey Slinger had the audacity to write such a column demonstrates Canada has already passed several warning signposts and has ignored them.