Latest UN Report Confirms World Population Headed for Plummet

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NEW YORK, January 27, 2005 ( – A newly released report from the United Nations affirms that world population levels which have been stagnating of late are headed for decline in the developed world with the developing world closely following the trend.

Women and men in developing countries are marrying later, having fewer children and having them later, following the pattern set earlier in the developed world. As a result, average fertility in developing countries has declined to under three children per woman. This is one of the major findings from World Fertility Report 2003, issued by the Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

The report documents changes in reproductive behaviour, including marriage and contraceptive use, in 192 countries of the world since the early 1970s. The report also presents the latest information concerning governments’ views and policies on fertility.

Men and women are spending longer periods of their life unmarried, according to the report. Among the world’s 192 countries, the median proportion of women single at ages 25-29 increased from 15 per cent in the 1970s to 24 per cent in the 1990s. Among men, the increase was from 32 per cent to 44 per cent. The increases were even more substantial for developed countries, where the median proportion of singles at ages 25-29 increased from 15 per cent to 38 per cent among women and from 26 per cent to 57 per cent among men;

A huge increase in the use of birth control has taken place. Between the 1970s and the 1990s, the median level of contraceptive prevalence (any method including abortifacients and natural family planning) among all 192 countries increased from 38 per cent of women currently married or in union to 52 per cent. Among developing countries, median contraceptive prevalence rose from 27 per cent to 40 per cent;

The report notes that government policies have played major roles in encouraging population control, but fails to mention that much of this effort was at the behest of the United Nations and other international organizations such as International Planned Parenthood, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

By 2001, says the report, “92 per cent of all governments supported family-planning programmes and distributed contraceptives either directly (75 per cent), through government facilities, or indirectly (17 per cent), by supporting the activities of non-governmental organizations, such as family-planning associations.”

As a result, world population has experienced a major and unprecedented reduction of fertility levels, driven mostly by the decline in fertility in developing countries. Fertility in developing countries today averages around 2.9 children per woman. And in 20 developing countries, fertility is currently below or far below replacement level.
the facts are there, and the UN is the place to find the facts, the difference is in how this news is interpreted. They think this is a good thing, and have directed all their efforsts and resources to bringing about this state of affairs. those dedicated to the gospel of life think it is a bad thing.
A depopulation agenda has always been one of the goals of the UN. They are pushing for One World Government and a lower population makes it easier for them to control, the idea also being ‘The less people there are, the more for you and me.’

It seems that spreading wars etc is a benefit for them, as well they are the ones pushing for abortion and contraceptives and encouraging homosexuality. Why I believe they recently spent a good sum of money sending contraceptives, condoms, pills, and medical staff specialized in abortions and sex to ‘monitor’ the situation in Asia.
The population is evening out, not plummeting. If anyone believes there are less people in The U.S than there was 30 years ago, go to where you were brought up and notice all the homes built in places which used to be empty space.
Also, people are living longer, so how can there be this huge DEpopulation happening?
There will never be a “one-world government”, whether the UN wants it or not----and I can prove it with one word:

Also, people are living longer, so how can there be this huge DEpopulation happening?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think people are only living on average, 7-10 years longer than 100 years ago. That’s a bit different from the 70+ years that another human being would live if they were allowed to.

That 7-10 year margin is about up, as my Catholic Social Thought professor said last semester, and now we are about to see the true monster that we have created. Our “buffer zone” of longer-lived older people is about gone, as the “extra” years they have been living begin to end.

It takes a fertility rate of at least 2.1 (I think?) children per woman to maintain a population. Most developed countries are well below that, statistically, and developing countries - the countries that need a younger, stronger workforce - are quickly getting there thanks to “our” help.

You do the math. My generation (I am 23) will not be able to support our parents’ generation they way they expect us too, because they have aborted and contracepted too many of our brothers and sisters out of existence. So of course, now that they’ve been so kind as to let us live, they are going to whine and scream and tax the h***ll out of us to pay for their health care, and make us even more burdened because of their selfishness. And so, because we are going to be so burdened, we will feel it is our right to do the same to our children, and our children will do it to their children. Our great-grandchildren thank you.

You may think there’s more people because there’s “more houses” in your old neighborhood, but look again - while it’s true that there may be “more” housing than before, there’s also a heck of a lot more single people out there who own their own homes than there once was.

The population is evening out, not plummeting. If anyone believes there are less people in The U.S than there was 30 years ago, go to where you were brought up and notice all the homes built in places which used to be empty space.
Also, people are living longer, so how can there be this huge DEpopulation happening?
If you look closely you will find that the U.S. population, and most of the Western countries’ populations, are being maintained or enlarged by immigration. In Europe this is largely Moslem immigration, which is beginning to have its effect on the culture.

Our parish is an example. It is growing still, but it is over a third Vietnamese.
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