Latin Mass Trivial Pursuit

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There was another thread about the differences in a TLM and a NMO - there appears to be several folks here who attend TLM - by answering these questions, you may be able to answer some of the questions those who are curious about this Mass want to know.

During the Tridentine Mass, how many times does the priest kiss the altar?

How many times are the bells rung?

Which is the Epistle side of the altar and which is the Gospel side?

How many distinct type of Tridentine Masses are there and what are they called?

How many Mass Cards are placed on the altar.

What is an ablution cup?

What is meant by Leontine prayers and when are they said?

What is the last Gospel and when is it read?

That should be a good start.

Some of these answers can be found at

This sounds fun! Since I don’t know the answer off the top of my head I will get to work on it.

God Bless!
Instead of supplying the answers (I am a former Indultie as The Remnant labels us). I will ask you a question ;

Why was the Bible read on the North Side of the altar?
If you want to ask questions instead of answering them, start your own thread:p
Am I allowed to answer? I’m kinda biased, after all! Maybe you’d prefer someone else not at the altar to answer these questions…

God Bless
Fr Matt
How many times are the bells rung?
At the Sanctus = 1
We renew our offering = 2
For this is MY Body = 3
Priest adores Precious Blood = 4
Humility and Faith = 5

I count 5.
Which is the Epistle side of the altar and which is the Gospel side?Right side?

Because the Gospel is read on the Left?

I am not sure been awhile since I was at a TLM.

God Bless!
Am I allowed to answer? I’m kinda biased, after all! Maybe you’d prefer someone else not at the altar to answer these questions…

God Bless
Fr Matt
Not at all - the answers are really for those who inquire and want to know a little more about the differences in the two Masses and I thought a little light handed approach with less emphasis on the Latin vs Vernacular might be more educational and interesting to them.
What is the last Gospel and when is it read?
That is easy!

John 1:1
1 2 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 3 All things came to be through him, and without him nothing came to be. What came to be 4 through him was life, and this life was the light of the human race; 5 4 the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. 6 5 A man named John was sent from God. 7 He came for testimony, 6 to testify to the light, so that all might believe through him. 8 He was not the light, but came to testify to the light. 9 The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. 10 He was in the world, and the world came to be through him, but the world did not know him. 11 He came to what was his own, but his own people 7 did not accept him. 12 But to those who did accept him he gave power to become children of God, to those who believe in his name, 13 8 who were born not by natural generation nor by human choice nor by a man’s decision but of God. 14 And the Word became flesh 9 (Here All Kneel) and made his dwelling among us, and we saw his glory, the glory as of the Father’s only Son, full of grace and truth.
Not bad for someone who was born after Vatican II and never got the chance to experience the beautiful Latin Rite? :hmmm:

I will let someone else answer the rest of the questions…

God Bless!

"The Old is Now New Again!"
How many times are the bells rung?
At the Sanctus = 1
We renew our offering = 2
For this is MY Body = 3
Priest adores Precious Blood = 4
Humility and Faith = 5

I count 5.
That adds up to 15 then doesn’t it?

Well the first time it is rung is when the priest enters from the sanctuary -

At the sanctus it is rung 3 times

At the Hanc igitur it is rung once

It is rung 3 times for the elevation of the Sacred Host

and 3 more at the elevation of the chalice containing the Precious Blood

and 3 times as a warning at communion that it is time

All the bell ringing means is - hey there, pay attention,

Occasionally I have seen the bell rung also just before the offeratory when the priest removes the chalice veil from the chalice

So this two equals 15 dingalings but not at the same times you noted.
How many distinct type of Tridentine Masses are there and what are they called?
Missa Privata(Low Mass) - The Mass is recited. Vernacular hymns are permitted. two candles lit.

Missa Cantata(Sung Mass) - The Mass is chanted, the choir chant certain parts, hymns must be in Latin. If incense can be used with permission. 4-6 Candles lit.

Missa Solemnis(High or Solemn Mass) - The Mass is chanted. Deacon chants the gospel, subdeacon chants the epistle. A canonical choir is required and the hymns must be in Latin. Incense is used. 6 Candles lit.
Those indeed are the most common -

But there are others

I was looking in one of my old Missals and my Goodness it lists,

Papal Mass

Pontifical Mass

Solemn Mass

Missa Cantata

Low Mass

Parochial Mass

Capitular Mass

Conventual Mass

Manual Mass

Votive Mass
I’ll take a stab at some of these (I’ll try to skip the ones other people have answered). 😉
How many Mass Cards are placed on the altar.
That’s an easy one! Three: one on the Gospel side (with the Last Gospel), one on the Epistle side (with the Lavabo), and the last and largest in the middle of the altar (with the Canon of the Mass).
What is meant by Leontine prayers and when are they said?
The Leonine Prayers, although they refer to Pope Leo XIII, were instituted by Pope Pius IX in 1859 for use after Low Mass in the Papal States. In 1884, however, Pope Leo XIII declared that the prayers should be prayed by all churches “so that the Christian people would implore God with common prayer for that very thing which benefits the whole Christian commonwealth.” They prayers consist of three Hail Mary’s, a Hail Holy Queen, a prayer said by the priest ("O God, our refuge and our strength…), the Prayer to St. Michael, and the triple invocation of the Sacred Heart.

Now, I’ll ask a few:
  1. Which feasts have a proper preface?
  2. From which psalm are the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar taken?
  3. The United States has an indult stating that the use of what is permitted in a *Missa Cantata? *(without the indult it would only be allowed in a Missa Solemnis)
Oh dear - I am trying to keep this to the original questions - how about you start another thread called more Latin Mass Trivial Pursuit ?

BTW I can answer #1 and #2 but I don’t know the answer to #3
Oh dear - I am trying to keep this to the original questions - how about you start another thread called more Latin Mass Trivial Pursuit ?

BTW I can answer #1 and #2 but I don’t know the answer to #3
Sorry about that! :o
Since I already gently chastised someone else about this, I can’t show any favortism though they are good questions.
During the Tridentine Mass, how many times does the priest kiss the altar?
Seven times during Low Mass
**Beginning of Mass until the canon **
After ascending the steps after Ps42, during the *Oramus te *
After the Gloria, or after the Kyrie in Masses without a Gloria
After the Credo, or after the *Per Evangelica dicta *in Masses without the Creed
After the *Suscipe, sancta Trinitas *
**Now into the Canon **
During the *Te igitur *
During the *Supplices te rogamus *after the Consecration
During Solemn Mass, once before the Pax is given
After the * Placeat tibi * before giving the blessing.
Sorry if I’ve left any out, it’s after midnight here!
How many times are the bells rung?
Thirteen times
Three times at the Sanctus
Once at the * Hanc Igitur *
Three times at the genuflections and elevation of the Host
Three times at the genuflections and elevation of the chalice
Once at each *Domine, non sum dignus *making three in all
Which is the Epistle side of the altar and which is the Gospel side?
Right and left sides, facing the altar respectively
How many distinct type of Tridentine Masses are there and what are they called?
In regular parish life, normally three -
High or Solemn Mass (Celebrant, deacon and subdeacon),
*Missa Cantata *(Celebrant alone, music and parts sung, in Australia incense allowed by indult} This also answers this question;
  1. The United States has an indult stating that the use of what is permitted in a *Missa Cantata? *(without the indult it would only be allowed in a *Missa Solemnis) *

I’m not talking about Pontifical or Conventual Masses here…
How many Mass Cards are placed on the altar.
Three, Last Gospel on the left, main one in the centre and Lavabo prayers on the right
What is an ablution cup?
Sits by the Tabernacle, used to wash fingers.
What is meant by Leontine prayers and when are they said?
Prayers introduced by Pope Leo XIII, prayed after Low Mass as the priest and servers kneel at the foot of the altar. Consisted of three Hail Marys, a Hail Holy Queen and collect, prayer to St Michael and three invocations to the Sacred Heart.
What is the last Gospel and when is it read?
At the end of Mass, after the blessing. Omitted at the Christmas Day, Mass of the Day, when that particular Gospel is the Gospel of the Mass. My brain is too fuzzy at 1am to remember other times when it is omitted…

God bless you,
Fr Matt
Why was the Bible read on the North Side of the altar?
The Gospel is read facing North because the North represents the cold and the powers of darkness - the light of the Gospel scatters the powers of darkness.

A great sermon I heard in person which explained this:
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