Latin Mass Trivial Pursuit

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Fr. Matt - want to come say the Mass in Phoenix???šŸ˜ƒ

Are you currently or have you celebrated the TLM?

After 30 years of this Diocese (Phoenix) not being permitted to celebrate the TLM by the former Bishop, the new Bishop has granted the indult - of course now the problem is finding priests. Several now have been given faculties but of the five Masses we have had so far, none were without errors - but we are praying and have a very good couple working with them and hope eventually to have TLMā€™s celebrated wthout correctly. I know all those who have volunteered to learn and celebrate this want to do it correctly also.

There are so many more rubics for the priest to remember in addition to the Latin, that I imagine it is much easier to learn the N.O. Mass.
If you want to ask questions instead of answering them, start your own thread:p

*You objecting to my answering a question with a question discloses an Anti-Jebbie ideology šŸ˜› *
Amen, brother. Be thnakful you alive in such close proximity to an Indult Mass.
 **                Isaias 14:**
12**How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, who didst rise in the morning? how art thou fallen to the earth, that didst wound the nations?****
**13And thou saidst in thy heart: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit in the mountain of the covenant, in the sides of the north

I think this partially explains why the evil State of Massachusettes produces and elects so many Criminal Christians like Kennedy, Kerry and others of their demented ilk.
Catholic Guy,

ā€œAmen, brother. Be thnakful you alive in such close proximity to an Indult Mass.ā€

Indeed I am and I have been praying for it for 3 years and now I live only 30 minutes away from one which I have attended the past 5 weeks. So donā€™t despair, just keep praying and there is hope tht soon all will have an automatic indult since ā€œbishops have been stingy granting itā€ accordin to Cardinal Hoyos.

As for the rest of your post - I donā€™t see it is relavent to the thread so I wonā€™t be responding to it. \

Thread drift is confusing to say the least and the forum has generously provided us the means to start new threads on topics that interest us and I think it best to do so.šŸ™‚
of the five Masses we have had so far, none were without errors
Since I attended last Sundayā€™s mass, could you describe what the errors were? (Itā€™s interesting that you do not describe them as ā€œabusesā€. But I digress.)

I thought it interesting that the topic of the homily was ā€œdetachmentā€, on not focusing so much on perfection in trivial details. (At least, that was the message I heard.)
Fr. Matt - want to come say the Mass in Phoenix???šŸ˜ƒ
Love to! Sadly living in rural Australia is a problem though!
Are you currently or have you celebrated the TLM?
Not publicly šŸ˜‰ We have a few priests in this diocese with permission to publicly offer TLM, so Iā€™m not needed there.
Several now have been given faculties but of the five Masses we have had so far, none were without errors - but we are praying and have a very good couple working with them and hope eventually to have TLMā€™s celebrated wthout correctly.
The traditional Mass takes alot of work to learn. In my dim pre-seminary days I used to serve from time to time so I picked alot of it up then. One does pick it up pretty quickly though. The rubrics are clear, except for a few areas towards the end of Mass, which are explained in Fortescue-Oā€™Connell. There are plenty of good online resources for priests wanting to learn. Hardest part is getting used to not bumping or knocking things on the altar with the maniple!

God bless you,
Fr Matt
ā€œSince I attended last Sundayā€™s mass, could you describe what the errors were? (Itā€™s interesting that you do not describe them as ā€œabusesā€. But I digress.)ā€

The errors are not major but last week you asked about, well too many genuflections, (more than required) and speaking up when required. Another week, the priest was miked and all the parts that were supposed to be soto voce were out loud. Another had a lot of problems with his Latin. Small things I could describe but not being familiar with the Mass, you would not exactly understand them but there are very explicit rubics for the priest to follow and it is a lot to remember at first, especially while trying to concentrate on the Latin. NONE of these errors in any way effected the consecration.

Okay you ask why they are not abuses - (actually I heard them called that by someone who was teaching the priests) and I said I would call them errors and not abuses because they are in a learning curve as are some of the people attending.

Abuses are those things that one knows is contrary to the teaching and doing it anyway, week after week and year after year, as I see it. In otherwords, abuses are deliberate; errors are accidents. Both need correction.

We, in the Latin Mass Community in Phoenix, are all very thankful to have priests willing to give their time and energy to learn this Mass and realize they will have this learning curve and errors will occur until they get it right.

Oh and by the way, I am glad to hear you attended last week. As you may have noted by some of my posts, I have a great wish for those who attend and love N.O. Mass and those who attend and love TLM Mass to better understand each other and to have more open dialogue with charity in their discussions.
Fr. Matt - well I do think that would be a long commute on Sundays - and I do have faith in time the priests will be able to learn the TLM and we are grateful they have volunteered to do so.
Abuses are those things that one knows is contrary to the teaching and doing it anyway, week after week and year after year, as I see it.
That seems fair.
We, in the Latin Mass Community in Phoenix, are all very thankful to have priests willing to give their time and energy to learn this Mass and realize they will have this learning curve and errors will occur until they get it right.

Oh and by the way, I am glad to hear you attended last week.
If you will send me a PM with an email address (or turn your PMā€™s back on) I have some private questions for you.
Okay - I turned my PM on but didnā€™t know how to send you one.
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