We shouldn’t worry to much,I think, about the small, not visible particles that beak of (the church has always taught that only bread that is still visible and resembles bread contains the body of Christ). And if the host breaks in greater pieces, it is easily consumed - I have even seen people licking their hands to make sure.
And personally, I think, we shouldn’t tell other people how to receice. If somebody wants to receive by hand, let him do it - it is ok with the current practice of the church (as it was in the very early days of the church - have you read something about the apostles receiving on the tongue?
, no completely protestant custom…), and it is somehow being “more catholic than the pope” to say it is a departure from church teachings to do so.
And lutherans believe in the real presence, too
Lutherns do not believe in the REAL Presence. They believe in a spiritual presence not the actual body and blood of Christ. God is present everywhere therefore he is spiritually in a Luthern communion wafer but not physically.
“Out of reverence towards this sacrament, **nothing touches it, but what is consecrated; **hence the corporal and chalice are consecrated,
and likewise the priest’s hands, for touching this sacrament.”
-ST. THOMAS AQUINAS, Summa Theologica