Worse “refutation” I have ever read. Aquinas would be laughing hysterically.(So far, we have one God with a body.)
- Jesus is God.
- The resurrected Jesus has a body. (Philippians 3:21 He will change our lowly body to conform with his glorified body by the power that enables him also to bring all things into subjection to himself .)
(Now, we have two Gods, each with a distinct body.)
- The Father is God.
- Christ is the exact image of the Father (Hebrews 1:3 KJV Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person… ) Therefore, the Father also has a body.
Therefore, God has a body and Aquinas is refuted.
The resurrected Jesus is Incarnate, John 1:14. Incarnation means to assume human nature, assuming human nature means to not have said nature before. Therefore, Jesus didn’t have a body in the eternal past. Now, you assert that the Father has a body, implying that the Father was incarnate, but there is no biblical evidence whatsoever, except for two verse you twist and misinterpret completely, showing the further fallacy of Mormon exegesis and your personal exegesis. Jesus is the reflection of God’s glory in being the Son of God, not in being a man, for God is a Spirit as John 4 says, which your view of John 4 was thoroughly refuted earlier. The Divine Nature that is God, for the human nature of Jesus is not the Divine nature, is not a body. But the Person of the Son assumed a body, not the divine nature. The Divine nature cannot be a body for it is the most noble of natures as Aquinas says:The resurrected Jesus has a body.
Therefore, God is not a body.because God is the most noble of beings. Now it is impossible for a body to be the most noble of beings; for a body must be either animate or inanimate; and an animate body is manifestly nobler than any inanimate body.
The greatest mistake you made with trying to refute Aquinas, was that you didn’t attempt to refute what he said before! You skipped it all and focused on one line. Read the rest of what he said, and then read what he says on the incarnation. Disproves everything you just said.
It is generally a bad idea to take one verse out of context, a context contrasting Jesus to angels, showing how He was begotten and the angels are not, disproving this faulty notion Mormons say that we are the brothers of Jesus.
Research good exegesis before trying to use the bible as a source. And to disprove one line of Aquinas, make sure you know what he said before and disprove the three other reasons for why the Divine nature cannot be a body.
God Bless and open your heart.