Lebanon: Hundreds of Thousands of anti-Syrian Protesters

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**Hundreds of thousands **

**Hundreds of thousands of people have gathered for an opposition rally in Beirut, a month after the killing of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. **

http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/40923000/jpg/_40923063_christian_story_afp.jpg Opposition supporters have been arriving by car, bus and boat


also see:
opposition rally draws hundreds of thousandsLebanon

Protest SyriaHundreds of Thousands in Lebanon Reuters

Thousands of anti-Syrian Lebanese protesters stage a candle vigil while forming the word ‘The Truth’ in front of the grave of former prime minister Rafik al-Hariri in Martyrs Square in Beirut, March 13, 2005. Photo by Jamal Saidi/Reuters
The people of Lebanon want and deserve freedom Syria should pull their troops out, the Palestinians should leave and go to the west bank or Gaza or move out of the camps and become Lebanese and Israel should pull back to it’s own borders. The Christians, Druze and Muslims got along fairly well until the PLO moved in and cause a civil war and started attacking Israel, which caused the Israelies to retaliate, which cause the Syrians to move in. The Syrians don’t want to leave because even with sanctions against them they are able to do business through Lebanon.
Hundreds of thousands of opposition demonstrators chanted “Freedom, sovereignty, independence” and unfurled a huge Lebanese flag in Beirut on Monday, the biggest protest yet in the opposition’s duel of street rallies with supporters of the Damascus-backed government.

Crowds of men, women and children flooded Martyrs Square, spilling over into nearby streets, while more from across the country packed the roads into Beirut – responding to an opposition call to demonstrate for the removal of Syrian troops from Lebanon.

“We are coming to liberate our country. We are coming to demand the truth,” said Fatma Trad, a veiled Sunni Muslim woman who traveled from the remote region of Dinniyeh in northern Lebanon to take part.

Monday’s protest easily topped a pro-government rally of hundreds of thousands of people last week by the Shiite Muslim militant group Hezbollah. That show of strength forced the opposition to try to regain its momentum.
The biggest demonstration yet (more than 800,000… a million who knows…) on the streets of Beirut - this time from the pro-democracy side. How thrilling it is to see this! Let’s all pray (even we agnostics) for continued non-violence.

Sam Jaffe observes that Lebanon is looking more and more like Ukraine.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Turkey’s Zaman Online is reporting the number of anti-Syria/pro-democracy demonstrators in Beirut to be “nearly two million”! Isn’t the population of Lebanon itself only slightly above three million?
The people of the Middle East share the desire for freedom. We have an opportunity - and an obligation - to help them turn this desire into reality. And we must work with others to create a world where terror is shunned and hope is the provenance of every living human. That is the security challenge, and moral mission, of our time.”-Condolisa Rice

terrorismunveiled.com/photos/uncategorized/lflag.jpg Picture via Beirut Daily Star

Maybe Gargantuan is a better word for it

Between 1.5 and 2 million opposition activistsconverged on Beirut’s downtown Martyrs Square and surrounding neighborhoods to mark the lapse of one month on Hariri’s assassination. They shouted slogans demanding the resignation of all security commanders in Lebanon because of dereliction of duty in stopping the assassination.
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