I started RCIA without a sponsor. The RCIA director at the parish I have been attending said it would be no problem; they have volunteers who act as sponsors and I would be paired up with one. As late as two weeks ago, he assured us that he had it taken care of. Tonight at class, he was taking around a sheet where we were to write in the name of our sponsor next to our names. When he got to me, he told me, “You don’t have one? You’d better get one, it’s less than two weeks away!” I was … stunned. I understand that they have a problem with getting enough volunteers, but I am really upset that he wasn’t just up front about it to begin with, so I could have time to find someone. I also was upset that he acted like he’d never promised that he was coordinating sponsors for the class.
I am new at the parish and kind of shy and I just haven’t made any friends to ask. My mother has a couple of Catholic friends and I am going to ask one of them, but I feel really bad and intrusive asking someone to give up two to three hours on Easter vigil on such short notice.
I guess the worst thing that could happen is that I can’t find a sponsor and have to wait another year. :crying:
I am new at the parish and kind of shy and I just haven’t made any friends to ask. My mother has a couple of Catholic friends and I am going to ask one of them, but I feel really bad and intrusive asking someone to give up two to three hours on Easter vigil on such short notice.
I guess the worst thing that could happen is that I can’t find a sponsor and have to wait another year. :crying: