Legionaries banned from Archdiocese

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The Texas Catholic Herald reported this week that that the Legionaries have been banned from the St. Paul-Minn. Archdiocese.

Archibshop Flynn explained that the organization’s written policy of cooperating with local dioceses had not been matched in practice, and that the archdiocese’s pastors felt a “parallel church” was being encouraged by Legionaries in apparent competition to local parishes and the archdiocese at large.

Any thoughts on this?
This was alluded to in this thread: forums.catholic-questions.org/showthread.php?t=31316

and covered more extensively in this thread: forums.catholic-questions.org/showthread.php?t=28289

It’s old news–the Texas Catholic Herald just picked up the CNS story, which is puzzling considering the Houston diocese. Read the article carefully. It’s vague and negative, full of inuendo, but no specific behavior is cited as the reason behind this ousting. I should disclose that I’m a member of Regnum Christi, so I field these kinds of questions all the time. It’s been my personal experience that those who have criticisms of the Legionaries or Regnum Christi never have anything specific to offer.

Another member of RC popping in here. . .

I am in MO, but we were told about this, told that the Priests and lay people would obey this directive, and also that one of the directors of the North American territory had already made an appt to meet with Abp. Flynn. The impression I got was that one, obedience was key, and two, that there is hope this will be resolved when the meeting with Abp. Flynn occurs. I will say that the humble, obedient tone of the letter to us, the members, reminds me why I support the Legion. There was no hint of indignation or anger towards the Abp. and utmost respect shown for the authority of the Archdiocese.

God Bless,

Another member of RC popping in here. . .

I am in MO, but we were told about this, told that the Priests and lay people would obey this directive, and also that one of the directors of the North American territory had already made an appt to meet with Abp. Flynn. The impression I got was that one, obedience was key, and two, that there is hope this will be resolved when the meeting with Abp. Flynn occurs. I will say that the humble, obedient tone of the letter to us, the members, reminds me why I support the Legion. There was no hint of indignation or anger towards the Abp. and utmost respect shown for the authority of the Archdiocese.

God Bless,
Here’s one faithful Catholic in the St. Paul Archdiocese who eagerly looks forward to any meeting that might cause the Archbishop to rethink his position… or at least explain himself more clearly to his flock, of whom the more orthodox ones are looking askance at him for doing this, with his vague reasons for his action, yet continuing to allow so much heterodoxy and dissenting groups/parishes to continue for years and years… 😦

Disheartening, I tell you. Here’s praying for the best, and a reversal of his decision! :gopray:

This is very sad that Bishop Flynn feels the need to attack such a good and holy order. Regnum Christi members are always encouraged to attend Mass in a Parish and help whenever we can the priests who are being torn apart by congregations. Encouraged to pray for the priests and not condemn. Before I met them I was a mean uncharitable Catholic ripping apart the liberal priests and Bishops, In Regnum Christi I learned the way to work as Christ did! I attend Daily Mass with the Legion of Christ and have worked for them for years and have never seen behavior that is any different than my sisters Holy Cross Order. They follow Rome they teach the truth and yet are condemned for it.
What is really sad is to see these posts against this order.

Regarding the other post I have read word for word these allegations for years. I have been in Regnum Christi for 17 years now and as I have posted before the allegations are false and have changed several times.

The Pope recently gave the Pontifical home in the Holy Land to the Legionaries. They have grown for years and continue to grow. The Pope was quoted in Time magazine calling the Legionaries of Christ the up and coming Jesuits of old.

Why is it that people continue to attack something our very own Holy Father continues to proclaim as great.

By there fruits you will know them, I will pray harder for this Bishop.
The case against the FOUNDER of the Legionaries was re-opened this week by the VATICAN ITSELF!!! Maybe the Archbishop is in a way right in St. Paul/Minneapolis. I cannot emphasize more the NEED for Rigourous Psychological evaluations PRIOR to the entry of any NOVICE in ANY!!! Order Or Diocesan seminary. Also, the CONVENTS.
The case against the FOUNDER of the Legionaries was re-opened this week by the VATICAN ITSELF!!! Maybe the Archbishop is in a way right in St. Paul/Minneapolis. I cannot emphasize more the NEED for Rigourous Psychological evaluations PRIOR to the entry of any NOVICE in ANY!!! Order Or Diocesan seminary. Also, the CONVENTS.
I agree but will defend the order. The case has been opened and reopened and was exonerated by Cardinal Ratzinger himself a few years ago.

All cases are being reopened due to the last set of scandals in the church. Fr. Maciel willingly stepped down as the Leader of the order and did not meet with the seminarians the whole time during the first wave of this years ago.

Years ago these men as I have stated before accused Fr. Maciel of drug use, that was the 60’s scandal when that failed to bring him down and the wave of molestations came out in the 80’s these same men changed their story to abuse. Since then one of them has come out and told the truth.
Yet Fr. Maciel continues to be persecuted. I have seen many orders that could use investigation and it is sad that as we see the scandals within the diocese with our own bishops and priests people continue to focus on this one priest. Why is that? Is it because it is the only growing order the fastest growing order?
The priests take up to 10 years and sometimes longer to be ordained. In the diocese now it is minimal. The Legionaries of Christ have been accused of everything under the sun, yet continue to grow.
I will run the race with Christ, and go with the order that has been blessed with many fruits. These fruits I have personally witnessed and will defend.
Here’s one faithful Catholic in the St. Paul Archdiocese who eagerly looks forward to any meeting that might cause the Archbishop to rethink his position… or at least explain himself more clearly to his flock, of whom the more orthodox ones are looking askance at him for doing this, with his vague reasons for his action, yet continuing to allow so much heterodoxy and dissenting groups/parishes to continue for years and years… 😦
Quick question, +veritas+!!

Has he (the good Archbishop), ever made a statement of any kind re the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter? They too of course have to have permission to enter a diocese,and perhaps they have never shown any interest in St. Paul/Mpls.

It is at best strange that he is concerned about oversight when, as you suggest, we abound in “innovative :whacky: Catholicism!”

Yes, go pray! :gopray2: :gopray2: :gopray2:

Here’s one faithful Catholic in the St. Paul Archdiocese who eagerly looks forward to any meeting that might cause the Archbishop to rethink his position… or at least explain himself more clearly to his flock, of whom the more orthodox ones are looking askance at him for doing this, with his vague reasons for his action, yet continuing to allow so much heterodoxy and dissenting groups/parishes to continue for years and years… 😦

Disheartening, I tell you. Here’s praying for the best, and a reversal of his decision! :gopray:

I have a question, too, Veritas. I heard, and I’m hoping you can either verify or refute this, that there are no priestly religious orders in Archbishop Flynn’s archdiocese. Do you know if this is true?
I have a question, too, Veritas. I heard, and I’m hoping you can either verify or refute this, that there are no priestly religious orders in Archbishop Flynn’s archdiocese. Do you know if this is true?
If by “priestly” religious orders you mean orders that do not have brothers, then I only know of one. There is a diocesean “order” of priests who live in community, yet serve as diocesean priests and pastors, called the Companions of Christ. They are an amazing group of men, committed to orthodoxy, evangelization and vocation awareness.

There are no FSSP or other approved traditional priestly orders that I know of (we do have an indult TLM however, celebrated by two priests from our major seminary). There are many many faithful here who would love to see FSSP or a similar group come to the Cities, but I have no idea whether or not there has been any expressed interest from either the orders or from our Archbishop…

There are multiple priests serving the Archdiocese from the regular religious orders (Jesuit, Holy Cross, Benedictine, to name a few).

I have a question, too, Veritas. I heard, and I’m hoping you can either verify or refute this, that there are no priestly religious orders in Archbishop Flynn’s archdiocese. Do you know if this is true?
I would not daubt it: many Bishops do this on purpous. because they cannot oversee and control the PONTIFICAL ordersetc, but could control the DIOCESAN priests=directly UNDER the bishop, if I were bishop I would do the same.
I have no doubt that the “parallel church” that is being alluded to is just an illusion created by the relative level of activity of the Legion of Christ priests compared to the near catatonic state of the average diocesan priest.

I have only had peripheral contact with Legion priests but have found them energetic and inspiring, 100% orthodox and these issues would present an unwanted challenge for most of the diocesan priests I know.

I whish I could arrange more exposure to the order for myself and my sons. Perhaps then I wouldn’t still be a “mean uncharitable Catholic ripping apart the liberal priests and Bishops”.

I apologies to the priests I know who take their calling seriously and live it 24/7, but they are few and I am a poor man and tired of having to drive thirty miles one way, past half a dozen parishes to find one good priest that I don’t have to worry about exposing my sons to. (No, I’m not talking about sex abuse, I’m talking about arrogant, disobedient priests and lazy priests that set the worst kinds of examples for a young man.)

Finally, I don’t care if the founder turns out to be an axe murderer, the order is alive with the love of God, Jesus Christ and His Church and if any or all of my sons decided to join, my reaction would be tears of joy!
  • FranL
If by “priestly” religious orders you mean orders that do not have brothers, then I only know of one. There is a diocesean “order” of priests who live in community, yet serve as diocesean priests and pastors, called the Companions of Christ. They are an amazing group of men, committed to orthodoxy, evangelization and vocation awareness.

There are no FSSP or other approved traditional priestly orders that I know of (we do have an indult TLM however, celebrated by two priests from our major seminary). There are many many faithful here who would love to see FSSP or a similar group come to the Cities, but I have no idea whether or not there has been any expressed interest from either the orders or from our Archbishop…

There are multiple priests serving the Archdiocese from the regular religious orders (Jesuit, Holy Cross, Benedictine, to name a few).

Thanks for the answer, and I’m sorry I wasn’t clear. What I had heard was that this Archbishop didn’t allow any orders in the archdiocese, such as Jesuits, Holy Cross, etc. I’m glad to hear that I was wrong.🙂
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