legionaries of christ

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Yes, the Jesuits were suppressed worldwide by the Pope himself for a time in their history…
Actually the Jesuit were never universally suppressed. There has always been a Society of Jesus since the founding. Czarina Catherine the Great is to be thanked for that!

"The Suppression of the Jesuits in Portugal, France, the Two Sicilies, Parma and the Spanish Empire by 1767 was troubling to the Society’s defender, Pope Clement XIII. Following a decree signed by Pope Clement XIV under secular pressure in July 1773, the Jesuits were suppressed in all countries except Russia, where Catherine the Great had forbidden the papal decree to be promulgated. Because millions of Catholics (including many Jesuits) lived in the Polish western provinces of the Russian Empire, the Society was able to maintain its legal existence and carry on its work all through the period of suppression."

free time is hard to come by, as well as regular internet access.

I have, over the last 2.5 months, been working at one of the Legionaries’ schools as a prefect. The work is difficult, the hours are long, and the pay is abysmal, but there is something really comforting about the fact that I am doing all of this for Christ.

I am still planning to enter the candidacy program this summer and see where things go from there.
free time is hard to come by, as well as regular internet access.

I have, over the last 2.5 months, been working at one of the Legionaries’ schools as a prefect. The work is difficult, the hours are long, and the pay is abysmal, but there is something really comforting about the fact that I am doing all of this for Christ.

I am still planning to enter the candidacy program this summer and see where things go from there.

I was JUST thinking about you the other day! I was looking through some of my old posts for a citation and had looked at this thread… “Wonder whatver happened to him?” I thought to myself.

Well now I know! Will keep you in my prayers!
I don’t know that I am unbiased, but here are a few things I’ve heard said about the LC that seem on target to me.
  • Absolutely committed to true catholic teaching and evangelization without dissent and endless attempts to lawyer out special exceptions to catholic moral teachings.
  • Very much obedient to the Holy Father and his teachings and disciplinary actions.
  • Serious questions remain about the founder, as mentioned above.
  • Sometimes called “Millionaires of Christ” because they tend to focus their evangelization on the rich and influential in society. Sometimes it can appear that they are embraced by said rich and powerful in order for them to get a veneer of catholic respectability without having to deal with some of those pesky things Jesus said about the poor and needy. With such a mission focus, they must be very careful not to be used by the elite class. I dunno how successful they are at avoiding this exploitation.
I spent a weekend with them and I agree with the above post. I think they are going down the same road as the Jesuits went. And I pray they dont reach teh same end. The evangelization of the elite of society was promoted in a book one of them mentioned when I was there. It was called Secret of the Jesuits. Later I got a hold of a copy for myself. It is a very convincing Book that the secret of the Jesuits was dealing with the elite and converting from the top down.
But it is problemaic I think in two ways First the above book mentioned used unreliable sources to “find” the secret of the Jesuits success.
Secondly this method led to the demise of the Jesuits. Jesuits were not allowed in their original constitutions to have bishops so they used there influence with royality to protect themselves from there ememies. Playing with the bonfire of vanities of power one tends to get burned and that is why they were surpressed. They seemed a political threat to world powers. Plus evangelizing the rich didnt work. In China it ended in disaster and in Paraguay it is still the least Christian nation in South America.It also failed in Sweden.
The Jesuits were successful when they preached to the poor in India.
Im not saying to exclude the rich but dont cater to them.
As the fiasco on FOX news testifies.

I would recomend them but I personally couldnt be in their vision.
I don’t know that I am unbiased, but here are a few things I’ve heard said about the LC that seem on target to me.
  • Serious questions remain about the founder, as mentioned above.
  • Sometimes called “Millionaires of Christ” because they tend to focus their evangelization on the rich and influential in society. Sometimes it can appear that they are embraced by said rich and powerful in order for them to get a veneer of catholic respectability without having to deal with some of those pesky things Jesus said about the poor and needy. With such a mission focus, they must be very careful not to be used by the elite class. I dunno how successful they are at avoiding this exploitation.
I just returned from a private pilgrimage to visit Our Lady of Guadalupe . While I was staying in Mexico City I heard a lot of priest bashing at the publicly run museums. The government in Mexico is still trying to indoctrinate their people and tourists that all the priests ever wanted was wealth and attending to the needs of the wealthy. The have murals with priests looking like monsters and the guides will tell you that the priests are still like that today. I wouldn’t be surprised if the government workers had framed the LC founder.
Well, if you ask me, between Enron and all the CEOs that get huge bonuses while they are laying people off and shipping jobs overseas, a lot of CEOs could use all the evangelization they can get…
Well, if you ask me, between Enron and all the CEOs that get huge bonuses while they are laying people off and shipping jobs overseas, a lot of CEOs could use all the evangelization they can get…
dont forget Sean Hannity too 🙂
It was the Pope of the time of the founding who told the founder of Legionaries to focus on forming the leaders of society.

It is their mission to reChristianize the world by forming Christian leaders.
Actually, wasn’t it a legionnaire priest who came to the defense of Hannity?
Yeah at the same time attact a very good priest. It isn’t fair to judge a whole institute by the actions of one man but I heard he is the head of their seminary in Rome.:confused: He needs to be more careful.
The Democrates used to be very in-line with the Church’s social teachings. But, they tricked many Catholics into following their idiology. I hope the same doesn’t happen with these “new” conservative talk show hosts.
Not to get off topic, but I think the whole Hannity situation was mishandled and misunderstood by the public. Father Morris, who the last few posts reference, didn’t say he disagreed with Father E’s point or any teachings of the Church. Instead, he would have preferred both sides had been more charitable in their approach. If you consistently read his blog on Foxnews, it becomes much easier to understand the genuiness of his concerns for both sides in that confrantation.
Not to get off topic, but I think the whole Hannity situation was mishandled and misunderstood by the public. Father Morris, who the last few posts reference, didn’t say he disagreed with Father E’s point or any teachings of the Church. Instead, he would have preferred both sides had been more charitable in their approach. If you consistently read his blog on Foxnews, it becomes much easier to understand the genuiness of his concerns for both sides in that confrantation.
The point is that it seemed to me that Fr. Morris was giving into human respect. That is why I said above, which is not off the subject. The LCs have good theology but they seem to me to be afraid in their pastoral approach of preaching the truth honestly and openly especially when the elite wont like it.

Fr. Morris should have never even been involved in the controversy in the first place. If he wanted to bring peace he should have taken his own advice and spoken privately to both Fr. E and Hannity but as it appeared to me he was looking for the limelight and published an open letter.

To defend him is also the way the Jesuits functioned in their “Golden Age”( and still function). They had a theologian Luis Molina who crossed the line in the dispute about free will and grace, even Bellarmine, Suarez, and Valentia at the time agreed he went too far in his theory. But the Jesuits defended him to the hilt because outsiders (Mainly Dominicans) attacked his theory.

Of course this incident of Fr. Morris isnt near as important but why can’t Fr. Morris appologize and have done with it. Why do LC friends and members feel compelled to defend him? It was imprudent, thats all.
um… what are you guys talking about (i haven’t watched the news in eons)
anyone know anything about this congregation? I am discerning a priestly vocation, and their congregation is just one of many vocations I am attempting to discern.

I can’t seem to find an unbiased source about them, everyone seems to either love or hate them…
You should read this Vatican communique:
Since 1998, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has received accusations, which were already made public in part, against Father Marcial Maciel Degollado, founder of the Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ, for offenses reserved to the exclusive competency of the dicastery. In 2002, Father Maciel published a statement to deny the accusations and to express his astonishment at the offenses against him by former Legionaries of Christ. In 2005, for reasons of advanced age, Father Maciel retired from the office of superior general of the Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ.
All these elements have been the object of mature examination by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and, in virtue of the “motu proprio” “Sacramentorum Sanctitatis Tutela,” promulgated on April 30, 2001, by the Servant of God John Paul II, the then prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, His Eminence Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, authorized an investigation into the accusations. Meanwhile, the death of Pope John Paul II and the election of Cardinal Ratzinger as the new Pontiff took place.
After submitting the results of the investigation to careful study, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, under the guidance of the new prefect, His Eminence Cardinal William Levada, has decided – taking into account both the advanced age of Father Maciel as well as his poor health – to drop the canonical process and invite him to a reserved life of prayer and penance, renouncing all public ministry. The Holy Father has approved these decisions.
Irrespective of the person of the founder, the distinguished apostolate of the Legionaries of Christ and of Regnum Christi is acknowledged with gratitude.

Here is Jimmy Akin’s commentary on the matter:


and here is a canon lawyer’s commentary:

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