Legionof Christ Youth Groups?

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I am a member of a Catholic men’s group- very orthodox and solid. They are currently putting together youth groups.

These youth groups are nation wide and organized by the Legionaries of Christ. The groups are called “Conquest” for boys and “Challenge” for girls. They are organized into three different age groups, 5-7, 8-11, and 12-16. These are parent run youth groups that meet preferrably once a week for 1-1/2 hrs. All the literature is provided for by the Legionaries of Christ and it is good stuff.

Does anyone have any experience with this? A priest and brother from LC will be coming next week to present.

By the way, I have seen the two at a prior function. They both looked like priests to me- wearing the collar, VERY sharply dressed w/ black suit coats, clean cut, etc…What is the difference between a Brother and Priest? Would you address him as “Brother Tom”?

Thanks for any (name removed by moderator)ut!
God bless you and all your members. I pray for your success in reaching the Children.

Davis Gray
Couples For Christ
Chicago & N.Central USA
I work with youth ministry. I havn’t heard of these particular organizations, but I would like to know more.

How are these meetings structured? What are your goals? Mission statement? Do you have a website?

I will pray for you. 🙂
My son has been in ConQuest for years; he loves it. He’s received great formation- spiritual, human, intellectual & apostolic. They’re very well rounded. Yes, refer to the brothers as “Br. Michael” (or hatever). When my husband has gone along on outings he has been very impressed. —KCT
My older two boys have been in ConQuest (last year was my middle son’s first year) since a group opened in our area, and I’ve only got positive things to say about it. I know they do a fair amount of physical activity (lots of basketball here) + catechetics.

The Brothers are seminarians who haven’t yet made it to priestly ordination, but are on that road.
Thanks for all the replies.

Last night was the presentation. It was very impressive. Starting a group is a big undertaking (about 2 hrs. every week). The LOC helps set it up but the parents run it. It looks like our area is interested in starting some groups!

The website is www.cywn.net

My only hesitation is I know some are critical of the LOC for being a little too intense- almost cult-like.

I guess I should review the thread on LOC- I know many positive statements were made.

God bless.
My husband and sons are very involved with Conquest (check out the video at www.toledosabers.org) It has been such a wonderful blessing on our family. I am finally learning how to raise good men!

I Bro. that wears a collar is a seminarian who has made his first professions. We had dinner with 2 Brothers last night! 🙂 The Legion is very orthodox and in the “heart of the Church” I cannot say enough good things about the LC.

I’m glad the presentation went well. Good luck to you in getting your group started, you’ll be sure to see many fruits from it.
Hi there, my kids go to a Legion school (except for one that I homeschool!) and there are Challenge and Conquest clubs through school. My daughter has participated in Challenge and I know the Conquest group is very active. I have nothing negative to say other than that for boys, if they aren’t into sports at all, it may not be something they enjoy as much.

As for the Legion, they are an awesome order with Priests who are very knowledgeable and devout. I am also a member of Regnum Christi, the lay apostolate affiliated with the Legion. There are some that say we’re cult-like, or have other issues, but I can only say that from my experience it’s not true. Most of the RC apostolates, like Challenge or Familia, are fully open to non-RC members and it is understood that it not a vocation for everyone. In any big group, there will always be individuals who don’t act the way we’d like or do out and out wrong things, but I don’t think this is more of a problem in the Legion than anywhere else.

Good luck to you. The groups are really good for kids. If you happen to get the magazine Faith and Family, there is a big article this month about a Challenge girl who wrote to Nordstrom’s about carrying more modest clothing. It made the national news and was a great testament to the work the clubs are doing.

God Bless,
Thank you, Lisa and Nicole. Your comments made me more assured that this is something to look into. I really think it could be a positive thing for my son- the physical activity would be great for him.

I have heard that LC beleive 1 in 5 men have a vocation to the priesthood-wow?? The Brother made the comment that if you want some LC priests in your area- invest in these clubs now.
I work with youth ministry. I havn’t heard of these particular organizations, but I would like to know more.
Calling them youth groups is not really correct. It’s a boy’s club w/ spiritual formation and lots of sports. They believe young men need lots of physical activity. I’ve heard of some youth ministers feeling that ConQuest is in competition w/ parish youth groups. It’s not. My son attends both and benefits in different ways. I think same sex groups are important for teens and ConQuest gives them that. —KCT
You may wish to check out regainnetwork.orgThere are some archdioceses who will not permit the Legonnaires of Christ or Regnum Christie to be in their diocese on an official status.

God Bless -
You may wish to check out regainnetwork.orgThere are some archdioceses who will not permit the Legonnaires of Christ or Regnum Christie to be in their diocese on an official status.

God Bless -
Which is very odd, being the Legionaries of Christ AND Regnum Christi BOTH have Pontifical approval, oh yes wait, I know why, those tend to be the VERY liberal dioceses, and Bishops.
Someone referenced a thread on the LC earlier could they please post the link I cannot seem to find it. I have heard both the good and the bad about them and am curious to see what this discussion brought.
Someone referenced a thread on the LC earlier could they please post the link I cannot seem to find it. I have heard both the good and the bad about them and am curious to see what this discussion brought.
The Legionaries of Christ’s OFFICIAL web-site: www.legionariesofchrist.org
Just in the few minutes that I browsed the Regain website referenced above, I was not impressed. It did not seem very credible or reliable. Names were changed, etc… They seem like a group with an axe to grind. I also only found one diocese that banned them- Cinncinatti.

The Brothers at our talk were very upfront that they will seek the approval of the local Bishop before starting an programs and will only be where they are welcomed. They also stressed that for the groups to work effectively, the boys (or girls) must want to be there- if not they are free to leave.
Which is very odd, being the Legionaries of Christ AND Regnum Christi BOTH have Pontifical approval, oh yes wait, I know why, those tend to be the VERY liberal dioceses, and Bishops.
Sorry to disappoint you - Seattle is not a liberal diocese! God Bless
My children are actively involved with CFC-Youth for Christ.

CFC-YFC - is a ministry of Couples for Christ that is called to evangelize the youths of the world - to make other youths see that knowing the Lord does not happen to older people only, like their parents. Evangelization happens in the same youth context and environment. YFC provides a venue and opportunities which allow its members to be “what they want to be as long as they are Christians”. The fun aspect of being a youth is not taken away from them by the program, but rather is enhanced because they know that they have the best friend of all in the person of Jesus Christ.
UM, yes, Seattle’s NEW Bishop is Catholic=orthodox, but again, he just got there, when he FIXES all the liberal nonsense, he will more than likely INVITE all the Legionaries of Christ=give him time, praise God!!

As per Cincinatti, again, is that the same diocese that has had sooo many scandals lately?? Well, when they become fully Catholic, they too will invite and love the orders the Pope loves too.
TWO great and faithful Roman Catholic orders (1) The Legionaries of Christ (2) The Institute of the Incarnate Word Fathers and sisters.

www.legionariesofchrist.org www.iveamerica.org Thank you Blessed Mother for these two great religious communities.
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