Gee - it seems to me that Seattle Archbishop Brunette has been here for at least ten years! Your statement is biased!
Tell me, Misericordie…why is it that the Challenge and the Conquest boys and girls, along with the Youth for the Third Millinneum are not involved in the youth group activites or the Word Up Scripture studies in our parishes? Why do these youth keep apart from their parish religious communities?
There are many activities that go on in our parish, and seldom, if ever, are the Regnum Christi or Legonnaire of Christ children there. This is something that puzzles me.
The YTM go out and ‘evangelize’ the world, but shouldn’t they start at their own parish? They set themselves apart, as though they are ‘too good’ or ‘too Catholic’ for the rest of us. They do not go to daily Mass…they do not go to the abortion mills and pray for an end to abortion, they are not involved in parish activities. BUT, they go and proselitize to those who are not Catholic. I reckon that you have to learn your faith within the parish first!
Hi there, it sounds like you’ve had some negative experiences, but I think it’s clear from this and other threads that many of the Legion and RC activities are very welcoming and well thought of in other areas. In our town, the Conquest club did an evangelization project with a local Parish where they went door-to-door and talked to people about their faith. The Pastor participated in the Mass before they went out and gave each boy a blessing.
Also, I’m not sure why you are making a generalization about an entire group of people like ‘they do not go to daily Mass.’ I try to make daily Mass and many of my RC friends do too. This would be at our own Parishes. I also am doing the Lightweigh bible study and have been involved in Christ Renews His Parish, both with my Parish friends. If it is your experience that Regnum Christi members don’t go to daily Mass, perhaps it would be better to qualify it that way.
The only reason I know of that RC/LC activities haven’t been welcomed in Parishes is because a Pastor doesn’t like their strict adherence to the Magisterium. Note, I said this was in my experience. Similarly, if the Pastor or Youth Director at a Parish doesn’t follow the teachings of the Church, I wouldn’t send my kids to those activities. That doesn’t mean I’m being a snob, just careful about what I expose my children to. It is a bummer that this is a concern, but it is.
I can make one generalization, in almost every organization you are going to find people you don’t like or see things you feel are being done the wrong way. You’ll almost always find people who make mistakes, some who are unrepentant about them too. If I wrote off every organization that had a bad apple, I would be really lonely.
Also, involvement in a Lay Movement is a matter of persuing a vocation. They are not meant for everyone as we all have different vocations. This true of any Lay Movement and is not indicative of any kind of exclusivity. Many of the RC Apostolates are open to anyone, member or not, but some aren’t, and that’s probably true of many organizations.
I’m sorry you’ve had such a negative experience.