Because many popular Communion hymns sing of the bread and wine ------ which no longer exist as they have become the Body and Blood of Christ — Transubstantiation.
It’s sad, but true
I was quite shocked when I first encountered an OCP Music Issue last year… The modernists will tell you “well, it’s just a direct line from Paul’s letter to the Corinthians…” Yeah, great. There are certain reasons why Paul wrote the way he did in regards to the Eucharist. He had the Pharisees and Romans to worry about, who could easily make claims such as “The Christians are cannibals!” (they did, quite often, by the way, which led to lots and lots of killing)… Since the Edict of Milan (when Constantine made Christianity a legal religion and the official religion of the Empire), it is no longer necessary for us to use such language!!! Transubstantiation has been infallibly defined, and I feel that we must loudly proclaim it to the world, not use texts that protestants are comfortable with.
That said, these are the wonderful Eucharistic hymns that I can think of off the top of my head:
*O Salutaris Hostia
*Adoro Te Devote
*O Esca Viatorum
*Panis Angelicus
*Sacris Solemniis
*Ecce Panis Angelorum
*Adoramus te, panem coelitum
*Ave Verum Corpus
*O Sacrum Convivium
*Tantum Ergo
*Pange Lingua
*O Lord, I am not worthy
*Father, we thank thee who hast planted
*Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all!
*O Jesus we adore thee!
*O Jesus Christ, remember
*Soul of My Savior (Anima Christi)
*O Thou, who at thy Eucharist didst pray
Check a Liber Usualis or Graduale Romanum for more of our most treasured hymns. Also, Marian Hymns are very much appropriate during Communion, since she is the Mediatrix of all graces. She gave us the Lord of Hosts who comes to us… never a bad idea to honor her
Hope that helps. All I can say is go for it… these hymns are mostly all chant or based on the original chants so you can find settings ranging from humble Gregorian Chant to elaborate Renaissance Polyphony. You may get some whining from the modernists in your parish, but it’s your duty to inform them that most of the OCP **** is NOT appropriate and tell them why. God bless!