Lent 2006

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Have any of you begun to think about what you will, or won’t, be doing this upcoming season of Lent?

I know it’s a little early, but I’ve already started thinking about it and wondered what some of you have come up with.

Scout :tiphat:
Since I am in serious contemplation about becoming a religious I plan on fasting 3-4 days a week while attending daily Mass, hoping this will aid in my discernment.
I start thinking about Lent right after Pentacost 😉 Its one of my favorite seasons.

I haven’t quite decided what I’m going to do this year, but here are a couple things I’ve done in the past:
  1. Sleep on the floor (when I was in college. As a married man, this no longer is possible)
  2. Drive the *exact *speed limit (you won’t truly understand the virtue of patience until you’ve tried this, lol)
  3. Daily Mass
  4. And I always try and do Liturgy of the Hours three times a day - minimum.
Of the 4, I think incorporating the Divine Office into one’s daily prayer life is essential to the success of one’s Lent. It is a beautiful prayer of the Church and unites you with the Church universal during this penitential season.
Because of health concerns I cannot fast or abstain from certain foods, so I deny myself the TV during the day. I am all alone at home except for my 4 cats, so the TV often keeps me company. To have the house completely silent all day, until my dh gets home, is a sacrifice for me. I also like to read something challenging, so this Lent I plan on reading “Transformation in Christ” by Dietrich Von Hildebrand. I already do Morning and Evening Prayer, so I’ll naturally keep doing those. Also, I try to exercise more patience with everyone, including myself–and that is also a challenge for me. 😉
I am thinking about doing a Monday fast each week of Lent. But I want to do something that I can stick with and means something.
I now work 4 days a week, instead of 5…so my plan is to get an extra Mass in during the week. Pray the Rosary more often and get to Confession at least every 2-3 months.
Something I’ve been thinking of for sometime is adding a new element to our family prayer life. I’m looking for a way to help teach the virtues to my kids . . . preferably using scripture passages.

Ideally, I’d like to find a resource that would list scripture passages by individual virtue. For example, if we wanted to discuss “kindness” tonight, I could quickly find 3 or 4 passages to support the discussion. Likewise for “generosity,” “patience” or any other virtue. The index in the bible we have is pretty spotty for the kind of thing I have in mind and isn’t much help.

Does anybody have any thoughts on where I might find something like this?

since my already restricted diet has become more so as my medical condition worsens I have decided to try and make it a more positive experience as a voluntary fast and a spiritual exercise rather than merely a health regimen. the same with exercise which I must do to avoid complications. in other words, like the good sisters taught me, to “offer it up”. since we expect our confirmation candidates to keep a journal where they reflect and certain scripture verses and on their service hours, retreats and other experiences, I will expand my food diary to be a spiritual journal. I already have chosen my first scripture I just have to find it:

I must decrease so that the Lord may increase.
I think I will do:
  1. Daily Mass
  2. Fast during the day, and no meat on Fridays’
  3. Read the Bible everyday
  4. Give up all Alcohol (I already quit smoking, and unfortunately this is one of my vices.)
  5. Confession once a week.
I just came back to the Church and I was pretty Luke warm when I was in it, so if anyone has any ideas for me, it’s appreciated.
Wow, there are a lot of really great ideas on this thread. I can tell you’ve been thinking about this a great deal. Now I feel like I’m a little bit behind the 8-ball. 😉

Scout :tiphat:
:confused: Hi, I have actually started to think about Lent but am still confused as to what I am going to do for Lent this year. The poster who mentioned kind of a spiritual diary thing sort of appeals to me. I need to to give some more serious thought and prayer to this, and soon I guess.
Me = no clue what I’m gonna do for Lent. I already try to drive the exact speed limit (when I’m feeling patient enough anyway), I wake up too late to go to daily mass, don’t really like reading the bible (and when I have tried reading it before, can’t keep it up for long), never managed to keep up praying the rosary, don’t drink alcohol very often, I would go to stations of the cross but last year half the time I couldn’t go because of time clash, last year I gave up listening to music but I don’t see it as a bad thing or a distraction from God any more, I guess I could fast except that I wouldn’t know what times to use because I always eat at different times of the day (somtimes I don’t wake up till after noon anyway so what good is fasting till noon?), I’m already a volunteer for night time adoration as a reserve…

Any other ideas I haven’t thought of? btw, my situation during Lent will be, uni 4 days a week (mon to thurs) starting in the mornings on mon-wed. Apart from that, not too many other commitments. I normally go to mass on Saturday nights and sometimes go to youth groups on Friday and/or Sunday nights - if any of this helps. Hmmm, it would be good if there was someone at the church who volunteers to help people ‘plan their Lent’ - a lenten adviser? Has anyone heard of this before, does it exist in any parishes you know of?
Any other ideas I haven’t thought of? btw, my situation during Lent will be, uni 4 days a week (mon to thurs) starting in the mornings on mon-wed. Apart from that, not too many other commitments. I normally go to mass on Saturday nights and sometimes go to youth groups on Friday and/or Sunday nights - if any of this helps. Hmmm, it would be good if there was someone at the church who volunteers to help people ‘plan their Lent’ - a lenten adviser? Has anyone heard of this before, does it exist in any parishes you know of?
Maybe volunteer at a soup kitchen or something once a week? I understand how you fell about reading the Bible, but maybe if you read from the Gospel According to John, Acts, and Romans. No matter how dry someone may think the Bible is, these parts of the New Testament are great reading IMO.
Wow Lorrie, great job. I haven’t come up with a good sacrifice. I will attend Stations of the Cross, since that is my “Friday” of the work week. For the last three weeks I have been doing the 24 hour fast on Fridays. The only sacrifice I can think of now is giving up alcohol, but after a hard day’s work a beer sure hits the spot.

Mike - I’ve read John and Acts once already and it will be a cold day in hell before I read Romans. The Protestants use that book way too much and so when I read it I’ll be reminded of all the stuff they used to say and how they would show me bits from Romans to back up what they were saying and I’ll have to fight off their suggestions all over again.

The only bits of the bible I really feel safe with these days are the Deutrocanonicals (-: Maybe I’ll read 2 Maccabees, it seems to have lots of good Catholic stuff in it like praying for the dead.
This year, I hope to be focused solely on God instead. I will attempt to go on a water or juice fast (with vitamins at least) except Sundays, since many people I have realised, do this fast, and Jesus Himself has done it. If I am at someone’s house, I will allow myself a small dinner meal after sunset.

I hope to pray the rosary once a day at least, and the Divine Mercy Chaplet if time allows, especially for schooling. I hope to be involved more in my Parish as well, and read at least one chapter of the Bible a day.

And of course, going to Saturday morning Mass, and the rest of daily Mass during Spring Break.

I have great hope this year, and I want to make Lent worthy as a pure oblation to Lord Yahweh. I certainly need this time of the Three Pillars for discernment, getting in touch with the Divine, opening myself to the sacred, building my spiritual life, get involved with the Parish, and to foster religious growth.
For those with Spiritual Directors, ask them what you should do.

Due to the level of normal suffering I go through, my director does not permit me to add anything during Lent.
Mike - I’ve read John and Acts once already and it will be a cold day in hell before I read Romans. The Protestants use that book way too much and so when I read it I’ll be reminded of all the stuff they used to say and how they would show me bits from Romans to back up what they were saying and I’ll have to fight off their suggestions all over again.

The only bits of the bible I really feel safe with these days are the Deutrocanonicals (-: Maybe I’ll read 2 Maccabees, it seems to have lots of good Catholic stuff in it like praying for the dead.
I think I’m all out of ideas for you Flopfoot, Lent is a sacrifice, so pick something you enjoy, and don’t do it forty days I guess. Good luck.
Wow. These are some really good ideas. I think I might fast, because I really like food. So I think I might take Lorrie’s suggestion on fasting 3-4 days.
During Advent I decided to quit smoking for Lent. After 32 years, it will be an enormous sacrifice and I will need many, many prayers. I started praying for Grace during the Christmas season, but I plan to spend Lent on my knees! I can’t think of any other sacrifice more painful than this and I hope that it will give me a better understanding of Christ’s suffering during this sacred season. Prayers, please!!!
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