Lenten Poll

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As Lent approaches, are you going to Give Up something for Lent and/or Do Something Extra for these upcoming 40days?

I have already noticed that some members are giving up these Forums for Lent.

How is Our Lord calling you this Lenten Season?
WIth the help of God’s grace, I hope to cut down on my total food intake.

Some of you may say this is just a diet plan, but for me I really have trouble with binge eating. Already, I have prayed and believe that a Lenten meal plan has been set in place for me.

I hope to be more volunteering at my church with taking part in activites to aid others at my church. (I.E. kitchen duty).

As a Byzantine Catholic, we usually fast 4 times a year. Each time I have fasted, my spiritual frame of focus has been pretty weak.

I look forward in the sacrifice and graces for this Lenten season.
I am going to try to do something extra each day. This is what God calls us to do. See Isaias 58 (also Matt 25).

6 Is not this rather the fast that I have chosen? loose the bands of wickedness, undo the bundles that oppress, let them that are broken go free, and break asunder every burden. 7 Deal thy bread to the hungry, and bring the needy and the harbourless into thy house: when thou shalt see one naked, cover him, and despise not thy own flesh6
Along with extra sacrifices and offerings -
I am giving up the CA FORUMS (except for Sundays of course). WhiteDove and I made this decision together.
Now THERES a sacrifice! 😉
The only reason I am not doing something besides giving up several things for Lent is I decided to increase prayer and Biblical reading at the first of the year, I am still doing that. So I guess in intent I am doing both…
WIth the help of God’s grace, I hope to cut down on my total food intake.

Some of you may say this is just a diet plan, but for me I really have trouble with binge eating. Already, I have prayed and believe that a Lenten meal plan has been set in place for me.

I hope to be more volunteering at my church with taking part in activites to aid others at my church. (I.E. kitchen duty).

As a Byzantine Catholic, we usually fast 4 times a year. Each time I have fasted, my spiritual frame of focus has been pretty weak.

I look forward in the sacrifice and graces for this Lenten season.
Archbishop Fulton J Sheen said it best, “there is a differnce between diesting and fasting, you do one for the love of you body, and the other for the love f our soul.”
In all the years I’ve known her until now my wife has given things up for Lent. I haven’t given up a thing due to not believing in Lent.

This year, after a dramatic turn around, I will be giving things up - fasting from certain things and a bit of fasting too. My wife isn’t going to give up anything this year due to not really believing in Lent.

And there had better be an increase in spiritual things too - since according to RCIA there must be!

Whether I can do much true Isaiah 58 style fasting remains to be seen. Whether I actually manage to get through Lent without going against the pretty self-imposed discipline remains to be seen too - though in light of Phillipians 4:13 there’s no excuse.
This year I will be trying to do normal fasting but also trying to adhere to a few different rules that I am setting up for myself. I hope to carry it through the year.

What am I giving up for Lent?

Hot watermelon and cold gravy!! 😃

Just kidding just kidding - I’ll try to say a rosary daily
I abstain from meat on Fridays all year anyway, and usually because of work I only eat once a day most of the time, so fasting, etc. isn’t that much of a sacrifice), so during Lent I do 2 Rosaries a day.(Well, I try; lately I’ve had trouble just doing ONE, so this should be enough of a challenge.)

Pray for me, I need the help!!
Giving up for Lent? No, I am not ‘giving up’ anything, I am going to increase things…more patience with my husband when he is at his most aggravating and contentious (!!) will be very hard for me, I am far from saintly. The nice thing about doing things for Lent is that you can acquire some terrific new lifestyle changes (habits) such as saying the rosary daily, or extra almsgiving, or what have you. The forty day’s of Lent are the perfect length of time to work on breaking old secular habits and starting or renewing some more spiritual ones.
Giving up for Lent? No, I am not ‘giving up’ anything, I am going to increase things…more patience with my husband when he is at his most aggravating and contentious (!!) will be very hard for me, I am far from saintly. The nice thing about doing things for Lent is that you can acquire some terrific new lifestyle changes (habits) such as saying the rosary daily, or extra almsgiving, or what have you. The forty day’s of Lent are the perfect length of time to work on breaking old secular habits and starting or renewing some more spiritual ones.
Dear friend

I like what your wrote here. I will be doing the same, increasing, which I hope goes on all of my life from this lent onwards. Well why not from today onwards!!

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Last lent I gave up my time and said the rosary everyday. I also began to pray everyday and reading about saints lives. All of that did me more good than I could have imagined, so I will once again be giving up my time to included scripture reading and meditation along with everything else I contuinued to do past last years lent. I also want to go to a Carmelite meeting.

I love lent. :love:

'twil be this catechumen’s first Lent…

Giving up COFFEE…

Reading Confessions…

Then I’ll be singing with Kevin Max,

*“So come on back when you can make some tea,
And read St. Augustine”

I will be fasting and of course no meat on fridays (a form of fasting).

I also intend on saying the rosary everyday and reading my bible on a daily bases. I will be going to the church on my lunch hour and praying for those who need prayer and who need Gods love.

God bless.
I just found this in case anyone wants it…cin.org/users/james/files/lent.htm

I will fast and I will give up the T.V.
Thank you for this most informative link, Laurel. I will fast and abstain as required, and I am going to give up something and also do some extra things during Lent. I am not sure what I am giving up yet but I have a few days left to decide! The extras I will do are more rosaries and praying before the Blessed Sacrament. I always get a lot out of Lent and so I am looking forward to it; it is such a deeply spiritual time.

Many Lenten blessings everyone!
I am sorry to hear that some are considering giving up this site for Lent. This site does a lot of good and is a ministry for some. Hope they will reconsider. It is a good place to comment on how one’s Lent is going.

Have a Holy Lent,
Deacon Tony
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