Lenten Poll

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I couldn’t give up this site…I’ve grown spiritually every since I found it! You would be amazed at the library of books I’ve gained since I started here…and part of my Lenten journey is hopefully to have them all read and at least somewhat retained!

I actually picked up and started to read the Dolores Passion today. I also picked up 2 books about animals…one is about how God can use pets as messengers (and wouldn’t you know it, it’s TRUE!) God is subtle.

Another book is about training so I’m offering up the problems I’m having with my dog and praying for a resolution…through understanding and trainig. This may not seem very devotional, but I KNOW this dog is a gift from God, and I don’t think I have been a very good steward in recent months.

I have a weird history…horses actually led me back to the church on a weekly basis.

Anyway, I’m not sure how well my fasting will go as I’m horrible at it, but I have some plans there…not just Fridays, but certain favorites I hope to give up throughout the 40 days.

Like others, I need prayers, too. This is the first lent for me. Sure, I grew up Catholic, but now I actually have an understanding about what it entails, what it means…and I just pray I can really use this time to grow spiritually as God intends.
I’m planning on praying St. Patricks Lorica avery morning, and reading at least a chapter of the NT each day…

Hopefully I’ll be able to keep up with it after Lent…
Deacon Tony560:
I am sorry to hear that some are considering giving up this site for Lent. This site does a lot of good and is a ministry for some. Hope they will reconsider. It is a good place to comment on how one’s Lent is going.

Have a Holy Lent,
Deacon Tony
I agree. How could someone give something so good up for lent. Isn’t that defeating the purpose? I mean, I thought that you were supposed to give up something bad and do good?
The only thing I am giving up for lent is chocholate (which I need to do anyways).

It is what I am going to do that is more important. Most of it, I hope to continue after lent.

  1. *]Get back to doing the Liturgy of the Hours.
    *]Start doing some more spititual and theological reading. I just bought and received a copy of Summa Theologica. I will probably do a couple of questions a day.
    *]Expand my Scripture reading beyond the daily Mass readings. I think I may start with either the Gospel of John or St. Paul’s letter to the Romans since I have the Ignatius Study Bible for both. I might even include an Old Testament book if I find the time.
    *]Obtain a Spritual Director. I have been meaning to do this,but since I knew I was moving, I was putting it off until I moved. Since I have moved, I need to get working on it. I have been going to a parish ran by the Passionists. Hopefully, I will be able to get one there.

    This list seems daunting to me, but I have personal reason for all of the above. Hopefully I will be able to accomplish much of it.

I have learned thru experience that I have a fighting chance of sticking to one resolution at a time, and if a make a long list of pious intentions I will fail completely at all of them.

we just had our “family meeting” NO TV was considered too drastic (unless somebody moves NCAA playoffs outside of Lent) so we will go back to no meat - strict except Sundays, which will be the only day we eat out, since we are giving up restaurant meals except for dire necessity (work late, no lunch or dinner, low blood sugar).

Also no shopping for non-necessities (clothes, sports equip. etc.).

we did not discuss chocolate, which I take for medicinal purposes (high in anti-oxidents, Dove dark, one a day, my secret sin)

Will obey Rule of St. Benedict, choose one and only one spiritual book, suggested by my abbess, and read it through during Lent. *Authenticity *by Thomas Dubay since I have a particularly need for discernment in my job.
IAnother book is about training so I’m offering up the problems I’m having with my dog and praying for a resolution…through understanding and trainig. This may not seem very devotional, but I KNOW this dog is a gift from God, and I don’t think I have been a very good steward in recent months.

I have a weird history…horses actually led me back to the church on a weekly basis.
someday, sometime in another context we would love to hear the story, saw a “dog lady” on TV one time on a talk show, talking about obedience training dogs, and she said people who have not learnt self-discipline in their own lives cannot successfully train a dog. She said that is why it is good to give a troubled teen a dog, (only if you are willing to oversee the training and care of the pooch with the teen) because in being carefully coached to train the dog, they learn to control themselves. very wise lady.
I thought this article was relevent to the current thread:
Date: 2005-02-07
Catholics Urged to "Do Something Extra This Lent"
Advice From Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor
LONDON, FEB. 7, 2005 (Zenit.org).- Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor of Westminster is calling on Catholics not just to give something up in Lent but to do something extra – as if their salvation depended on it.

Lent, he will tell his Westminster Cathedral congregation on Ash Wednesday, should not seem interminable because it is a time of dramatic focus.

“Time narrows over the next 40 days,” the archbishop plans to say, “because we become conscious of the bigger drama of life, a drama that ends with death.”

Ash Wednesday “helps us to focus” on that fact, he will add.

The cardinal will urge people to focus not on trying to do without something, but to do something extra in the 40-day period leading into Easter.

The idea of Lent, he will insists, "is that we die with Christ like the seed in the ground and rise with him to more abundant life. We die to sin and rise to integrity.

“We die to selfishness and rise to generosity, especially towards the poor.”

He continues: "Whatever penance we do, whatever we choose to give up or do without, should help us to put on these new clothes, and to grow into stronger, healthier Christians.

“Each one of us should spend more time in prayer during these 40 days; some time in reading a Lenten book about how better to follow Jesus Christ, and some exercise which involves care for others, perhaps a visit to someone less fortunate than we are. What we should give up is whatever stops us doing that extra thing.”
I’m giving up this site (and another) because, while they are good and helpful, for me they take up more time than I’d like to admit. I wanted to make use of my time in a better way this Lent. I’m on the fence about giving up Starbucks though! —KCT
Little Mary:
What am I giving up for Lent?

Hot watermelon and cold gravy!! 😃

Just kidding just kidding - I’ll try to say a rosary daily
:rotfl: OMW! At first I thought you were serious because I have a buddy in Kentucky who’s giving up deep fried Oreos and Twinkies.
Usually I to go mass and Stations of the Cross on Fridays, but this year I’m gonna include praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy daily.

Here’s an awesome prayer: Daily Renewal of Our Pledge to Christ Our King

Dear Sacred Heart of Jesus, we renew of pledge of loyalty to You.
Keep us always close to Your Loving Heart and to the most pure Heart of Your Mother.

May we love one another more and more each day, forgiving each other’s faults as You for give us our sins.
Teach us to see You in the members of our family and to those we meet outside our homes, and to love them as You love them, especially the poor and the oppressed, that we may instrumental in bringing about justice and peace.

Please help us to carry our cross daily out of love for You, and to strengthen this love by frequent Mass and Communion. Thank you dear Jesus King and Friend of our family for all the blessings of this day. Protect us and all families during this night. Help us so to live that we may all get to heaven.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have Mercy on us.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, pray for us!

I am going to work harder at school and make an effort to get there on time.
Also I’m going to watch less T.V.
  1. Fasting each day (evening meal only, with family).
  2. Saying Morning Prayer (already say Evening Prayer).
Always fun to see if I can pull it off. 1) is always hard the first week or two. 2) is always hard the last week or two.
i am fasting from negative thoughts and remarks.

about myself and others
I am going to try very hard to be more patient and less judgemental in my dealings with people.
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