Thank you @St.Bede,
@Katie777, @Irishmom2, @upant and all who have prayed for me
For all CAF intentions
For all couples in irregular marriage situations
For those struggling to make ends meet
For the homeless
For those seeking work - especially the unemployed
For victims of abuse
For the conversion of sinners
For conversions to the faith
For world leaders - that they work to solve problems peacefully and that they make laws respecting the God given rights of the citizens of their country
For the ill, dying and those who care for them
For souls in purgetory
For the breaved
For women in crisis pregnancies
For abortion to be recognized as the evil it is and no longer be legal
Hail Mary, Full of Grace
The Lord is with thee
Blessed art thou among women
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus
Holy Mary, Mother of God
Pray for us sinners
Now and at the hour of our death
3rd Glorious Mystery: 3rd Hail Mary