Let's Pray a Perpetual Rosary

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Thanks so much dear friend.

May the good Lord bless and protect you and your family.


7th Hail Mary — 2nd Luminous Mystery
The Wedding at Cana

For all affected by the coronavirus, especially Glenn, 84, who is recovering from COVID-19, and for all the many hurting and dying patients, their families, medical workers, friends, and coworkers; for all the business owners and governmental entities suffering economic ruin. For the intention of sparing the life of James Daily in Florida by reversing the execution order.

For the beautiful hearts everywhere, especially on CAF: @Mfrankie, @mary15, @St.Bede, @Salibi, @StephieNorthCo, @CRV, @aroosi, @goodguy2342, @GladTidings, and @Glennon_P.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.

The 7th Hail Mary — 2nd Luminous Mystery
The Wedding at Cana
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@Mfrankie It’s so good to see you, again! I’m sincerely sorry, though, that you’re experiencing so much illness, death, grief, and anxiety among your family, friends, and co-workers; I’m praying for all of you every day.

In response to your comment some posts back, we use the @ and a member’s name to let that member know through Notifications that we have mentioned him/her by name. By touching your @ key, then immediately starting to spell a CAFer’s name, that name usually (not always) appears on a dropdown menu. When (and if) it appears, tap on that name. Go ahead and type the name, if it doesn’t appear. Use no space between the @ and the first letter.

After hitting Reply, the typed name appears In bold print and the mentioned member is then notified. Usually, that member gives you a heart to let you know they saw your mention of their name in your post. 😀

Edited to Add:
I don’t know where my brain was when I first typed this post, but off in no-land, for sure, as I absentmindedly referred to the @ as an asterisk. Thank you, @aroosi for letting me know! I’m indebted to you & embarrassed for not having caught it myself.
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Thank you once again dear Katherine. I am grateful that you are a praying machine. My prayer intentions today will include you, your loved ones, and other CAF members on this thread.
@Matteo93 Benvenuto! C’e’ anche una ragazza italiana che a volte prega qui con noi @anneramones. Magari abitate persino vicino! Dio vi benedica. 🙏 💖
Grazie mille! Complimenti, il tuo italiano è ottimo!
Thank you very much! Compliments, your Italian is amazing!
Ah, ok! Dove vivi di bello? Io comunque abito tra la Toscana e la Liguria (provincia di Massa-Carrara)
USA. Bella la zona di Massa Carrara. Ci sono stata tantissimi anni fa (25?!?). 👩‍🦳
Più o meno quando sono nato allora ahahah sì, ci si vive molto bene 😉 ho aperto oggi un topic sulle canzoni italiane liturgiche, in modo da farle conoscere anche all’estero, traducendole in inglese. Se ti va, puoi darci un’occhiata e, volendo, anche partecipare 😉 visto che tu vivi in un paese anglofono, hai potato notare se ci sono versioni delle canzoni italiane lì?
Quando ho un momento tranquillo passo a dare un’occhiata. Qui nella liturgia c’e’ un grande revival dei canti in Latino. Una cosa che ho trovato divertente e’ che qui l’inno alla gioia di Beethoven (usato in Europa come inno ufficiale dell’Unione Europea) e’ usato comunemente come canto liturgico.
Qui a volte si canta in latino nelle occasioni più solenni e principalmente in riferimento al Gloria e al Sanctus. Oppure a Natale con l’evergreen Adeste Fideles (è conosciuta lì?). Simpatico il fatto legato all’Inno alla gioia ahaha
For an ending of the COVID-19 pandemic and for all people affected by it, especially patients and healthcare workers.

For @St.Bede, @Katherine438, @Katie777, @Minks, @CRV, @Bix, @Mary888, @Matteo93, @irishmom2, @Elf01 and all intentions in this thread.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.

8th Hail Mary ~ Luminous 2

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@Katherine438 @VitoJoe @Horizon87
@TheHolyTrinity @patricius79 @Bixx
@aroosi @St.Bede @NHeath @(name removed by moderator)
For @VitoJoe and his family.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.

10th Hail Mary … Second Luminous Mystery

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Ps. I think is the @ not the asterisk.
Thanks so much for noting my absent-minded mode while still having time to correct my post! ❤️ Judging by some of my recent memory lapses, I’m so glad that God connected my head to the rest of me! :roll_eyes: Thank you, again.
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I tell you as much, since we are forced home all the time, I often forget what day it is… 😙
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