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Well, I hate to burst your thesis bubble here, but, no, we Catholics don’t.

We don’t claim anything for Jesus based on anything in the Bible alone. Catholics are not “people of the book” but people of Christ, witnessed to by Scripture and aided by proper interpretation of Scripture, but not “based” on Scripture, and certainly not on Scripture alone.

That is a Fundamentalist position, so if you want to argue that false precise I suggest you post your long dissertation on a Fundamentalist site. You’ll get no arguments from us Catholics against your strawman propositions. Sorry to disappoint you. 😉

Well said 😃 👍

Dear Mr. Djigit,

The Catholic faith is based on scripture and a long Tradition of its interpretation. The early Jewish Christians were certainly familiar with the Jewish Scriptures, and their beliefs did not simply run on twists of interpretation, which would be, in itself, as you note, a very tenuous (at times) interpretation.

The truth was revealed by God over time, not all at once. And, once the fullness of truth is evident in Jesus Christ, then He gives the best interpretation of the Jewish scriptures. That is also why even the interpretation by Jews, which you refer to, is not the one that Catholics subscribe to. Of course, Catholics and Jews do not have the same interpretation of the Jewish Scriptures!!

The arrival of the Messiah, Jesus the Christ, fulfilled scripture, as even He said He did. Jesus was critical of the Pharisees and Scribes who were the supposed experts of His time, as they warped the requirements of the Jewish Scripture. He even called them “vipers.”

Mr. Djigit, you simply prove the point, that has been made oh so many times, that scripture can be twisted and even made to contradict itself, if not interpreted correctly.

What you say is in no way confusing to a Christian, as a superficial interpretation of the Koran would be to a Muslim, for example.

The Holy Book itself teaches that our ways are not God’s ways, and His ways are not ours. Therefore, it is God’s option to reveal Himself in the way He wishes to and in the time frame that He wishes to.

The Koran was written, as I understand, by one man (prophet) in the lifetime of one man. The Bible was written over many hundreds of years. God is revealed not only literally, which is to say in words themselves, but also in the entirety of the Catholic Bible – the poetry, the prayers (psalms), the history, gospels, and the visions and other writings.

And, our understanding of God increases over time, as one might expect. But, even as that understanding increases, it has done so within one tradition, the Catholic Church. It surely is possible to interpret the writings in alternate ways, and you must surely be aware that that has happened. But, from the inside of the living Tradition of the Catholic Church, we focus as our writing says on one person Jesus Christ “the Author and Perfecter of our faith.”

We believe and our Holy Book says that faith is a gift. And, we are not surprised that your perception may fall short of ours. The analysis of words, that you have submitted, is not the end of an analysis, but only the beginning.

To clarify a previous point, the Catholic point of view is not based on a rejection of Jewish Scripture (The “Old” Testament). But, it is based on the fulfillment of that Scripture in Jesus Christ. And, last, as you know, we believe that there is no other name under heaven by which men are saved.

And, in no way do any Catholics propose that understanding the Holy Trinity is in any way easy, simple, or straightforward. We say that the Trinity is a mystery, which has been revealed to us, in the words of men, to help us understand God. And, we believe that the our understanding of the Trinity is part of the larger body of revealed truth that we say is sufficient for salvation. We in no way assert that it expresses the infinite nature of God.
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