Originally Posted by CatsAndDogs View Post
You are proposing that you should dictate what “reasonableness” is, with no authority other than “because it works for me”.
Your “standard” that you’ve just given us as, “…conversational pressures of rational discourse”, is meaningful only to you as only you know what “rational” means (as you use the word).
I’ve defined “rational” and “reasonable” only as a word we use to describe good reasons and “true” only as what is good to believe. Everyone must decide for themselves what they think is good to believe.
I certainly never claimed to want to be the dictator of what must be considered reasonable. I will make my judgments and you will make yours. Through conversation and swapping stories we may come to agreement about what is good to believe, but I am not at all convinced that some particular people have access to “the Truth” through special revelation.
Your initial question was:
“Can we ever have peace when one group of people believes in the Koran and another believes in the Bible?”
The answer is no. And that has nothing to do with “the Koran” and “the Bible” being the subjects of belief.
Peace is relative, while “good” and “evil” are not.
It would be quite wise of all people to follow a single religion (belief system). But that would be LESS WISE than believing the RIGHT religion.
Therefore, since it is more wise to “fight about” which religion is right as opposed to picking one arbitrarily, God has arranged things such that that is our current situation.
We are ALWAYS in the most preferable state we (both individually and as “mankind”) can possibly be in at all times. And that state ALWAYS impels us toward learning more about God, and why His truth is to be followed.
(( This is a restatement of “God always answers our prayers as is best for us”, of course. ))
We two (you and I) are just mirroring what the world situation is. I would dictate that all people have the true religion (of the Church [Catholic]), so that all people would have as much peace AND are as “morally correct” as possible, while you would dictate that all people have the true religion (of “rational human flourishing promotion”), so that all people would have as much peace as possible, BUT since to you there is no absolute “moral correctness” to be had, you assume that this “good” would be “handled/created” by the peace of your dictated religion.
Peace does not produce morality.
Morality produces peace. And morality is the result of
correct religion (belief system), and not a “unified” belief system (religion).
If you WOULDN’T dictate that your “belief system” be accepted as a universally good thing, then you don’t believe that your belief system is truly good.
Which, of course, you don’t, because you don’t know what “good” means! Your “belief system” SEEMS good, which is a scalar valuation (it “works for me”), but you wisely have no confidence in it actually BEING good.
I most certainly WOULD dictate that correct religion be accepted as a universally good thing. I make no bones about that. Does this make me a dictator? Yes, but a dictator, one of whose dictates is that I’m prohibited from imposing my dictates on anyone other than by trying to persuade them my (the Church’s actually) dictates are good, with no authority to be coercive.
Now, since I’m VERY poor indeed at persuading anyone of anything, as I’m “obnoxious and disliked” (phrase stolen from the movie “
1776” describing John Adams), I’m a really REALLY inept dictator in every conceivable way!