Levels of Heaven

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Dear friends,

I found this article and I think it has some good references in it. I too believe what joysong is saying all will be happy because each will be full to their capacity weather they are a thimble full or a gallon full, will some souls be closer to God than others, I think so, because of how much they loved here on earth, that would only seem fair. LIke with our Blessed Mother, we know she is above all saints, angels, etc…

Anyway here the link to that article I found:

Hi Dave,

Oh boy – I have goosebumps! I suppose the same sap flows through all of Carmel’s branches, huh?

As we share with one another these aspects of heaven, I have to confess that I recently pondered the resurrection of the body to such a degree that it greatly staggered my mind and I had to let go of it. At the time, I debated about starting a topic, but maybe it would be a good idea to bring it to light. :hmmm:

🙂 Carole
St Paul mentions in II Co 12:2 a “third heaven.” So there must be many.
Not necessarily. I’ve read this passage explained as relating to the worldview at the time. The “first heaven” was the sky, the “second heaven” was the stars & nighttime sky, the “third heaven” was the actual heaven. Makes quite a bit of sense to me. I believe they pretty much saw the Earth as flat with a big dome over it, more or less.

I read this in the Navarre commentaries on the passage (in the context of daily readings):

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