Of course! There is no doubt in my mind that for Descartes extension constituted the nature of bodies. I guess the question for you would be if there was a real difference between “extension” and “space” for Descartes. I suppose that reading Descartes might be confusing at times in this respect, due to the way in which he uses both terms. And he was quite aware of this source of confusion, though I think he never thought he could be the cause of it. Rather it was the conventional use of the terms. However, he clarifies what he thinks about space/extension in texts like the following (Part 2: 10-12… of the Principles of philosophy: "What space or internal place is…):
There is no real distinction between •space or internal place and •the corporeal substance contained in it; they differ only in how we usually think of them. In reality (·in contrast to ‘In our thought…’·) the extension in length, breadth and depth that constitutes a space is exactly the same as the extension that constitutes a body. Our two ways of thinking about this extension differ as follows. When we are thinking of it as a body, we regard the extension as something particular that moves when the body moves. When we are thinking of this extension as ·a portion of· space, we attribute to the extension only a generic unity, i.e. we think of it not as one individual •thing but as one •set of specifications that might apply first to one thing and then to another. This thought of one body moving out of and another moving into the very same extension requires that the extension in question retains the same size and shape and keeps the same position relative to certain external bodies that we use to determine the space in question.
It is easy for us to see that the extension that constitutes the nature of a body is exactly the same as the extension that constitutes the nature of a space. They don’t differ any more than the nature of a genus or species differs from the nature of an individual ·belonging to that species or genus·. Let us attend to the idea we have of a pebble, leaving out everything we know to be non-essential to the nature of body: we will first exclude hardness, because if the pebble is melted or pulverized it will stop being hard but will still be a body; then we’ll exclude color, because we have often seen stones so transparent that they have no color. Next we’ll exclude weight, because although fire is extremely light it is still thought of as being corporeal; and finally we will exclude cold and heat and all other such qualities, either because they aren’t thought of as being in the stone, or because changes in them aren’t thought to deprive the pebble of its bodily nature. After all these exclusions we’ll find that nothing remains in the idea of the pebble except its being something extended in length, breadth and depth. But that’s just what is comprised in the idea of a space—and not merely a space full of bodies but even one that is called ‘empty’…
Now, I think we can ask again: Was space a system of relations for Descartes? And in view of the text above, this question would be equivalent to this other: Were bodies systems of relations for Descartes? And I think the answer is clearly “No”.
So, while for Newton space was something independent of bodies, for Descartes body and space were exactly the same thing.