Lexington Bishop Ronald Gainer has asked that pro-abortion Catholic politicians refra

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Lexington Bishop Ronald Gainer has asked that pro-abortion Catholic politicians refrain from receiving holy Communion in his diocese.

“A professing Catholic who has taken public stands against what the Church teaches should disqualify himself or herself from receiving the Eucharist because they cannot receive in good faith,” diocesan spokesman Tom Shaughnessy said, according to the Lexington Herald-Leader.
Yes, anyone in authority should let the faithful know that receiving communion if one thinks abortion is okay, is harmful to that persons soul. So many falsely believe that refusing communion to someone is punishment to the pro-choice believer, but communion is held back for thier own good. You can not think it is alright to kill a child in the womb AND recieve Christ into yourself. It would be scandalous to accept Christ into such a corrupt body/mind. By accepting the Holy Eucharist (Christ Himself), you are saying that you believe in the way of Christ, and Christ does not think anyone should kill babies.
His Excellency, Bishop Gainer, is absolutely correct in advising pro-abortion politicians not to receive Holy Communion. His primary duty and responsibility as a bishop is to teach the true Faith. The Church has always and everywhere condemned abortion as mortally sinful. For Catholic politicians to publicly flout the Magisterium promotes scandal and sets a bad example for all others, not just Catholics. Isn’t it better for a bishop to caution members of his flock against committing the mortal sin of sacrilege rather than to remain silent in the face of the ever-advancing Culture of Death? It is one of the sad aspects of the most recent conference of Catholic bishops that they deferred taking a stand on this issue until after the 2004 elections. Bishops like Burke of St. Louis, Sheridan of Colorado Springs, and Myers of Newark should be enthusiastically supported by all of the faithful. I sport a bumper sticker on my car from the American Life League that says: Y*ou cannot be both Catholic and Pro-Abortion. *Senators Kerry, Kennedy, Daschle. Mikulski, Leahy, Harkin, Durbin and others of their ilk should heed the warning or risk losing their immortal souls for the sake of political power.
Wonder why the lone dissenter chose not to say anything???
Of course he was right in saying it. I wish the rest would do the same thing. (Or, even better, just tell them not to present themselves for Communion until they have publicly recanted of their views.)

YES!! I would like to see ALL of the American Bishops take a stand like Bishop Gainer. We are called to admonish the sinner, so if they are denied Our Lord because of sin, maybe they will “get” the message.

God Bless our holy priests and bishops, and God help all who are out of Your Holy Will !
Wonder why the lone dissenter chose not to say anything???
Prolly just a Lurker wanting to mess with the pool…or someone that doesn’t like Catholics.
I agree whole heatedly that it is appropriate for a bishop, a priest, or any catholic charitably inform that it is the constant teaching of the church that none may receive communion when in a state of grave sin. And for those who believe thta the Imaculate Conception refers to them, that anyone who even facilitates an abortion is guilty of grave sin.

Here is the question.

Who believes that the bishop, priest, deacon or extarordinary minister of communion should deny those who present themselves for communion?

For the record, I do not. It is the responsibility of the communicant to refrain from receiving the Host. One cannot know if this person has confessed his sins, is the twin of the communicant, or just looks like him.

Its his duty to teach the truth if he doesn’t then many souls can bloody his hands. Its about time the American bishops stand up for truth I mean JP2 takes it with more than just grace!😃
Who believes that the bishop, priest, deacon or extarordinary minister of communion should deny those who present themselves for communion?

The issue of denying Communion is more nuanced than many would believe, as it involves Canon Law, which must be applied specifically. Having said that, I wish the Bishps would get off their duff and start the necessary process. How many more millions of aborted children do we need before we get over the idea that this can be treated pastorally?

It’s a little like having children: you correct them the first time; and if they don’t get it, you repeat it; the third time you bring some consequences to bear. After that, it’s time to go to the woodshed.
It’s a little like having children: you correct them the first time; and if they don’t get it, you repeat it; the third time you bring some consequences to bear. After that, it’s time to go to the woodshed.
I agree completely. I guess I was reacting to the picture of lists of politicians being sent out to parish churches with pictures and the directive “Do not admit to Communion.” I agree completely that those Bishops who have worked the process (Canon 915 (?)) are living up to their responsibilities. I pray that they all step up. However, as an Extraordinary Misister of Holy Communion I have to say that if some guy who has been excommunicated presents himself to me, I will have to assume that he has repented, or it isn’t him. I will say a prayer for that person, and ask the Lord what lesson he was trying to teach me. Perhaps humility, that is usually the one that needs work. It is and always will be the responsibility of the communicant to not receive Holy Communion unworthily.

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