LGB vs T collision

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I honestly do not believe that people choose to have sex with somebody to whom they are not attracted because they think that it seems trendy. If people had sex with people of the same sex just to be trendy wouldn’t a lot more people be doing it? And what about in the past when it wasn’t trendy? How do you account for men in Britain having sex with other men despite knowing that they risked blackmail, imprisonment with hard labour, and lifelong social disgrace? As for trans people, would somebody really submit to irreversible and life-changing hormone treatment and surgery just to be trendy?
Maybe they need psychological help. Or maybe some want to win championships, as seen in the above posts.
“Transgender” has spread among impressionable youth via social contagion.
for trans people, would somebody really submit to irreversible and life-changing hormone treatment and surgery just to be trendy?
Not everyone goes through with surgery and this applies particularly to the young.
There is evil among us who want us all to rejects ‘objective truth’ and centers our beliefs on ‘subjective truth’. Subjective truth is the center piece used by many to divide us.
Other than degrees of taxonomic separation and mutability, I really see little difference between “transgender” and “transpecies.” Neither are grounded in reality, and both defy natural and divine law.
You are trying to paint the nature of millions of people who fall under the LGBT umbrella in one or two articles? Of course there is not going to be lock step unity. I may ask, most of you here fall under the umbrella of people who are religious. Do you find the same affinity for Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, etc as another Catholic or even a Protestant? I know there are some of you that are evenly openly hostile.

You can’t delegitimize a group simply because members of another group you both disdain and see more associated with the first express discomfort or rejection of the first group.
Back in the day, LGB did not want to be associated with T.
Yes, I remember those days. One of the main reasons was that many LG’s thought T’s were actually LG’s who didn’t want to acknowledge their latent homosexuality. Also many LG’s didn’t appreciate how the T’s tended to stereotype genders roles and aptitudes.
Yes, I remember those days. One of the main reasons was that many LG’s thought T’s were actually LG’s who didn’t want to acknowledge their latent homosexuality. Also many LG’s didn’t appreciate how the T’s tended to stereotype genders roles and aptitudes.
Not only L and G but many feminists despise how the transgender lobby are reinforcing gender stereotypes they fought against. Now they’re targets for harassment and deplatforming by activists.
And the transgender lobby also deliberately conflate intersex conditions with gender dysphoria. They aren’t the same thing. They’re radically different.
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Other than degrees of taxonomic separation and mutability, I really see little difference between “transgender” and “transpecies.”
Well, there’s that gal that fancies herself “transracial” . . . and that guying Northern Europe who tried to get a court to change his legal age to the younger age he “identified” as . . .
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