I am going to recommend a book to everyone. It is called “Liberalism is a sin”, by Fr. Felix Salvany. The book was first published in the late 1886. When it came out it cause somewhat of a commotion. The conservatives hailed it, while the liberals assailed it. A liberal Priest from Spain wrote another book as a response to it. Both books were sent to Rome for review. In those days dangerous books were placed on the “Index” which was a list of books Catholics were not supposed to read, since these books could endanger their faith.
A liberal Bishop sent the book “Liberalism is a Sin” together with the liberal book to Rome for review, along with a letter denouncing the conservative book. Rome carefully examined both books, and not only did they endorsed the book “Liberalism is a Sin“, but placed the liberal book on the Index. The following is the actual letter Rome sent to the liberal Bishop:
*“The sacred congregation of the Index has received the denunciation of the little work bearing the title Liberalism is a Sin, by Don Felix Sarda y Salvany, a priest of your diocese; the denunciation was accompanied at the same time by another book entitled “A refutation of the errors contained in the little work Liberalism is a sin”. The author of the second book is D. de Pazos, a canon of the diocese of Vich.
“Whereupon, the Sacred Congregation Has carefully examined both books and decided as follows: In the first, not only is nothing found contrary to sound doctrine, but its author, D. Delix Sarda, merits great praise from his exposition and defense of the sound doctrine therein set forth with solidity, order and lucidity, and without personal offense to anyone.
“The same judgment, however, cannot be passed on the other word, that by D. de Pazos, for in matter it needs corrections. Moreover, his injurious manner of speaking cannot be approved, for he inveighs rather against the person of D. Sarda than against the latter’s supposed errors.
“Therefore, the Sacred Congregation has commanded D. de Pazos, be admonished by his own bishop to withdraw his book, as far as he can, from circulation, and in the future, if any discussion of the subject should arise, to obstain from all expressions personally injurious, according to the precept of true Christian Charity… In communicating to you this order of the Sacred Congregation of the Index, that you may be able to make it known to the illustrious priest of your diocese, D. Sarda, for his peace of mind…”.
*There are several reasons why we should all read, and even study, this book. For one, we live in a sea of liberalism. It is the air we breath. Since we are so surrounded by it, it becomes extremely difficult for us to keep from become tainted by it. Therefore, we need a good book to help keep our minds clear. Another reason is because liberalism and conservatism are both relative: They are relative to the center. But the center is ever moving towards the left, so that a liberal idea of today becomes a conservative idea of tomorrow. I remember listening to Dennis Prager, the radio talk show host. He is considered a conservative. One day he said “I am a Kennedy liberal, and I have not changed by views, but today these views are considered conservative”.
A liberal Bishop sent the book “Liberalism is a Sin” together with the liberal book to Rome for review, along with a letter denouncing the conservative book. Rome carefully examined both books, and not only did they endorsed the book “Liberalism is a Sin“, but placed the liberal book on the Index. The following is the actual letter Rome sent to the liberal Bishop:
*“The sacred congregation of the Index has received the denunciation of the little work bearing the title Liberalism is a Sin, by Don Felix Sarda y Salvany, a priest of your diocese; the denunciation was accompanied at the same time by another book entitled “A refutation of the errors contained in the little work Liberalism is a sin”. The author of the second book is D. de Pazos, a canon of the diocese of Vich.
“Whereupon, the Sacred Congregation Has carefully examined both books and decided as follows: In the first, not only is nothing found contrary to sound doctrine, but its author, D. Delix Sarda, merits great praise from his exposition and defense of the sound doctrine therein set forth with solidity, order and lucidity, and without personal offense to anyone.
“The same judgment, however, cannot be passed on the other word, that by D. de Pazos, for in matter it needs corrections. Moreover, his injurious manner of speaking cannot be approved, for he inveighs rather against the person of D. Sarda than against the latter’s supposed errors.
“Therefore, the Sacred Congregation has commanded D. de Pazos, be admonished by his own bishop to withdraw his book, as far as he can, from circulation, and in the future, if any discussion of the subject should arise, to obstain from all expressions personally injurious, according to the precept of true Christian Charity… In communicating to you this order of the Sacred Congregation of the Index, that you may be able to make it known to the illustrious priest of your diocese, D. Sarda, for his peace of mind…”.
*There are several reasons why we should all read, and even study, this book. For one, we live in a sea of liberalism. It is the air we breath. Since we are so surrounded by it, it becomes extremely difficult for us to keep from become tainted by it. Therefore, we need a good book to help keep our minds clear. Another reason is because liberalism and conservatism are both relative: They are relative to the center. But the center is ever moving towards the left, so that a liberal idea of today becomes a conservative idea of tomorrow. I remember listening to Dennis Prager, the radio talk show host. He is considered a conservative. One day he said “I am a Kennedy liberal, and I have not changed by views, but today these views are considered conservative”.