Liberty Counsel warning: California about to ban Bible sales

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It’s still a restriction of free press- anti transgender material is still press.
If the 1a protects porn, it should protect literature that’s against transgender surgery. It should also protect material that’s for surgery. Equal justice under law.

Surely you don’t view the Canon of Sacred Scripture as having the primary purpose of arguing against transgender surgery, do you?

The bible is not literature against transgender surgery, it is literature espousing the love and mercy of God…they only way one could consider it’s primary message is against transgenderism has never gotten beyond the Torah.

We don’t kill adulterers, those breaking the Sabbath, and the host of other crimes calling for execution of violators of laws prescribed in the Old Testament. Instead we pray for them, and correct them fraternally.
I am not saying that.

I agree to the assertion that it is a stretch for this to apply to the Bible

However, for a state legislature to prohibit any literature, whether it promotes or detracts from transgenderism, is against the 1A of the CotUS
However, for a state legislature to prohibit any literature, whether it promotes or detracts from transgenderism, is against the 1A of the CotUS
Read the definition of “goods”…it does not target “literature”.
People, maybe verify the story before you freak out. This is nonsense pushed by shady online “news” outlets.
At least the bible being banned.

Other infringments on the 1A still remain to be seen
It just drives me nuts. This is transparently an attempt to get people all riled up going “ah, those evil California liberals!”

This is like the news equivalent of an email from a “Nigerian prince” asking if he can deposit $10 billion in your account. And yet people still fall for it. It’s amazing
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That’s why it’s on us as consumers to use some common sense and think for a second before we angrily forward it to everyone
Paranoid, I guess. A mischarecterization of my thoughts, IMO.

How do I appear to be angered or shortsighted in my comment?
The fact that so many people here and in the general public jumped on this fake story and never considered the obvious, that it was totally fake, is what frightens me about this country.
Most of us knew this was fake upon reading the headline. How silly and childish to believe that a state legislature would obviously violate the constitution by banning a book like the bible.
Think critically.
legislature would obviously violate the constitution by banning a book like the bible.
It’s the language in the book.

Alberta School Division Bans “Offensive” Bible Verses

The Battle River School Division, a school division in the western province of Alberta, has ordered Cornerstone Christian Academy “to refrain from reading or studying ‘any scripture that could be considered offensive to particular individuals.’” One chair member claims that “human rights legislation prevents religious schools from teaching what a child, or a parent, might find ‘offensive.’”

However, according to the justice center representing the school, two of the civil and human rights documents Canada has signed state that governments must respect a parent’s right “to ensure the religious and moral education of their children in conformity with their own convictions” and that “Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.” Therefore, shouldn’t parents have the right to choose a Christian education for their children that uses God’s Word—all of it—as the basis for their thinking?

I Don’t Like This Verse . . . Or This One . . . Or This One

There are significant problems with telling a school they can’t use certain Bible verses.

The school division now becomes the authority on which parts of God’s Word can and can’t be used.
Anything in the Bible could be considered “offensive” to somebody, so you would have to throw the whole Bible out. For example, children might find Ephesians 6:1 offensive, an evolutionist might find Genesis 1:1 offensive, and an atheist might find Psalm 14:1 offensive. Indeed the Bible itself says the Christian message is offensive (1 Peter 2:8).

Not allowing a Christian school to base its handbook on biblical teaching takes away from their distinctiveness as a Christian school. Suddenly they are using secular ideas to frame their thinking instead of biblical ones—how does that make them a Christian school?

The school division is taking away the right for parents to choose a wholly Christian education for their children. Parents put their children in a Christian school because they want their children to learn biblical principles, not because they want their children to learn secular ones! If they wanted a secular education, they can send their child to any public school.

Ignore Scripture Because of “Today’s Legislation and Sensitive Environment”

The school district pointed to two verses in the school’s student handbook that were deemed “offensive”:

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. (1 Corinthians 6:9–11)
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This is like the news equivalent of an email from a “Nigerian prince” asking if he can deposit $10 billion in your account. And yet people still fall for it. It’s amazing
Well, it’s so much easier than actually reading the bill to find out what it says. That’s no fun.
A question. If the bill does not specifically ban the bible, yet states that speech attacking the rights of the LBGQT (or whatever the initials are today) crowd is actionable, Does it provide a basis for future legal actions against churches for their POV based on scriptural reference from the bible? Possibly the first step down that slippery slope.
Just askin’
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